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Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim
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variable op.iminsert
import { op } from "";
const { iminsert } = op;

Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used in Insert mode. Valid values: 0 :lmap is off and IM is off 1 :lmap is ON and IM is off 2 :lmap is off and IM is ON To always reset the option to zero when leaving Insert mode with <Esc> this can be used:

:inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set iminsert=0<CR>

This makes :lmap and IM turn off automatically when leaving Insert mode. Note that this option changes when using CTRL-^ in Insert mode i_CTRL-^. The value is set to 1 when setting 'keymap' to a valid keymap name. It is also used for the argument of commands like "r" and "f". The value 0 may not work correctly with Motif with some XIM methods. Use 'imdisable' to disable XIM then.

You can set 'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' to handle IME/XIM via external command if Vim is not compiled with the +xim, +multi_byte_ime or global-ime.

(default 0)

