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function fn.menu_info
import { fn } from "";
const { menu_info } = fn;

Return information about the specified menu {name} in mode {mode}. The menu name should be specified without the shortcut character ('&'). If {name} is "", then the top-level menu names are returned.

{mode} can be one of these strings: "n" Normal "v" Visual (including Select) "o" Operator-pending "i" Insert "c" Cmd-line "s" Select "x" Visual "t" Terminal-Job "" Normal, Visual and Operator-pending "!" Insert and Cmd-line When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.

Returns a Dictionary containing the following items: accel menu item accelerator text menu-text display display name (name without '&') enabled v:true if this menu item is enabled Refer to :menu-enable icon name of the icon file (for toolbar) toolbar-icon iconidx index of a built-in icon modes modes for which the menu is defined. In addition to the modes mentioned above, these characters will be used: " " Normal, Visual and Operator-pending name menu item name. noremenu v:true if the {rhs} of the menu item is not remappable else v:false. priority menu order priority menu-priority rhs right-hand-side of the menu item. The returned string has special characters translated like in the output of the ":menu" command listing. When the {rhs} of a menu item is empty, then "<Nop>" is returned. script v:true if script-local remapping of {rhs} is allowed else v:false. See :menu-script. shortcut shortcut key (character after '&' in the menu name) menu-shortcut silent v:true if the menu item is created with <silent> argument :menu-silent submenus List containing the names of all the submenus. Present only if the menu item has submenus.

Returns an empty dictionary if the menu item is not found.


:echo menu_info('Edit.Cut')
:echo menu_info('File.Save', 'n')

" Display the entire menu hierarchy in a buffer
func ShowMenu(name, pfx)
  let m = menu_info(a:name)
  call append(line('$'), a:pfx .. m.display)
  for child in m->get('submenus', [])
    call ShowMenu(a:name .. '.' .. escape(child, '.'),
                                \ a:pfx .. '    ')
for topmenu in menu_info('').submenus
  call ShowMenu(topmenu, '')

Can also be used as a method:



denops: Denops
name: unknown
mode: unknown


Promise<Record<string, unknown>>