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// This script pushes new WPT results to When the `--ghstatus` flag is// passed, will automatically add a status check to the commit with a link to// the page.
import { gzip } from "";
const user = Deno.env.get("WPT_FYI_USER");const password = Deno.env.get("WPT_FYI_PW");
const fromRawFile = Deno.args.includes("--from-raw-file");
const form = new FormData();form.set("labels", "master,actions");
if (fromRawFile) { const file = Deno.args[0]; const raw = Deno.readFileSync(file); const gzipped = gzip(raw); form.set("result_file", new Blob([gzipped]));} else { const commit = Deno.args[0]; form.set( "result_url", `${commit}-wptreport.json.gz`, );}
const basicAuthToken = btoa(`${user}:${password}`);
const resp = await fetch("", { method: "POST", body: form, headers: { authorization: `Basic ${basicAuthToken}`, },});
console.log(resp.status);console.log(resp.headers);const body = await resp.text();console.log(body);
if (!resp.ok) { Deno.exit(1);}
if (!fromRawFile && Deno.args.includes("--ghstatus")) { const githubToken = Deno.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN"); const taskId = body.split(" ")[1]; const url = `${taskId}`; const commit = Deno.args[0]; const resp = await fetch( `${commit}`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ state: "success", target_url: url, context: "", description: "View WPT results on", }), headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${githubToken}`, }, }, ); console.log(resp.status); console.log(resp.headers); const body2 = await resp.text(); console.log(body2);
if (!resp.ok) { Deno.exit(1); }}