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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim8
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function fn.string
import { fn } from "";
const { string } = fn;

Return {expr} converted to a String. If {expr} is a Number, Float, String, Blob or a composition of them, then the result can be parsed back with |eval()|. {expr} type result ~ String 'string' (single quotes are doubled) Number 123 Float 123.123456 or 1.123456e8 Funcref function('name') Blob 0z00112233.44556677.8899 List [item, item] Dictionary {key: value, key: value} When a List or Dictionary has a recursive reference it is replaced by "[...]" or "{...}". Using eval() on the result will then fail. Can also be used as a |method|: mylist->string() Also see |strtrans()|.


denops: Denops
expr: unknown

