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function Deno.test
import { Deno } from "";
const { test } = Deno;

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required.

import { assertEquals } from "";

  name: "example test",
  fn() {
    assertEquals("world", "world");

  name: "example ignored test",
  ignore: === "windows",
  fn() {
    // This test is ignored only on Windows machines

  name: "example async test",
  async fn() {
    const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
    const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
    assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required.

import { assertEquals } from "";

Deno.test("My test description", () => {
  assertEquals("hello", "hello");

Deno.test("My async test description", async () => {
  const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
  const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
  assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");


name: string
fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required. Declared function must have a name.

import { assertEquals } from "";

Deno.test(function myTestName() {
  assertEquals("hello", "hello");

Deno.test(async function myOtherTestName() {
  const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
  const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
  assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");


fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required.

import {assert, fail, assertEquals} from "";

Deno.test("My test description", { permissions: { read: true } }, (): void => {
  assertEquals("hello", "hello");

Deno.test("My async test description", { permissions: { read: false } }, async (): Promise<void> => {
  const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
  const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
  assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");


name: string
options: Omit<TestDefinition, "fn" | "name">
fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required.

import { assertEquals } from "";

    name: "My test description",
    permissions: { read: true },
  () => {
    assertEquals("hello", "hello");

    name: "My async test description",
    permissions: { read: false },
  async () => {
    const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
    const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
    assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");


options: Omit<TestDefinition, "fn">
fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>

Register a test which will be run when deno test is used on the command line and the containing module looks like a test module.

fn can be async if required. Declared function must have a name.

import { assertEquals } from "";

  { permissions: { read: true } },
  function myTestName() {
    assertEquals("hello", "hello");

  { permissions: { read: false } },
  async function myOtherTestName() {
    const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
    const data = await Deno.readFile("hello_world.txt");
    assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "Hello world");


options: Omit<TestDefinition, "fn" | "name">
fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>