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A better deno cli :p A wrapper of deno cli to give some extra features.

den give the possibility to create a deno.json file and execute some pre-defined commands.

    "cmds": {
        "multi": ["ls", "pwd"],
        "my-ls": "ls",
        "start": "deno run --allow-read --allow-net your_script.ts"

Then run:

  • den cmd to get the list of commands
  • den cmd my-ls or den my-ls to execute the command
  • den cmd my-ls -l or den my-ls -l to execute the command with extra params

If the command is an array of command it will run each of them one after the other and add the extra params to each of them, so if you run den multi --help, it will execute ls --help and pwd --help.

All the commands from deno are also available, e.g.:

  • den run your_script.ts
  • den --help
  • den eval "console.log(30933 + 404)"


Use deno installer:

deno install -f --allow-run --allow-read

To upgrade run den den upgrade.