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A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
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use crate::error::type_error;use crate::include_js_files;use crate::ops_metrics::OpMetrics;use crate::resources::ResourceId;use crate::Extension;use crate::OpState;use crate::Resource;use crate::ZeroCopyBuf;use anyhow::Error;use deno_ops::op;use std::cell::RefCell;use std::io::{stderr, stdout, Write};use std::rc::Rc;
pub(crate) fn init_builtins() -> Extension { Extension::builder() .js(include_js_files!( prefix "deno:core", "00_primordials.js", "01_core.js", "02_error.js", )) .ops(vec![ op_close::decl(), op_try_close::decl(), op_print::decl(), op_resources::decl(), op_wasm_streaming_feed::decl(), op_wasm_streaming_set_url::decl(), op_void_sync::decl(), op_void_async::decl(), // // TODO(@AaronO): track IO metrics for builtin streams op_read::decl(), op_write::decl(), op_shutdown::decl(), op_metrics::decl(), ]) .build()}
/// Return map of resources with id as key/// and string representation as value.#[op]pub fn op_resources( state: &mut OpState,) -> Result<Vec<(ResourceId, String)>, Error> { let serialized_resources = state .resource_table .names() .map(|(rid, name)| (rid, name.to_string())) .collect(); Ok(serialized_resources)}
#[op]pub fn op_void_sync() -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(())}
#[op]pub async fn op_void_async() -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(())}
/// Remove a resource from the resource table.#[op]pub fn op_close( state: &mut OpState, rid: Option<ResourceId>,) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO(@AaronO): drop Option after improving type-strictness balance in // serde_v8 let rid = rid.ok_or_else(|| type_error("missing or invalid `rid`"))?; state.resource_table.close(rid)?; Ok(())}
/// Try to remove a resource from the resource table. If there is no resource/// with the specified `rid`, this is a no-op.#[op]pub fn op_try_close( state: &mut OpState, rid: Option<ResourceId>,) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO(@AaronO): drop Option after improving type-strictness balance in // serde_v8. let rid = rid.ok_or_else(|| type_error("missing or invalid `rid`"))?; let _ = state.resource_table.close(rid); Ok(())}
#[op]pub fn op_metrics( state: &mut OpState,) -> Result<(OpMetrics, Vec<OpMetrics>), Error> { let aggregate = state.tracker.aggregate(); let per_op = state.tracker.per_op(); Ok((aggregate, per_op))}
/// Builtin utility to print to stdout/stderr#[op]pub fn op_print(msg: String, is_err: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { if is_err { stderr().write_all(msg.as_bytes())?; stderr().flush().unwrap(); } else { stdout().write_all(msg.as_bytes())?; stdout().flush().unwrap(); } Ok(())}
pub struct WasmStreamingResource(pub(crate) RefCell<v8::WasmStreaming>);
impl Resource for WasmStreamingResource { fn close(self: Rc<Self>) { // At this point there are no clones of Rc<WasmStreamingResource> on the // resource table, and no one should own a reference outside of the stack. // Therefore, we can be sure `self` is the only reference. if let Ok(wsr) = Rc::try_unwrap(self) { wsr.0.into_inner().finish(); } else { panic!("Couldn't consume WasmStreamingResource."); } }}
/// Feed bytes to WasmStreamingResource.#[op]pub fn op_wasm_streaming_feed( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, bytes: ZeroCopyBuf,) -> Result<(), Error> { let wasm_streaming = state.resource_table.get::<WasmStreamingResource>(rid)?;
#[op]pub fn op_wasm_streaming_set_url( state: &mut OpState, rid: ResourceId, url: String,) -> Result<(), Error> { let wasm_streaming = state.resource_table.get::<WasmStreamingResource>(rid)?;
#[op]async fn op_read( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, buf: ZeroCopyBuf,) -> Result<u32, Error> { let resource = state.borrow().resource_table.get_any(rid)?;|n| n as u32)}
#[op]async fn op_write( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId, buf: ZeroCopyBuf,) -> Result<u32, Error> { let resource = state.borrow().resource_table.get_any(rid)?; resource.write(buf)|n| n as u32)}
#[op]async fn op_shutdown( state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>, rid: ResourceId,) -> Result<(), Error> { let resource = state.borrow().resource_table.get_any(rid)?; resource.shutdown().await}