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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim
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function fn.searchcount
import { fn } from "";
const { searchcount } = fn;

Get or update the last search count, like what is displayed without the "S" flag in 'shortmess'. This works even if 'shortmess' does contain the "S" flag.

This returns a Dictionary. The dictionary is empty if the previous pattern was not set and "pattern" was not specified.

key type meaning current Number current position of match; 0 if the cursor position is before the first match exact_match Boolean 1 if "current" is matched on "pos", otherwise 0 total Number total count of matches found incomplete Number 0: search was fully completed 1: recomputing was timed out 2: max count exceeded

For {options} see further down.

To get the last search count when n or N was pressed, call this function with recompute: 0 . This sometimes returns wrong information because n and N's maximum count is 99. If it exceeded 99 the result must be max count + 1 (100). If you want to get correct information, specify recompute: 1:

" result == maxcount + 1 (100) when many matches
let result = searchcount(#{recompute: 0})

" Below returns correct result (recompute defaults
" to 1)
let result = searchcount()

The function is useful to add the count to 'statusline':

function! LastSearchCount() abort
  let result = searchcount(#{recompute: 0})
  if empty(result)
    return ''
  if result.incomplete ==# 1     " timed out
    return printf(' /%s [?/??]', @/)
  elseif result.incomplete ==# 2 " max count exceeded
    if > result.maxcount &&
    \  result.current > result.maxcount
      return printf(' /%s [>%d/>%d]', @/,
      \             result.current,
    elseif > result.maxcount
      return printf(' /%s [%d/>%d]', @/,
      \             result.current,
  return printf(' /%s [%d/%d]', @/,
  \             result.current,
let &statusline ..= '%{LastSearchCount()}'

" Or if you want to show the count only when
" 'hlsearch' was on
" let &statusline ..=
" \   '%{v:hlsearch ? LastSearchCount() : ""}'

You can also update the search count, which can be useful in a CursorMoved or CursorMovedI autocommand:

autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI *
  \ let s:searchcount_timer = timer_start(
  \   200, function('s:update_searchcount'))
function! s:update_searchcount(timer) abort
  if a:timer ==# s:searchcount_timer
    call searchcount(#{
    \ recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, timeout: 100})

This can also be used to count matched texts with specified pattern in the current buffer using "pattern":

" Count '\<foo\>' in this buffer
" (Note that it also updates search count)
let result = searchcount(#{pattern: '\<foo\>'})

" To restore old search count by old pattern,
" search again
call searchcount()

{options} must be a Dictionary. It can contain: key type meaning recompute Boolean if TRUE, recompute the count like n or N was executed. otherwise returns the last computed result (when n or N was used when "S" is not in 'shortmess', or this function was called). (default: TRUE) pattern String recompute if this was given and different with @/. this works as same as the below command is executed before calling this function

                                let @/ = pattern

                            (default: `@/`)

timeout Number 0 or negative number is no timeout. timeout milliseconds for recomputing the result (default: 0) maxcount Number 0 or negative number is no limit. max count of matched text while recomputing the result. if search exceeded total count, "total" value becomes maxcount + 1 (default: 99) pos List [lnum, col, off] value when recomputing the result. this changes "current" result value. see cursor(), getpos() (default: cursor's position)

Can also be used as a method:



denops: Denops
options: unknown


Promise<Record<string, unknown>>