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# Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.sudo: falselanguage: c++git: depth: 1env: global: - RUST_VERSION=1.36.0 - CARGO_HOME=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/third_party/rust_crates/ - RUSTUP_HOME=$HOME/.rustup/ - RUST_BACKTRACE=full - CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$HOME/target - PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin:$CARGO_HOME/bin:$PATH - PYTHONPATH=third_party/python_packages - RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache - SCCACHE_BUCKET=deno-sccache - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIAIVRN52PLDBP55LBQ # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... - secure: "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"cache: directories: - "$RUSTUP_HOME" - $CARGO_HOME/registry/index/ - $CARGO_HOME/registry/cache/ - prebuilt/mac - prebuilt/linux64 - third_party/v8/build/linux/debian_sid_amd64-sysroot/ - third_party/v8/buildtools/mac/ - third_party/v8/buildtools/linux64/ - third_party/v8/third_party/llvm-build/
install:# Because prebuilt/ is cached, we need to manually reset changes that might# happen to the sha1 files here.- git checkout -- prebuilt- nvm install v12- nvm use --delete-prefix v12- node -v- |- # Install Rust. if [ ! $(rustc --version | grep $RUST_VERSION) ]; then curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y \ --default-toolchain $RUST_VERSION rustup default $RUST_VERSION rustup component add clippy fi rustc --version cargo --version- |- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export PATH="`pwd`/prebuilt/mac:$PATH" else export PATH="`pwd`/prebuilt/linux64:$PATH" fi- |- # Remove unnnecessary cargo and rustup directories. # This keeps the Travis CI cache small and fast. rm -rf "$RUSTUP_HOME"downloads rm -rf "$RUSTUP_HOME"tmp rm -rf "$RUSTUP_HOME"toolchains/*/etc rm -rf "$RUSTUP_HOME"toolchains/*/share
before_script:- ./tools/ Start sccache, then throw away the S3 access key.- |- sccache --start-server unset AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY- set -e
# Default script for release builds.script:- ./tools/ ./tools/ ./tools/ -C target/release- DENO_BUILD_MODE=release ./tools/
jobs: fast_finish: true include: - name: "gn release mac x86_64" os: osx after_success: - &gzip_release gzip -c target/release/deno > target/release/deno_${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}_x64.gz deploy: - &release_provider provider: releases api_key: &github-token secure: 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 file: "target/release/deno_${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}_x64.gz" on: tags: true repo: denoland/deno skip-cleanup: true
- name: "gn release linux x86_64" os: linux after_success: - *gzip_release - ./tools/ target/release && cp -r website/* gh-pages/ deploy: - *release_provider # Run benchmarks and publish the result to github pages. - provider: pages github-token: *github-token keep-history: true local-dir: gh-pages on: branch: master repo: denoland/deno skip-cleanup: true
- name: "cargo release linux x86_64" os: linux script: - ./tools/ - ./tools/ - cargo build -vv --release --locked - cargo clippy --all-targets --release --locked -- -D clippy::all
# LSAN: We are in the process of getting a completely clean LSAN build, # but it will take some work. So for now we just run a subset of the # tests. We want to detect leaks during the build process as well as # when executing the tests. So set the ASAN_OPTIONS env var before # is run. - name: "asan/lsan linux" os: linux script: - ./tools/ - ./tools/ - echo is_asan=true >> target/debug/ - echo is_lsan=true >> target/debug/ # TODO(ry) sccache doesn't support "-Xclang -fdebug-compilation-dir" # Which is enabled for ASAN builds if symbol_level != 0. # # Ideally we can remove this constraint in the future. - echo symbol_level=0 >> target/debug/ # Call gn gen again to make sure new args are recognized. - third_party/depot_tools/gn gen target/debug - export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 - ./tools/ libdeno_test - ./target/debug/libdeno_test