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Deeply merge 2 or more objects respecting type information.
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{ "name": "deepmerge-ts", "version": "0.0.0-development", "description": "Deeply merge 2 or more objects respecting type information.", "keywords": [ "merge", "deepmerge", "deep merge", "deep-merge", "inferred types", "inferred-types", "recursive merge", "recursive-merge", "ts", "ts merge", "ts-merge", "typescript", "typescript merge", "typescript-merge" ], "homepage": "", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "author": { "name": "Rebecca Stevens", "email": "" }, "sideEffects": false, "type": "module", "exports": { "types": { "import": "./dist/node/types/current/index.d.mts", "require": "./dist/node/types/current/index.d.cts" }, "import": "./dist/node/index.mjs", "require": "./dist/node/index.cjs" }, "main": "dist/node/index.cjs", "module": "dist/node/index.mjs", "types": "dist/node/types/legacy/v4_0.d.ts", "typesVersions": { "<4.1": { "*": [ "dist/node/types/legacy/v4_0.d.ts" ] }, "<4.7": { "*": [ "dist/node/types/legacy/v4_6.d.ts" ] }, ">=4.7": { "*": [ "dist/node/types/current/index.d.mts" ] } }, "files": [ "dist/node/", "package.json", "", "LICENSE", "" ], "scripts": { "benchmark": "pnpm run build && pnpm run link & cd benchmark && pnpm run benchmark; cd ..", "build": "rimraf build && pnpm run build:node && pnpm run build:deno && rimraf build && if-env-defined CI || pnpm run build:assume-unchanged", "build:assume-unchanged": "cd dist; git update-index --assume-unchanged $(git ls-files | tr '\n' ' '); cd ..", "build:deno": "rimraf dist/deno && tsc -p && denoify", "build:node": "rimraf dist/node && rollup -c rollup.config.ts --configPlugin @rollup/plugin-typescript", "build:types": "rimraf types/current && BUILD_TYPES_ONLY=1 rollup -c rollup.config.ts --configPlugin @rollup/plugin-typescript", "cz": "git-cz", "lint": "pnpm run lint:js && pnpm run lint:md && pnpm run lint:prettier && pnpm run lint:knip && pnpm run lint:spelling", "lint:js": "eslint .", "lint:js-fix": "eslint . --fix", "lint:knip": "pnpm run lint:knip:development && pnpm run lint:knip:production", "lint:knip:development": "knip --exclude exports,types", "lint:knip:production": "knip --production --strict --exclude exports,types", "lint:md": "markdownlint \"**/*.md\" --config=.markdownlint.json --ignore-path=.markdownlintignore", "lint:prettier": "prettier \"**/*\" --ignore-unknown --list-different", "lint:prettier-fix": "prettier \"**/*\" --ignore-unknown --write", "lint:spelling": "cspell \"**\" \".github/**/*\"", "prepare": "husky install", "release": "semantic-release", "test": "pnpm run test:js && pnpm run test:types", "test:js": "c8 ava", "test:types": "pnpm run build:types && tsd -f 'tests/**/*.test-d.ts'", "type-check": "tsc --noEmit" }, "devDependencies": { "@commitlint/cli": "17.4.4", "@commitlint/config-conventional": "17.4.4", "@cspell/dict-cryptocurrencies": "3.0.1", "@rebeccastevens/eslint-config": "1.7.3", "@rollup/plugin-json": "6.0.0", "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "15.0.1", "@rollup/plugin-typescript": "11.0.0", "@semantic-release/changelog": "6.0.2", "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer": "9.0.2", "@semantic-release/git": "10.0.1", "@semantic-release/github": "8.0.7", "@semantic-release/npm": "9.0.2", "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator": "10.0.3", "@types/lodash": "4.14.191", "@types/node": "18.15.3", "@types/rollup-plugin-auto-external": "2.0.2", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.55.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.55.0", "ava": "5.2.0", "c8": "7.13.0", "commitizen": "4.3.0", "cspell": "6.30.2", "denoify": "1.5.1", "eslint": "8.36.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "8.7.0", "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "3.5.3", "eslint-plugin-ava": "14.0.0", "eslint-plugin-eslint-comments": "3.2.0", "eslint-plugin-functional": "5.0.6", "eslint-plugin-import": "2.27.5", "eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "40.1.0", "eslint-plugin-markdown": "3.0.0", "eslint-plugin-n": "15.7.0", "eslint-plugin-optimize-regex": "1.2.1", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "4.2.1", "eslint-plugin-promise": "6.1.1", "eslint-plugin-sonarjs": "0.18.0", "eslint-plugin-unicorn": "46.0.0", "husky": "8.0.3", "if-env-defined": "1.0.0", "knip": "2.0.0-beta.0", "lint-staged": "13.2.0", "lodash": "4.17.21", "markdownlint-cli": "0.33.0", "prettier": "2.8.4", "prettier-plugin-packagejson": "2.4.3", "rimraf": "4.4.0", "rollup": "3.19.1", "rollup-plugin-auto-external": "2.0.0", "rollup-plugin-copy": "3.4.0", "rollup-plugin-dts": "5.3.0", "semantic-release": "20.1.3", "ts-node": "10.9.1", "ts-paths-esm-loader": "^1.4.1", "tsconfig-paths": "^4.1.2", "tsd": "0.28.0", "tslib": "2.5.0", "typescript": "5.0.2" }, "packageManager": "pnpm@7.30.0", "engines": { "node": ">=16.0.0" }, "denoify": { "out": "dist/deno", "index": "src/index.ts" }}