import { fn } from "";
const { setcharsearch } = fn;
Set the current character search information to {dict}, which contains one or more of the following entries:
char character which will be used for a subsequent
`,` or `;` command; an empty string clears the
character search
forward direction of character search; 1 for forward,
0 for backward
until type of character search; 1 for a `t` or `T`
character search, 0 for an `f` or `F`
character search
This can be useful to save/restore a user's character search from a script:
:let prevsearch = getcharsearch()
:" Perform a command which clobbers user's search
:call setcharsearch(prevsearch)
Also see getcharsearch()
Can also be used as a method
denops: Denops