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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Forked from Gotham:// Copyright 2017 Gotham Project Developers. MIT license.
use log::trace;use std::any::type_name;use std::any::Any;use std::any::TypeId;use std::collections::BTreeMap;
#[derive(Default)]pub struct GothamState { data: BTreeMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,}
impl GothamState { /// Puts a value into the `GothamState` storage. One value of each type is retained. /// Successive calls to `put` will overwrite the existing value of the same /// type. pub fn put<T: 'static>(&mut self, t: T) { let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>(); trace!(" inserting record to state for type_id `{:?}`", type_id);, Box::new(t)); }
/// Determines if the current value exists in `GothamState` storage. pub fn has<T: 'static>(&self) -> bool { let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>(); }
/// Tries to borrow a value from the `GothamState` storage. pub fn try_borrow<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> { let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>(); trace!(" borrowing state data for type_id `{:?}`", type_id);|b| b.downcast_ref()) }
/// Borrows a value from the `GothamState` storage. pub fn borrow<T: 'static>(&self) -> &T { self.try_borrow().unwrap_or_else(|| missing::<T>()) }
/// Tries to mutably borrow a value from the `GothamState` storage. pub fn try_borrow_mut<T: 'static>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>(); trace!(" mutably borrowing state data for type_id `{:?}`", type_id);|b| b.downcast_mut()) }
/// Mutably borrows a value from the `GothamState` storage. pub fn borrow_mut<T: 'static>(&mut self) -> &mut T { self.try_borrow_mut().unwrap_or_else(|| missing::<T>()) }
/// Tries to move a value out of the `GothamState` storage and return ownership. pub fn try_take<T: 'static>(&mut self) -> Option<T> { let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>(); trace!( " taking ownership from state data for type_id `{:?}`", type_id ); self .data .remove(&type_id) .and_then(|b| b.downcast().ok()) .map(|b| *b) }
/// Moves a value out of the `GothamState` storage and returns ownership. /// /// # Panics /// /// If a value of type `T` is not present in `GothamState`. pub fn take<T: 'static>(&mut self) -> T { self.try_take().unwrap_or_else(|| missing::<T>()) }}
fn missing<T: 'static>() -> ! { panic!( "required type {} is not present in GothamState container", type_name::<T>() );}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::GothamState;
struct MyStruct { value: i32, }
struct AnotherStruct { value: &'static str, }
type Alias1 = String; type Alias2 = String;
#[test] fn put_borrow1() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 1 }); assert_eq!(state.borrow::<MyStruct>().value, 1); }
#[test] fn put_borrow2() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); assert!(!state.has::<AnotherStruct>()); state.put(AnotherStruct { value: "a string" }); assert!(state.has::<AnotherStruct>()); assert!(!state.has::<MyStruct>()); state.put(MyStruct { value: 100 }); assert!(state.has::<MyStruct>()); assert_eq!(state.borrow::<MyStruct>().value, 100); assert_eq!(state.borrow::<AnotherStruct>().value, "a string"); }
#[test] fn try_borrow() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 100 }); assert!(state.try_borrow::<MyStruct>().is_some()); assert_eq!(state.try_borrow::<MyStruct>().unwrap().value, 100); assert!(state.try_borrow::<AnotherStruct>().is_none()); }
#[test] fn try_borrow_mut() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 100 }); if let Some(a) = state.try_borrow_mut::<MyStruct>() { a.value += 10; } assert_eq!(state.borrow::<MyStruct>().value, 110); }
#[test] fn borrow_mut() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 100 }); { let a = state.borrow_mut::<MyStruct>(); a.value += 10; } assert_eq!(state.borrow::<MyStruct>().value, 110); assert!(state.try_borrow_mut::<AnotherStruct>().is_none()); }
#[test] fn try_take() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 100 }); assert_eq!(state.try_take::<MyStruct>().unwrap().value, 100); assert!(state.try_take::<MyStruct>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_borrow_mut::<MyStruct>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_borrow::<MyStruct>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_take::<AnotherStruct>().is_none()); }
#[test] fn take() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put(MyStruct { value: 110 }); assert_eq!(state.take::<MyStruct>().value, 110); assert!(state.try_take::<MyStruct>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_borrow_mut::<MyStruct>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_borrow::<MyStruct>().is_none()); }
#[test] fn type_alias() { let mut state = GothamState::default(); state.put::<Alias1>("alias1".to_string()); state.put::<Alias2>("alias2".to_string()); assert_eq!(state.take::<Alias1>(), "alias2"); assert!(state.try_take::<Alias1>().is_none()); assert!(state.try_take::<Alias2>().is_none()); }
#[test] #[should_panic( expected = "required type deno_core::gotham_state::tests::MyStruct is not present in GothamState container" )] fn missing() { let state = GothamState::default(); let _ = state.borrow::<MyStruct>(); }}