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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use deno_runtime::colors;
use deno_core::serde::Deserialize;use deno_core::serde::Deserializer;use deno_core::serde::Serialize;use deno_core::serde::Serializer;use deno_graph::ModuleGraphError;use once_cell::sync::Lazy;use regex::Regex;use std::error::Error;use std::fmt;
const MAX_SOURCE_LINE_LENGTH: usize = 150;
const UNSTABLE_DENO_PROPS: &[&str] = &[ "BenchDefinition", "CompilerOptions", "CreateHttpClientOptions", "DatagramConn", "Diagnostic", "DiagnosticCategory", "DiagnosticItem", "DiagnosticMessageChain", "EmitOptions", "EmitResult", "HttpClient", "Location", "MXRecord", "Metrics", "OpMetrics", "RecordType", "SRVRecord", "SetRawOptions", "SignalStream", "StartTlsOptions", "SystemMemoryInfo", "UnixConnectOptions", "UnixListenOptions", "addSignalListener", "applySourceMap", "bench", "connect", "consoleSize", "createHttpClient", "emit", "formatDiagnostics", "futime", "futimeSync", "hostname", "kill", "listen", "listenDatagram", "loadavg", "dlopen", "osRelease", "ppid", "removeSignalListener", "setRaw", "shutdown", "Signal", "sleepSync", "startTls", "systemMemoryInfo", "umask", "utime", "utimeSync",];
static MSG_MISSING_PROPERTY_DENO: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| { Regex::new(r#"Property '([^']+)' does not exist on type 'typeof Deno'"#) .unwrap()});
static MSG_SUGGESTION: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r#" Did you mean '([^']+)'\?"#).unwrap());
/// Potentially convert a "raw" diagnostic message from TSC to something that/// provides a more sensible error message given a Deno runtime context.fn format_message(msg: &str, code: &u64) -> String { match code { 2339 => { if let Some(captures) = MSG_MISSING_PROPERTY_DENO.captures(msg) { if let Some(property) = captures.get(1) { if UNSTABLE_DENO_PROPS.contains(&property.as_str()) { return format!("{} 'Deno.{}' is an unstable API. Did you forget to run with the '--unstable' flag?", msg, property.as_str()); } } }
msg.to_string() } 2551 => { if let (Some(caps_property), Some(caps_suggestion)) = ( MSG_MISSING_PROPERTY_DENO.captures(msg), MSG_SUGGESTION.captures(msg), ) { if let (Some(property), Some(suggestion)) = (caps_property.get(1), caps_suggestion.get(1)) { if UNSTABLE_DENO_PROPS.contains(&property.as_str()) { return format!("{} 'Deno.{}' is an unstable API. Did you forget to run with the '--unstable' flag, or did you mean '{}'?", MSG_SUGGESTION.replace(msg, ""), property.as_str(), suggestion.as_str()); } } }
msg.to_string() } _ => msg.to_string(), }}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]pub enum DiagnosticCategory { Warning, Error, Suggestion, Message,}
impl fmt::Display for DiagnosticCategory { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match self { DiagnosticCategory::Warning => "WARN ", DiagnosticCategory::Error => "ERROR ", DiagnosticCategory::Suggestion => "", DiagnosticCategory::Message => "", } ) }}
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DiagnosticCategory { fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let s: i64 = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; Ok(DiagnosticCategory::from(s)) }}
impl Serialize for DiagnosticCategory { fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, { let value = match self { DiagnosticCategory::Warning => 0_i32, DiagnosticCategory::Error => 1_i32, DiagnosticCategory::Suggestion => 2_i32, DiagnosticCategory::Message => 3_i32, }; Serialize::serialize(&value, serializer) }}
impl From<i64> for DiagnosticCategory { fn from(value: i64) -> Self { match value { 0 => DiagnosticCategory::Warning, 1 => DiagnosticCategory::Error, 2 => DiagnosticCategory::Suggestion, 3 => DiagnosticCategory::Message, _ => panic!("Unknown value: {}", value), } }}
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct DiagnosticMessageChain { message_text: String, category: DiagnosticCategory, code: i64, next: Option<Vec<DiagnosticMessageChain>>,}
impl DiagnosticMessageChain { pub fn format_message(&self, level: usize) -> String { let mut s = String::new();
s.push_str(&" ".repeat(level * 2)); s.push_str(&self.message_text); if let Some(next) = & { s.push('\n'); let arr = next.clone(); for dm in arr { s.push_str(&dm.format_message(level + 1)); } }
s }}
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct Position { pub line: u64, pub character: u64,}
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]pub struct Diagnostic { pub category: DiagnosticCategory, pub code: u64, pub start: Option<Position>, pub end: Option<Position>, pub message_text: Option<String>, pub message_chain: Option<DiagnosticMessageChain>, pub source: Option<String>, pub source_line: Option<String>, pub file_name: Option<String>, pub related_information: Option<Vec<Diagnostic>>,}
impl Diagnostic { fn fmt_category_and_code(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let category = match self.category { DiagnosticCategory::Error => "ERROR", DiagnosticCategory::Warning => "WARN", _ => "", };
let code = if self.code >= 900001 { "".to_string() } else { colors::bold(format!("TS{} ", self.code)).to_string() };
if !category.is_empty() { write!(f, "{}[{}]: ", code, category) } else { Ok(()) } }
fn fmt_frame(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, level: usize) -> fmt::Result { if let (Some(file_name), Some(start)) = (self.file_name.as_ref(), self.start.as_ref()) { write!( f, "\n{:indent$} at {}:{}:{}", "", colors::cyan(file_name), colors::yellow(&(start.line + 1).to_string()), colors::yellow(&(start.character + 1).to_string()), indent = level ) } else { Ok(()) } }
fn fmt_message(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, level: usize) -> fmt::Result { if let Some(message_chain) = &self.message_chain { write!(f, "{}", message_chain.format_message(level)) } else { write!( f, "{:indent$}{}", "", format_message(&self.message_text.clone().unwrap(), &self.code), indent = level, ) } }
fn fmt_source_line( &self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, level: usize, ) -> fmt::Result { if let (Some(source_line), Some(start), Some(end)) = (&self.source_line, &self.start, &self.end) { if !source_line.is_empty() && source_line.len() <= MAX_SOURCE_LINE_LENGTH { write!(f, "\n{:indent$}{}", "", source_line, indent = level)?; let length = if start.line == end.line { end.character - start.character } else { 1 }; let mut s = String::new(); for i in 0..start.character { s.push(if source_line.chars().nth(i as usize).unwrap() == '\t' { '\t' } else { ' ' }); } // TypeScript always uses `~` when underlining, but v8 always uses `^`. // We will use `^` to indicate a single point, or `~` when spanning // multiple characters. let ch = if length > 1 { '~' } else { '^' }; for _i in 0..length { s.push(ch) } let underline = if self.is_error() { colors::red(&s).to_string() } else { colors::cyan(&s).to_string() }; write!(f, "\n{:indent$}{}", "", underline, indent = level)?; } }
Ok(()) }
fn fmt_related_information(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if let Some(related_information) = self.related_information.as_ref() { write!(f, "\n\n")?; for info in related_information { info.fmt_stack(f, 4)?; } }
Ok(()) }
fn fmt_stack(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, level: usize) -> fmt::Result { self.fmt_category_and_code(f)?; self.fmt_message(f, level)?; self.fmt_source_line(f, level)?; self.fmt_frame(f, level) }
fn is_error(&self) -> bool { self.category == DiagnosticCategory::Error }}
impl fmt::Display for Diagnostic { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.fmt_stack(f, 0)?; self.fmt_related_information(f) }}
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]pub struct Diagnostics(Vec<Diagnostic>);
impl Diagnostics { #[cfg(test)] pub fn new(diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>) -> Self { Diagnostics(diagnostics) }
pub fn extend_graph_errors(&mut self, errors: Vec<ModuleGraphError>) { self.0.extend(errors.into_iter().map(|err| Diagnostic { category: DiagnosticCategory::Error, code: 900001, start: None, end: None, message_text: Some(err.to_string()), message_chain: None, source: None, source_line: None, file_name: Some(err.specifier().to_string()), related_information: None, })); }
/// Return a set of diagnostics where only the values where the predicate /// returns `true` are included. pub fn filter<P>(&self, predicate: P) -> Self where P: FnMut(&Diagnostic) -> bool, { let diagnostics = self.0.clone().into_iter().filter(predicate).collect(); Self(diagnostics) }
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() }}
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Diagnostics { fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let items: Vec<Diagnostic> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; Ok(Diagnostics(items)) }}
impl Serialize for Diagnostics { fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, { Serialize::serialize(&self.0, serializer) }}
impl fmt::Display for Diagnostics { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let mut i = 0; for item in &self.0 { if i > 0 { write!(f, "\n\n")?; } write!(f, "{}", item)?; i += 1; }
if i > 1 { write!(f, "\n\nFound {} errors.", i)?; }
Ok(()) }}
impl Error for Diagnostics {}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use test_util::strip_ansi_codes;
#[test] fn test_de_diagnostics() { let value = json!([ { "messageText": "Unknown compiler option 'invalid'.", "category": 1, "code": 5023 }, { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 7 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "Cannot find name 'console'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the `lib` compiler option to include 'dom'.", "sourceLine": "console.log(\"a\");", "category": 1, "code": 2584 }, { "start": { "line": 7, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 7, "character": 7 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "Cannot find name 'foo_Bar'. Did you mean 'foo_bar'?", "sourceLine": "foo_Bar();", "relatedInformation": [ { "start": { "line": 3, "character": 9 }, "end": { "line": 3, "character": 16 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "'foo_bar' is declared here.", "sourceLine": "function foo_bar() {", "category": 3, "code": 2728 } ], "category": 1, "code": 2552 }, { "start": { "line": 18, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 18, "character": 1 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageChain": { "messageText": "Type '{ a: { b: { c(): { d: number; }; }; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ a: { b: { c(): { d: string; }; }; }; }'.", "category": 1, "code": 2322, "next": [ { "messageText": "The types of 'a.b.c().d' are incompatible between these types.", "category": 1, "code": 2200, "next": [ { "messageText": "Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.", "category": 1, "code": 2322 } ] } ] }, "sourceLine": "x = y;", "code": 2322, "category": 1 } ]); let diagnostics: Diagnostics = serde_json::from_value(value).expect("cannot deserialize"); assert_eq!(diagnostics.0.len(), 4); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].source_line.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].file_name.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].start.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].end.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].message_text.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].message_chain.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[0].related_information.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].source_line.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].file_name.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].start.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].end.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].message_text.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].message_chain.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[1].related_information.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].source_line.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].file_name.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].start.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].end.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].message_text.is_some()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].message_chain.is_none()); assert!(diagnostics.0[2].related_information.is_some()); }
#[test] fn test_diagnostics_no_source() { let value = json!([ { "messageText": "Unknown compiler option 'invalid'.", "category":1, "code":5023 } ]); let diagnostics: Diagnostics = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap(); let actual = diagnostics.to_string(); assert_eq!( strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "TS5023 [ERROR]: Unknown compiler option \'invalid\'." ); }
#[test] fn test_diagnostics_basic() { let value = json!([ { "start": { "line": 0, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 0, "character": 7 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "Cannot find name 'console'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the `lib` compiler option to include 'dom'.", "sourceLine": "console.log(\"a\");", "category": 1, "code": 2584 } ]); let diagnostics: Diagnostics = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap(); let actual = diagnostics.to_string(); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "TS2584 [ERROR]: Cannot find name \'console\'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the `lib` compiler option to include \'dom\'.\nconsole.log(\"a\");\n~~~~~~~\n at test.ts:1:1"); }
#[test] fn test_diagnostics_related_info() { let value = json!([ { "start": { "line": 7, "character": 0 }, "end": { "line": 7, "character": 7 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "Cannot find name 'foo_Bar'. Did you mean 'foo_bar'?", "sourceLine": "foo_Bar();", "relatedInformation": [ { "start": { "line": 3, "character": 9 }, "end": { "line": 3, "character": 16 }, "fileName": "test.ts", "messageText": "'foo_bar' is declared here.", "sourceLine": "function foo_bar() {", "category": 3, "code": 2728 } ], "category": 1, "code": 2552 } ]); let diagnostics: Diagnostics = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap(); let actual = diagnostics.to_string(); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "TS2552 [ERROR]: Cannot find name \'foo_Bar\'. Did you mean \'foo_bar\'?\nfoo_Bar();\n~~~~~~~\n at test.ts:8:1\n\n \'foo_bar\' is declared here.\n function foo_bar() {\n ~~~~~~~\n at test.ts:4:10"); }}