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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Based on Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.//// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the// following conditions://// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.//// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.// This file subclasses and stores the JS builtins that come from the VM// so that Node.js's builtin modules do not need to later look these up from// the global proxy, which can be mutated by users.
// Use of primordials have sometimes a dramatic impact on performance, please// benchmark all changes made in performance-sensitive areas of the codebase.// See:
"use strict";
(() => { const primordials = {};
const { defineProperty: ReflectDefineProperty, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ownKeys: ReflectOwnKeys, } = Reflect;
// `uncurryThis` is equivalent to `func =>`. // It is using `bind.bind(call)` to avoid using `Function.prototype.bind` // and `` after it may have been mutated by users. const { apply, bind, call } = Function.prototype; const uncurryThis = bind.bind(call); primordials.uncurryThis = uncurryThis;
// `applyBind` is equivalent to `func => Function.prototype.apply.bind(func)`. // It is using `bind.bind(apply)` to avoid using `Function.prototype.bind` // and `Function.prototype.apply` after it may have been mutated by users. const applyBind = bind.bind(apply); primordials.applyBind = applyBind;
// Methods that accept a variable number of arguments, and thus it's useful to // also create `${prefix}${key}Apply`, which uses `Function.prototype.apply`, // instead of ``, and thus doesn't require iterator // destructuring. const varargsMethods = [ // 'ArrayPrototypeConcat' is omitted, because it performs the spread // on its own for arrays and array-likes with a truthy // @@isConcatSpreadable symbol property. "ArrayOf", "ArrayPrototypePush", "ArrayPrototypeUnshift", // 'FunctionPrototypeCall' is omitted, since there's 'ReflectApply' // and 'FunctionPrototypeApply'. "MathHypot", "MathMax", "MathMin", "StringPrototypeConcat", "TypedArrayOf", ];
function getNewKey(key) { return typeof key === "symbol" ? `Symbol${key.description[7].toUpperCase()}${key.description.slice(8)}` : `${key[0].toUpperCase()}${key.slice(1)}`; }
function copyAccessor(dest, prefix, key, { enumerable, get, set }) { ReflectDefineProperty(dest, `${prefix}Get${key}`, { value: uncurryThis(get), enumerable, }); if (set !== undefined) { ReflectDefineProperty(dest, `${prefix}Set${key}`, { value: uncurryThis(set), enumerable, }); } }
function copyPropsRenamed(src, dest, prefix) { for (const key of ReflectOwnKeys(src)) { const newKey = getNewKey(key); const desc = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key); if ("get" in desc) { copyAccessor(dest, prefix, newKey, desc); } else { const name = `${prefix}${newKey}`; ReflectDefineProperty(dest, name, desc); if (varargsMethods.includes(name)) { ReflectDefineProperty(dest, `${name}Apply`, { // `src` is bound as the `this` so that the static `this` points // to the object it was defined on, // e.g.: `ArrayOfApply` gets a `this` of `Array`: value: applyBind(desc.value, src), }); } } } }
function copyPropsRenamedBound(src, dest, prefix) { for (const key of ReflectOwnKeys(src)) { const newKey = getNewKey(key); const desc = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key); if ("get" in desc) { copyAccessor(dest, prefix, newKey, desc); } else { const { value } = desc; if (typeof value === "function") { desc.value = value.bind(src); }
const name = `${prefix}${newKey}`; ReflectDefineProperty(dest, name, desc); if (varargsMethods.includes(name)) { ReflectDefineProperty(dest, `${name}Apply`, { value: applyBind(value, src), }); } } } }
function copyPrototype(src, dest, prefix) { for (const key of ReflectOwnKeys(src)) { const newKey = getNewKey(key); const desc = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key); if ("get" in desc) { copyAccessor(dest, prefix, newKey, desc); } else { const { value } = desc; if (typeof value === "function") { desc.value = uncurryThis(value); }
const name = `${prefix}${newKey}`; ReflectDefineProperty(dest, name, desc); if (varargsMethods.includes(name)) { ReflectDefineProperty(dest, `${name}Apply`, { value: applyBind(value), }); } } } }
// Create copies of configurable value properties of the global object [ "Proxy", "globalThis", ].forEach((name) => { primordials[name] = globalThis[name]; });
// Create copy of isNaN primordials[] = isNaN;
// Create copies of URI handling functions [ decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, ].forEach((fn) => { primordials[] = fn; });
// Create copies of the namespace objects [ "JSON", "Math", "Proxy", "Reflect", ].forEach((name) => { copyPropsRenamed(globalThis[name], primordials, name); });
// Create copies of intrinsic objects [ "AggregateError", "Array", "ArrayBuffer", "BigInt", "BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array", "Boolean", "DataView", "Date", "Error", "EvalError", "FinalizationRegistry", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Function", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "Map", "Number", "Object", "RangeError", "ReferenceError", "RegExp", "Set", "String", "Symbol", "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "URIError", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "WeakMap", "WeakRef", "WeakSet", ].forEach((name) => { const original = globalThis[name]; primordials[name] = original; copyPropsRenamed(original, primordials, name); copyPrototype(original.prototype, primordials, `${name}Prototype`); });
// Create copies of intrinsic objects that require a valid `this` to call // static methods. // Refs: [ "Promise", ].forEach((name) => { const original = globalThis[name]; primordials[name] = original; copyPropsRenamedBound(original, primordials, name); copyPrototype(original.prototype, primordials, `${name}Prototype`); });
// Create copies of abstract intrinsic objects that are not directly exposed // on the global object. // Refs: [ { name: "TypedArray", original: Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array) }, { name: "ArrayIterator", original: { prototype: Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]()), }, }, { name: "StringIterator", original: { prototype: Reflect.getPrototypeOf(String.prototype[Symbol.iterator]()), }, }, ].forEach(({ name, original }) => { primordials[name] = original; // The static %TypedArray% methods require a valid `this`, but can't be bound, // as they need a subclass constructor as the receiver: copyPrototype(original, primordials, name); copyPrototype(original.prototype, primordials, `${name}Prototype`); });
const { ArrayPrototypeForEach, ArrayPrototypeMap, FunctionPrototypeCall, Map, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectFreeze, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, ObjectSetPrototypeOf, Promise, PromisePrototype, PromisePrototypeThen, Set, SymbolIterator, WeakMap, WeakSet, } = primordials;
// Because these functions are used by `makeSafe`, which is exposed // on the `primordials` object, it's important to use const references // to the primordials that they use: const createSafeIterator = (factory, next) => { class SafeIterator { constructor(iterable) { this._iterator = factory(iterable); } next() { return next(this._iterator); } [SymbolIterator]() { return this; } } ObjectSetPrototypeOf(SafeIterator.prototype, null); ObjectFreeze(SafeIterator.prototype); ObjectFreeze(SafeIterator); return SafeIterator; };
primordials.SafeArrayIterator = createSafeIterator( primordials.ArrayPrototypeSymbolIterator, primordials.ArrayIteratorPrototypeNext, ); primordials.SafeStringIterator = createSafeIterator( primordials.StringPrototypeSymbolIterator, primordials.StringIteratorPrototypeNext, );
const copyProps = (src, dest) => { ArrayPrototypeForEach(ReflectOwnKeys(src), (key) => { if (!ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(dest, key)) { ReflectDefineProperty( dest, key, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key), ); } }); };
/** * @type {typeof primordials.makeSafe} */ const makeSafe = (unsafe, safe) => { if (SymbolIterator in unsafe.prototype) { const dummy = new unsafe(); let next; // We can reuse the same `next` method.
ArrayPrototypeForEach(ReflectOwnKeys(unsafe.prototype), (key) => { if (!ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(safe.prototype, key)) { const desc = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(unsafe.prototype, key); if ( typeof desc.value === "function" && desc.value.length === 0 && SymbolIterator in (FunctionPrototypeCall(desc.value, dummy) ?? {}) ) { const createIterator = uncurryThis(desc.value); next ??= uncurryThis(createIterator(dummy).next); const SafeIterator = createSafeIterator(createIterator, next); desc.value = function () { return new SafeIterator(this); }; } ReflectDefineProperty(safe.prototype, key, desc); } }); } else { copyProps(unsafe.prototype, safe.prototype); } copyProps(unsafe, safe);
ObjectSetPrototypeOf(safe.prototype, null); ObjectFreeze(safe.prototype); ObjectFreeze(safe); return safe; }; primordials.makeSafe = makeSafe;
// Subclass the constructors because we need to use their prototype // methods later. // Defining the `constructor` is necessary here to avoid the default // constructor which uses the user-mutable ``. primordials.SafeMap = makeSafe( Map, class SafeMap extends Map { constructor(i) { super(i); } }, ); primordials.SafeWeakMap = makeSafe( WeakMap, class SafeWeakMap extends WeakMap { constructor(i) { super(i); } }, );
primordials.SafeSet = makeSafe( Set, class SafeSet extends Set { constructor(i) { super(i); } }, ); primordials.SafeWeakSet = makeSafe( WeakSet, class SafeWeakSet extends WeakSet { constructor(i) { super(i); } }, );
primordials.SafeFinalizationRegistry = makeSafe( FinalizationRegistry, class SafeFinalizationRegistry extends FinalizationRegistry { constructor(cleanupCallback) { super(cleanupCallback); } }, );
primordials.SafeWeakRef = makeSafe( WeakRef, class SafeWeakRef extends WeakRef { constructor(target) { super(target); } }, );
const SafePromise = makeSafe( Promise, class SafePromise extends Promise { constructor(executor) { super(executor); } }, );
primordials.PromisePrototypeCatch = (thisPromise, onRejected) => PromisePrototypeThen(thisPromise, undefined, onRejected);
/** * Creates a Promise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the * provided Promises resolve, or rejected when any Promise is rejected. * @param {unknown[]} values An array of Promises. * @returns A new Promise. */ primordials.SafePromiseAll = (values) => // Wrapping on a new Promise is necessary to not expose the SafePromise // prototype to user-land. new Promise((a, b) => SafePromise.all( ArrayPrototypeMap( values, (p) => { if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(PromisePrototype, p)) { return new SafePromise((c, d) => PromisePrototypeThen(p, c, d)); } return p; }, ), ).then(a, b) );
/** * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or * rejected). The resolved value cannot be modified from the callback. * Prefer using async functions when possible. * @param {Promise<any>} thisPromise * @param {() => void) | undefined | null} onFinally The callback to execute * when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ primordials.SafePromisePrototypeFinally = (thisPromise, onFinally) => // Wrapping on a new Promise is necessary to not expose the SafePromise // prototype to user-land. new Promise((a, b) => new SafePromise((a, b) => PromisePrototypeThen(thisPromise, a, b)) .finally(onFinally) .then(a, b) );
// Create getter and setter for `queueMicrotask`, it hasn't been bound yet. let queueMicrotask = undefined; ObjectDefineProperty(primordials, "queueMicrotask", { get() { return queueMicrotask; }, }); primordials.setQueueMicrotask = (value) => { if (queueMicrotask !== undefined) { throw new Error("queueMicrotask is already defined"); } queueMicrotask = value; };
// Renaming from `eval` is necessary because otherwise it would perform direct // evaluation, allowing user-land access to local variables. // This is because the identifier `eval` is somewhat treated as a keyword primordials.indirectEval = eval;
ObjectSetPrototypeOf(primordials, null); ObjectFreeze(primordials);
// Provide bootstrap namespace globalThis.__bootstrap = { primordials };})();