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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use deno_core::url::Url;use std::net::IpAddr;use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]pub struct ParsePortError(String);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]pub struct BarePort(u16);
impl FromStr for BarePort { type Err = ParsePortError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<BarePort, ParsePortError> { if s.starts_with(':') { match s.split_at(1).1.parse::<u16>() { Ok(port) => Ok(BarePort(port)), Err(e) => Err(ParsePortError(e.to_string())), } } else { Err(ParsePortError( "Bare Port doesn't start with ':'".to_string(), )) } }}
pub fn validator(host_and_port: String) -> Result<(), String> { if Url::parse(&format!("deno://{}", host_and_port)).is_ok() || host_and_port.parse::<IpAddr>().is_ok() || host_and_port.parse::<BarePort>().is_ok() { Ok(()) } else { Err(format!("Bad host:port pair: {}", host_and_port)) }}
/// Expands "bare port" paths (eg. ":8080") into full paths with hosts. It/// expands to such paths into 3 paths with following hosts: ``,/// `` and `localhost:port`.pub fn parse(paths: Vec<String>) -> clap::Result<Vec<String>> { let mut out: Vec<String> = vec![]; for host_and_port in paths.iter() { if Url::parse(&format!("deno://{}", host_and_port)).is_ok() || host_and_port.parse::<IpAddr>().is_ok() { out.push(host_and_port.to_owned()) } else if let Ok(port) = host_and_port.parse::<BarePort>() { // we got bare port, let's add default hosts for host in ["", "", "localhost"].iter() { out.push(format!("{}:{}", host, port.0)); } } else { return Err(clap::Error::with_description( &format!("Bad host:port pair: {}", host_and_port), clap::ErrorKind::InvalidValue, )); } } Ok(out)}
#[cfg(test)]mod bare_port_tests { use super::{BarePort, ParsePortError};
#[test] fn bare_port_parsed() { let expected = BarePort(8080); let actual = ":8080".parse::<BarePort>(); assert_eq!(actual, Ok(expected)); }
#[test] fn bare_port_parse_error1() { let expected = ParsePortError("Bare Port doesn't start with ':'".to_string()); let actual = "8080".parse::<BarePort>(); assert_eq!(actual, Err(expected)); }
#[test] fn bare_port_parse_error2() { let actual = ":65536".parse::<BarePort>(); assert!(actual.is_err()); }
#[test] fn bare_port_parse_error3() { let actual = ":14u16".parse::<BarePort>(); assert!(actual.is_err()); }
#[test] fn bare_port_parse_error4() { let actual = "Deno".parse::<BarePort>(); assert!(actual.is_err()); }
#[test] fn bare_port_parse_error5() { let actual = "".parse::<BarePort>(); assert!(actual.is_err()); }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::parse;
// Creates vector of strings, Vec<String> macro_rules! svec { ($($x:expr),*) => (vec![$($x.to_string()),*]); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_() { let entries = svec![ "", "", "::", "::1", "", "[::1]", "", "", "", "[::]:5678", "[::1]:5678", "localhost:5678", "[::1]:8080", "[::]:8000", "[::1]:8000", "localhost:8000", "", "", "999.0.88.1:80" ]; let expected = svec![ "", "", "::", "::1", "", "[::1]", "", "", "", "[::]:5678", "[::1]:5678", "localhost:5678", "[::1]:8080", "[::]:8000", "[::1]:8000", "localhost:8000", "", "", "999.0.88.1:80" ]; let actual = parse(entries).unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_expansion() { let entries = svec![":8080"]; let expected = svec!["", "", "localhost:8080"]; let actual = parse(entries).unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_ipv6() { let entries = svec!["::", "::1", "[::1]", "[::]:5678", "[::1]:5678", "::cafe"]; let expected = svec!["::", "::1", "[::1]", "[::]:5678", "[::1]:5678", "::cafe"]; let actual = parse(entries).unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_ipv6_error1() { let entries = svec![":::"]; assert!(parse(entries).is_err()); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_ipv6_error2() { let entries = svec!["0123:4567:890a:bcde:fg::"]; assert!(parse(entries).is_err()); }
#[test] fn parse_net_args_ipv6_error3() { let entries = svec!["[::q]:8080"]; assert!(parse(entries).is_err()); }}