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A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
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# Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import("//build/toolchain/cc_wrapper.gni")import("//third_party/v8/gni/v8.gni")import("//third_party/v8/snapshot_toolchain.gni")import("//build_extra/flatbuffers/flatbuffer.gni")import("//build_extra/flatbuffers/rust/rust_flatbuffer.gni")import("//build_extra/deno.gni")import("//build_extra/rust/rust.gni")import("//build_extra/toolchain/validate.gni")
group("default") { testonly = true deps = [ ":deno", ":deno_ns", ":test_cc", ":test_rs", ]}
config("deno_config") { include_dirs = [ "third_party/v8" ] # This allows us to v8/src/base/ libraries. configs = [ "third_party/v8:external_config" ] if (is_debug) { defines = [ "DEBUG" ] } # Targets built with the `rust_executable()` template automatically pick up # these dependencies, but those built with `executable()` need them when they # have Rust inputs. Currently, there's only one such target, `test_cc`. if (is_mac) { libs = [ "resolv" ] } if (is_win) { libs = [ "userenv.lib" ] }}
main_extern = [ "$rust_build:hyper", "$rust_build:hyper_rustls", "$rust_build:futures", "$rust_build:libc", "$rust_build:log", "$rust_build:ring", "$rust_build:tempfile", "$rust_build:rand", "$rust_build:tokio", "$rust_build:url", "//build_extra/flatbuffers/rust:flatbuffers", ":msg_rs",]
rust_executable("deno") { source_root = "src/" extern = main_extern deps = [ ":libdeno", ]}
# This target is for fast incremental development.# When modifying the javascript runtime, this target will not go through the# extra process of building a snapshot and instead load the bundle from disk.# ns = no snapshotrust_executable("deno_ns") { source_root = "src/" extern = main_extern deps = [ ":libdeno_nosnapshot", ]}
rust_test("test_rs") { source_root = "src/" extern = main_extern deps = [ ":libdeno", ]}
v8_executable("test_cc") { testonly = true sources = [ "libdeno/", ] deps = [ ":deno_base_test", "//testing/gtest:gtest", ] configs = [ ":deno_config" ]}
static_library("libdeno") { complete_static_lib = true sources = [ "libdeno/", ] inputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/snapshot_deno.bin", ] deps = [ ":create_snapshot_deno", ":deno_bindings", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] # uses an assembly '.incbin' directive to embed the snapshot. # This causes trouble when using sccache: since the snapshot file is not # inlined by the c preprocessor, sccache doesn't take its contents into # consideration, leading to false-positive cache hits. # Maybe other caching tools have this issue too, but ccache is unaffected. # Therefore, if a cc_wrapper is used that isn't ccache, include a generated # header file that contains the the sha256 hash of the snapshot. if (cc_wrapper != "" && cc_wrapper != "ccache") { hash_h = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/hash.h" inputs += [ hash_h ] deps += [ ":bundle_hash_h" ] if (is_win) { cflags = [ "/FI" + rebase_path(hash_h, target_out_dir) ] } else { cflags = [ "-include", rebase_path(hash_h, target_out_dir), ] } }}
# Only functionality needed for libdeno_test and snapshot_creator# In particular no flatbuffers, no assets, no rust, no msg handlers.# Because snapshots are slow, it's important that snapshot_creator's# dependencies are minimal.v8_source_set("deno_base") { sources = [ "libdeno/", "libdeno/deno.h", "libdeno/", "libdeno/file_util.h", "libdeno/internal.h", ] public_deps = [ "third_party/v8:v8_monolith", ] configs = [ ":deno_config" ]}
v8_source_set("deno_base_test") { testonly = true sources = [ "libdeno/", "libdeno/", "libdeno/", ] inputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/snapshot_libdeno_test.bin", ] deps = [ ":create_snapshot_libdeno_test", ":deno_base", "//testing/gtest:gtest", ] defines = [ "LIBDENO_TEST" ] configs = [ ":deno_config" ]}
v8_source_set("deno_bindings") { deps = [ ":deno_base", ] configs = [ ":deno_config" ]}
executable("snapshot_creator") { sources = [ "libdeno/", ] deps = [ ":deno_base", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ]}
# Generates type declarations for files that need to be included# in the runtime bundlerun_node("gen_declarations") { out_dir = target_gen_dir sources = [ "js/compiler.ts", "js/console.ts", "js/deno.ts", "js/globals.ts", "js/os.ts", "js/timers.ts", "js/tsconfig.generated.json", "js/util.ts", ] outputs = [ out_dir + "/js/compiler.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/console.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/deno.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/globals.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/os.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/timers.d.ts", out_dir + "/js/util.d.ts", ] deps = [ ":msg_ts", ] args = [ "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc", "-p", rebase_path("js/tsconfig.generated.json", root_build_dir), "--baseUrl", rebase_path(root_build_dir, root_build_dir), "--outDir", rebase_path(out_dir, root_build_dir), ]}
run_node("bundle") { out_dir = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/" sources = [ "js/assets.ts", "js/compiler.ts", "js/console.ts", "js/fetch.ts", "js/fetch_types.d.ts", "js/globals.ts", "js/lib.globals.d.ts", "js/main.ts", "js/os.ts", "js/plugins.d.ts", "js/text_encoding.ts", "js/timers.ts", "js/types.d.ts", "js/util.ts", "js/v8_source_maps.ts", "rollup.config.js", "src/msg.fbs", "tsconfig.json", ] outputs = [ out_dir + "main.js", out_dir + "", ] deps = [ ":gen_declarations", ":msg_ts", ] args = [ "./node_modules/rollup/bin/rollup", "-c", rebase_path("rollup.config.js", root_build_dir), "-i", rebase_path("js/main.ts", root_build_dir), "-o", rebase_path(out_dir + "main.js", root_build_dir), "--sourcemapFile", rebase_path("."), "--silent", "--environment", "BASEPATH:" + rebase_path(".", root_build_dir), ]}
action("bundle_hash_h") { script = "//tools/" inputs = get_target_outputs(":bundle") outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/bundle/hash.h", ] deps = [ ":bundle", ] args = [ "--format", "__attribute__((__unused__)) static const int dummy_%s = 0;", "--outfile", rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir), ] foreach(input, inputs) { args += [ "--infile", rebase_path(input, root_build_dir), ] }}
source_set("libdeno_nosnapshot") { bundle_outputs = get_target_outputs(":bundle") bundle_location = rebase_path(bundle_outputs[0], root_build_dir) bundle_map_location = rebase_path(bundle_outputs[1], root_build_dir) inputs = bundle_outputs sources = [ "libdeno/", ] deps = [ ":bundle", ":deno_bindings", ] configs += [ ":deno_config" ] defines = [ "BUNDLE_LOCATION=\"$bundle_location\"", "BUNDLE_MAP_LOCATION=\"$bundle_map_location\"", ]}
ts_flatbuffer("msg_ts") { sources = [ "src/msg.fbs", ]}
rust_flatbuffer("msg_rs") { sources = [ "src/msg.fbs", ]}
# Generates $target_gen_dir/snapshot_deno.bincreate_snapshot("deno") { js = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/main.js" source_map = "$target_gen_dir/bundle/" deps = [ ":bundle", ]}
# Generates $target_gen_dir/snapshot_libdeno_test.bincreate_snapshot("libdeno_test") { testonly = true js = "libdeno/libdeno_test.js"}