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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::colors;use crate::fs_util::canonicalize_path;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;use deno_core::futures::Future;use log::info;use notify::event::Event as NotifyEvent;use notify::event::EventKind;use notify::Config;use notify::Error as NotifyError;use notify::RecommendedWatcher;use notify::RecursiveMode;use notify::Watcher;use std::collections::HashSet;use std::path::PathBuf;use std::sync::Arc;use std::time::Duration;use tokio::select;use tokio::sync::mpsc;use tokio::time::sleep;
const CLEAR_SCREEN: &str = "\x1B[2J\x1B[1;1H";const DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(200);
struct DebouncedReceiver { receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Vec<PathBuf>>,}
impl DebouncedReceiver { fn new_with_sender() -> (Arc<mpsc::UnboundedSender<Vec<PathBuf>>>, Self) { let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); (Arc::new(sender), Self { receiver }) }
async fn recv(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<PathBuf>> { let mut received_items = self .receiver .recv() .await? .into_iter() .collect::<HashSet<_>>(); // prevent duplicates loop { tokio::select! { items = self.receiver.recv() => { received_items.extend(items?); } _ = sleep(DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL) => { return Some(received_items.into_iter().collect()); } } } }}
async fn error_handler<F>(watch_future: F)where F: Future<Output = Result<(), AnyError>>,{ let result = watch_future.await; if let Err(err) = result { let msg = format!("{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), err); eprintln!("{}", msg); }}
pub enum ResolutionResult<T> { Restart { paths_to_watch: Vec<PathBuf>, result: Result<T, AnyError>, }, Ignore,}
async fn next_restart<R, T, F>( resolver: &mut R, debounced_receiver: &mut DebouncedReceiver,) -> (Vec<PathBuf>, Result<T, AnyError>)where R: FnMut(Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) -> F, F: Future<Output = ResolutionResult<T>>,{ loop { let changed = debounced_receiver.recv().await; match resolver(changed).await { ResolutionResult::Ignore => { log::debug!("File change ignored") } ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result, } => { return (paths_to_watch, result); } } }}
pub struct PrintConfig { /// printing watcher status to terminal. pub job_name: String, /// determine whether to clear the terminal screen pub clear_screen: bool,}
/// Creates a file watcher, which will call `resolver` with every file change.////// - `resolver` is used for resolving file paths to be watched at every restarting/// of the watcher, and can also return a value to be passed to `operation`./// It returns a [`ResolutionResult`], which can either instruct the watcher to restart or ignore the change./// This always contains paths to watch;////// - `operation` is the actual operation we want to run every time the watcher detects file/// changes. For example, in the case where we would like to bundle, then `operation` would/// have the logic for it like bundling the async fn watch_func<R, O, T, F1, F2>( mut resolver: R, mut operation: O, print_config: PrintConfig,) -> Result<(), AnyError>where R: FnMut(Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) -> F1, O: FnMut(T) -> F2, F1: Future<Output = ResolutionResult<T>>, F2: Future<Output = Result<(), AnyError>>,{ let (sender, mut receiver) = DebouncedReceiver::new_with_sender();
let PrintConfig { job_name, clear_screen, } = print_config;
// Store previous data. If module resolution fails at some point, the watcher will try to // continue watching files using these data. let mut paths_to_watch; let mut resolution_result;
let print_after_restart = || { if clear_screen { eprint!("{}", CLEAR_SCREEN); } info!( "{} File change detected! Restarting!", colors::intense_blue("Watcher"), ); };
match resolver(None).await { ResolutionResult::Ignore => { // The only situation where it makes sense to ignore the initial 'change' // is if the command isn't supposed to do anything until something changes, // e.g. a variant of `deno test` which doesn't run the entire test suite to start with, // but instead does nothing until you make a change. // // In that case, this is probably the correct output. info!( "{} Waiting for file changes...", colors::intense_blue("Watcher"), );
let (paths, result) = next_restart(&mut resolver, &mut receiver).await; paths_to_watch = paths; resolution_result = result;
print_after_restart(); } ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch: paths, result, } => { paths_to_watch = paths; resolution_result = result; } };
if clear_screen { eprint!("{}", CLEAR_SCREEN); }
info!("{} {} started.", colors::intense_blue("Watcher"), job_name,);
loop { let watcher = new_watcher(&paths_to_watch, sender.clone())?;
match resolution_result { Ok(operation_arg) => { let fut = error_handler(operation(operation_arg)); select! { (paths, result) = next_restart(&mut resolver, &mut receiver) => { if result.is_ok() { paths_to_watch = paths; } resolution_result = result;
print_after_restart(); continue; }, _ = fut => {}, };
info!( "{} {} finished. Restarting on file change...", colors::intense_blue("Watcher"), job_name, ); } Err(error) => { eprintln!("{}: {}", colors::red_bold("error"), error); info!( "{} {} failed. Restarting on file change...", colors::intense_blue("Watcher"), job_name, ); } }
let (paths, result) = next_restart(&mut resolver, &mut receiver).await; if result.is_ok() { paths_to_watch = paths; } resolution_result = result;
drop(watcher); }}
fn new_watcher( paths: &[PathBuf], sender: Arc<mpsc::UnboundedSender<Vec<PathBuf>>>,) -> Result<RecommendedWatcher, AnyError> { let mut watcher: RecommendedWatcher = Watcher::new(move |res: Result<NotifyEvent, NotifyError>| { if let Ok(event) = res { if matches!( event.kind, EventKind::Create(_) | EventKind::Modify(_) | EventKind::Remove(_) ) { let paths = event .paths .iter() .filter_map(|path| canonicalize_path(path).ok()) .collect(); sender.send(paths).unwrap(); } } })?;
log::debug!("Watching paths: {:?}", paths); for path in paths { // Ignore any error e.g. `PathNotFound` let _ =, RecursiveMode::Recursive); }