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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim
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function fn.maparg
import { fn } from "";
const { maparg } = fn;

When {dict} is omitted or zero: Return the rhs of mapping {name} in mode {mode}. The returned String has special characters translated like in the output of the ":map" command listing. When {dict} is TRUE a dictionary is returned, see below. To get a list of all mappings see maplist().

When there is no mapping for {name}, an empty String is returned if {dict} is FALSE, otherwise returns an empty Dict. When the mapping for {name} is empty, then "<Nop>" is returned.

The {name} can have special key names, like in the ":map" command.

{mode} can be one of these strings: "n" Normal "v" Visual (including Select) "o" Operator-pending "i" Insert "c" Cmd-line "s" Select "x" Visual "l" langmap language-mapping "t" Terminal-Job "" Normal, Visual and Operator-pending When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.

When {abbr} is there and it is TRUE use abbreviations instead of mappings.

When {dict} is there and it is TRUE return a dictionary containing all the information of the mapping with the following items: "lhs" The {lhs} of the mapping as it would be typed "lhsraw" The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes "lhsrawalt" The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes, alternate form, only present when it differs from "lhsraw" "rhs" The {rhs} of the mapping as typed. "silent" 1 for a :map-silent mapping, else 0. "noremap" 1 if the {rhs} of the mapping is not remappable. "script" 1 if mapping was defined with <script>. "expr" 1 for an expression mapping (:map-<expr>). "buffer" 1 for a buffer local mapping (:map-local). "mode" Modes for which the mapping is defined. In addition to the modes mentioned above, these characters will be used: " " Normal, Visual and Operator-pending "!" Insert and Commandline mode (mapmode-ic) "sid" The script local ID, used for <sid> mappings (<SID>). Negative for special contexts. "scriptversion" The version of the script. 999999 for Vim9 script. "lnum" The line number in "sid", zero if unknown. "nowait" Do not wait for other, longer mappings. (:map-<nowait>). "abbr" True if this is an abbreviation abbreviations. "mode_bits" Vim's internal binary representation of "mode". mapset() ignores this; only "mode" is used. See maplist() for usage examples. The values are from src/vim.h and may change in the future.

The dictionary can be used to restore a mapping with mapset().

The mappings local to the current buffer are checked first, then the global mappings. This function can be used to map a key even when it's already mapped, and have it do the original mapping too. Sketch:

exe 'nnoremap <Tab> ==' .. maparg('<Tab>', 'n')

Can also be used as a method:



denops: Denops
name: unknown
mode: unknown
abbr: unknown
dict: unknown


Promise<string | Record<string, unknown>>