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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim
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variable op.listchars
import { op } from "";
const { listchars } = op;

Strings to use in 'list' mode and for the :list command. It is a comma-separated list of string settings.

eol:c Character to show at the end of each line. When omitted, there is no extra character at the end of the line.

tab:xy[z] Two or three characters to be used to show a tab. The third character is optional.

tab:xy The 'x' is always used, then 'y' as many times as will fit. Thus "tab:>-" displays:


                tab:xyz       The 'z' is always used, then 'x' is prepended, and
                              then 'y' is used as many times as will fit.  Thus
                              "tab:<->" displays:

                              When "tab:" is omitted, a tab is shown as ^I.
                space:c       Character to show for a space.  When omitted, spaces
                              are left blank.
                              One or more characters to use cyclically to show for
                              multiple consecutive spaces.  Overrides the "space"
                              setting, except for single spaces.  When omitted, the
                              "space" setting is used.  For example,
                              `:set listchars=multispace:---+` shows ten consecutive
                              spaces as:
                                      ---+---+-- ~
                lead:c        Character to show for leading spaces.  When omitted,
                              leading spaces are blank.  Overrides the "space" and
                              "multispace" settings for leading spaces.  You can
                              combine it with "tab:", for example: >
                                      :set listchars+=tab:>-,lead:.

leadmultispace:c... Like the lcs-multispace value, but for leading spaces only. Also overrides lcs-lead for leading multiple spaces. :set listchars=leadmultispace:---+ shows ten consecutive leading spaces as: ---+---+--XXX Where "XXX" denotes the first non-blank characters in the line.

trail:c Character to show for trailing spaces. When omitted, trailing spaces are blank. Overrides the "space" and "multispace" settings for trailing spaces.

extends:c Character to show in the last column, when 'wrap' is off and the line continues beyond the right of the screen.

precedes:c Character to show in the first visible column of the physical line, when there is text preceding the character visible in the first column.

conceal:c Character to show in place of concealed text, when 'conceallevel' is set to 1.

nbsp:c Character to show for a non-breakable space character (0xA0 (160 decimal) and U+202F). Left blank when omitted.

The characters ':' and ',' should not be used. UTF-8 characters can be used when 'encoding' is "utf-8", otherwise only printable characters are allowed. All characters must be single width.

Each character can be specified as hex:

set listchars=eol:\\x24
set listchars=eol:\\u21b5
set listchars=eol:\\U000021b5

Note that a double backslash is used. The number of hex characters must be exactly 2 for \x, 4 for \u and 8 for \U.


:set lcs=tab:>-,trail:-
:set lcs=tab:>-,eol:<,nbsp:%
:set lcs=extends:>,precedes:<

The "NonText" highlighting will be used for "eol", "extends" and "precedes". "SpecialKey" will be used for "tab", "nbsp", "space", "multispace", "lead" and "trail". hl-NonText hl-SpecialKey

(default "eol:$")

