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Compile your Deno project to run on Node.js.
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --no-check --allow-read --allow-write='.'const shimFile = "// See";const gitignore = "/lib/\n/node_modules/\n/src/vendor/";
async function download(url: URL, target: string) { const response = await fetch(url); await Deno.writeTextFile(target, await response.text());}
export async function getVersion(): Promise<string> { const packageUrl = new URL("../package.json", import.meta.url); const response = await fetch(packageUrl); const { version } = await response.json(); return version;}
async function createPackageJson() { const pkg = { "type": "module", "version": "0.0.0", "exports": "./lib/mod.js", "typings": "./lib/mod.d.ts", "files": [ "src/**/*.ts", "lib/", "!*/vendor/**/*.ts*", ], "scripts": { "prepare": "deno2node --project tsconfig.json", "clean": "git clean -fXde !node_modules/", "fmt": "deno fmt", "lint": "deno lint", }, "devDependencies": { "deno2node": `~${await getVersion()}`, }, }; await Deno.writeTextFile("package.json", JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2));}
export async function initializeProject() { const denoJsonUrl = new URL("../deno.json", import.meta.url); const tsconfigUrl = new URL("../tsconfig.json", import.meta.url); await Deno.mkdir("src/"); await Promise.all([ createPackageJson(), download(denoJsonUrl, "deno.json"), download(tsconfigUrl, "tsconfig.json"), Deno.writeTextFile(".gitignore", gitignore), Deno.writeTextFile("src/shim.node.ts", shimFile), ]);}
// @ts-ignore not available on Node.js: (import.meta.main) { await initializeProject();}