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Debugging utility for deno. Ported from
const { noColor } = Deno;import { ms } from "";import format from "./format.ts";import { coerce, regexpToNamespace, selectColor } from "./utils.ts";
const DEBUG = { debug: "",};
interface DebugInstance { (log: string | Error, ...args: any[]): void; namespace: string; enabled: boolean; color: number; destroy: () => boolean; extend: (namespace: string, delimiter?: string) => DebugInstance; log?: Function;}
interface DebugModule { (namespace: string): DebugInstance; enable: (namespaces: any) => void; disable: () => string; enabled: (namespace: string) => boolean; names: RegExp[]; skips: RegExp[]; formatters: Formatters; log: Function;}
interface Formatters { [key: string]: (value: any) => string;}
/** * Active `debug` instances. */let instances: DebugInstance[] = [];
/** * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. */let names: RegExp[] = [];let skips: RegExp[] = [];
/** * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. * * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". */let formatters: Formatters = {};
/** * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. */function createDebug(namespace: string): DebugInstance { let prevTime: number;
let debug: DebugInstance;
// @ts-ignore-next-line debug = function (log: string | Error, ...args: any[]) { // Skip if debugger is disabled if (!debug.enabled) { return; }
const self = debug;
log = coerce(log);
if (typeof log !== "string") { // Anything else let's inspect with %O args.unshift(log); log = "%O"; }
// Set `diff` timestamp const currTime = Number(; // Difference in miliseconds const diff = currTime - (prevTime || currTime); prevTime = currTime;
// Apply all custom formatters to our arguments const customFormattedArgs =, log, ...args); const { namespace, color } = self;
// Format the string before logging const formattedArgs = formatArgs( { namespace, color, diff }, customFormattedArgs, );
// Use a custom logger if defined // If not, we use the default logger const logFn = self.log || debugModule.log;
// Finally, log logFn.apply(self, formattedArgs); return; };
debug.namespace = namespace; debug.color = selectColor(namespace); debug.enabled = enabled(namespace); debug.destroy = destroy; debug.extend = extend;
return debug;}
function destroy(this: DebugInstance) { if (instances.includes(this)) { this.enabled = false; instances = instances.filter((instance) => instance !== this); return true; } return false;}
/** * const server = debug('server'); * const serverHttp = server.extend('http') // server:http * const serverHttpReq = serverHttp.extend('req', '-') // server:http-req */function extend( this: DebugInstance, subNamespace: string, delimiter: string = ":",) { const newNamespace = `${this.namespace}${delimiter}${subNamespace}`; const newDebug = createDebug(newNamespace); // Pass down the custom logger newDebug.log = this.log; return newDebug;}
function applyFormatters(this: DebugInstance, fmt: string, ...args: any[]) { let index = 0; const newFmt = fmt.replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { // If we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index if (match === "%%") { return match; }
const formatter = formatters[format];
if (typeof formatter === "function") { const value = args[index]; // Remove the argument we used in the custom formatter args = [...args.slice(0, index), ...args.slice(index + 1)]; return, value); }
index++; return match; });
// Return the update fmt string and updated args return [newFmt, ...args];}
/** * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. */export function enabled(namespace: string): boolean { if (namespace[namespace.length - 1] === "*") { return true; }
for (const skip of skips) { if (skip.test(namespace)) { return false; } } for (const name of names) { if (name.test(namespace)) { return true; } }
return false;}
/** * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes * separated by a colon and wildcards. */export function enable(namespaces: any) { updateNamespacesEnv(namespaces);
// Resets enabled and disable namespaces names = []; skips = []; // Splits on comma // Loops through the passed namespaces // And groups them in enabled and disabled lists (typeof namespaces === "string" ? namespaces : "") .split(/[\s,]+/) // Ignore empty strings .filter(Boolean) .map((namespace) => namespace.replace(/\*/g, ".*?")) .forEach((ns) => { // If a namespace starts with `-`, we should disable that namespace if (ns[0] === "-") { skips.push(new RegExp("^" + ns.slice(1) + "$")); } else { names.push(new RegExp("^" + ns + "$")); } });
instances.forEach((instance) => { instance.enabled = enabled(instance.namespace); });}
interface FormatArgsOptions { namespace: string; color: number; diff: number;}
function formatArgs( { namespace, color, diff }: FormatArgsOptions, args: any[],): any[] { const colorCode = "\u001B[3" + (color < 8 ? color : "8;5;" + color); const prefix = noColor ? ` ${namespace} ` : ` ${colorCode};1m${namespace} \u001B[0m`; // Add a prefix on every line args[0] = args[0] .split("\n") .map((line: string) => `${prefix}${line}`) .join("\n");
const lastArg = noColor ? `+${ms(diff)}` : `${colorCode}m+${ms(diff)}${"\u001B[0m"}`;
return [...args, lastArg];}
/** * Disable debug output. */export function disable(): string { const namespaces = [, => `-${namespace}`), ].join(","); enable(""); return namespaces;}
/** * Save `namespaces` to env. */function updateNamespacesEnv(namespaces: string): void { if (namespaces) { DEBUG.debug = namespaces; } else { DEBUG.debug = ""; }}
// Default loggerfunction log(...args: any[]): void { const result = format(...args); console.log(result);}
// Exports
const debugModule: DebugModule = Object.assign(createDebug, { enable, disable, enabled, names, skips, formatters, log,});
// Enable namespaces passed from envtry { const setting = Deno.env.get("DEBUG"); if (setting) { DEBUG.debug = setting; }} catch (err) {}
export default debugModule;