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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::args::CliOptions;use crate::args::Lockfile;use crate::args::TsTypeLib;use crate::cache;use crate::cache::GlobalHttpCache;use crate::cache::ModuleInfoCache;use crate::cache::ParsedSourceCache;use crate::colors;use crate::errors::get_error_class_name;use crate::file_fetcher::FileFetcher;use crate::npm::CliNpmResolver;use crate::resolver::CliGraphResolver;use crate::resolver::SloppyImportsResolver;use crate::tools::check;use crate::tools::check::TypeChecker;use crate::util::file_watcher::WatcherCommunicator;use crate::util::sync::TaskQueue;use crate::util::sync::TaskQueuePermit;
use deno_core::anyhow::bail;use deno_core::anyhow::Context;use deno_core::error::custom_error;use deno_core::error::AnyError;use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex;use deno_core::parking_lot::RwLock;use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier;use deno_graph::source::Loader;use deno_graph::source::ResolveError;use deno_graph::GraphKind;use deno_graph::Module;use deno_graph::ModuleAnalyzer;use deno_graph::ModuleError;use deno_graph::ModuleGraph;use deno_graph::ModuleGraphError;use deno_graph::ResolutionError;use deno_graph::SpecifierError;use deno_runtime::deno_fs::FileSystem;use deno_runtime::deno_node;use deno_runtime::permissions::PermissionsContainer;use deno_semver::package::PackageNv;use deno_semver::package::PackageReq;use import_map::ImportMapError;use std::collections::HashMap;use std::collections::HashSet;use std::path::PathBuf;use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]pub struct GraphValidOptions { pub check_js: bool, pub follow_type_only: bool, pub is_vendoring: bool,}
/// Check if `roots` and their deps are available. Returns `Ok(())` if/// so. Returns `Err(_)` if there is a known module graph or resolution/// error statically reachable from `roots` and not a dynamic fn graph_valid_with_cli_options( graph: &ModuleGraph, fs: &dyn FileSystem, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], options: &CliOptions,) -> Result<(), AnyError> { graph_valid( graph, fs, roots, GraphValidOptions { is_vendoring: false, follow_type_only: options.type_check_mode().is_true(), check_js: options.check_js(), }, )}
/// Check if `roots` and their deps are available. Returns `Ok(())` if/// so. Returns `Err(_)` if there is a known module graph or resolution/// error statically reachable from `roots`.////// It is preferable to use this over using deno_graph's API directly/// because it will have enhanced error message information specifically/// for the fn graph_valid( graph: &ModuleGraph, fs: &dyn FileSystem, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], options: GraphValidOptions,) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut errors = graph .walk( roots, deno_graph::WalkOptions { check_js: options.check_js, follow_type_only: options.follow_type_only, follow_dynamic: options.is_vendoring, }, ) .errors() .flat_map(|error| { let is_root = match &error { ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(_) | ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(_) => false, ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(error) => { roots.contains(error.specifier()) } }; let mut message = match &error { ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(resolution_error) => { enhanced_resolution_error_message(resolution_error) } ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(resolution_error) => { format!( "Failed resolving types. {}", enhanced_resolution_error_message(resolution_error) ) } ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(e) => { enhanced_module_error_message(fs, e) } };
if let Some(range) = error.maybe_range() { if !is_root && !range.specifier.as_str().contains("/$deno$eval") { message.push_str("\n at "); message.push_str(&format_range_with_colors(range)); } }
if options.is_vendoring { // warn about failing dynamic imports when vendoring, but don't fail completely if matches!( error, ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(ModuleError::MissingDynamic(_, _)) ) { log::warn!("Ignoring: {:#}", message); return None; }
// ignore invalid downgrades and invalid local imports when vendoring match &error { ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(err) | ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(err) => { if matches!( err, ResolutionError::InvalidDowngrade { .. } | ResolutionError::InvalidLocalImport { .. } ) { return None; } } ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(_) => {} } }
Some(custom_error(get_error_class_name(&error.into()), message)) }); if let Some(error) = { Err(error) } else { Ok(()) }}
/// Checks the lockfile against the graph and and exits on fn graph_lock_or_exit(graph: &ModuleGraph, lockfile: &mut Lockfile) { for module in graph.modules() { let source = match module { Module::Esm(module) if module.media_type.is_declaration() => continue, // skip declaration files Module::Esm(module) => &module.source, Module::Json(module) => &module.source, Module::Node(_) | Module::Npm(_) | Module::External(_) => continue, }; if !lockfile.check_or_insert_remote(module.specifier().as_str(), source) { let err = format!( concat!( "The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.\n", " Specifier: {}\n", " Lock file: {}", ), module.specifier(), lockfile.filename.display(), ); log::error!("{} {}", colors::red("error:"), err); std::process::exit(10); } }}
pub struct CreateGraphOptions<'a> { pub graph_kind: GraphKind, pub roots: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, pub loader: &'a mut dyn Loader, pub analyzer: &'a dyn ModuleAnalyzer,}
pub struct ModuleGraphBuilder { options: Arc<CliOptions>, fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>, resolver: Arc<CliGraphResolver>, npm_resolver: Arc<dyn CliNpmResolver>, module_info_cache: Arc<ModuleInfoCache>, parsed_source_cache: Arc<ParsedSourceCache>, lockfile: Option<Arc<Mutex<Lockfile>>>, maybe_file_watcher_reporter: Option<FileWatcherReporter>, emit_cache: cache::EmitCache, file_fetcher: Arc<FileFetcher>, global_http_cache: Arc<GlobalHttpCache>, type_checker: Arc<TypeChecker>,}
impl ModuleGraphBuilder { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( options: Arc<CliOptions>, fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>, resolver: Arc<CliGraphResolver>, npm_resolver: Arc<dyn CliNpmResolver>, module_info_cache: Arc<ModuleInfoCache>, parsed_source_cache: Arc<ParsedSourceCache>, lockfile: Option<Arc<Mutex<Lockfile>>>, maybe_file_watcher_reporter: Option<FileWatcherReporter>, emit_cache: cache::EmitCache, file_fetcher: Arc<FileFetcher>, global_http_cache: Arc<GlobalHttpCache>, type_checker: Arc<TypeChecker>, ) -> Self { Self { options, fs, resolver, npm_resolver, module_info_cache, parsed_source_cache, lockfile, maybe_file_watcher_reporter, emit_cache, file_fetcher, global_http_cache, type_checker, } }
pub async fn create_graph( &self, graph_kind: GraphKind, roots: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, ) -> Result<deno_graph::ModuleGraph, AnyError> { let mut cache = self.create_graph_loader(); self .create_graph_with_loader(graph_kind, roots, &mut cache) .await }
pub async fn create_graph_with_loader( &self, graph_kind: GraphKind, roots: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, loader: &mut dyn Loader, ) -> Result<deno_graph::ModuleGraph, AnyError> { let store = self.parsed_source_cache.as_store(); let analyzer = self.module_info_cache.as_module_analyzer(None, &*store); self .create_graph_with_options(CreateGraphOptions { graph_kind, roots, loader, analyzer: &analyzer, }) .await }
pub async fn create_graph_with_options( &self, options: CreateGraphOptions<'_>, ) -> Result<deno_graph::ModuleGraph, AnyError> { let maybe_imports = self.options.to_maybe_imports()?; let maybe_workspace_config = self.options.maybe_workspace_config(); let workspace_members = if let Some(wc) = maybe_workspace_config { workspace_config_to_workspace_members(wc)? } else { vec![] };
let cli_resolver = self.resolver.clone(); let graph_resolver = cli_resolver.as_graph_resolver(); let graph_npm_resolver = cli_resolver.as_graph_npm_resolver(); let maybe_file_watcher_reporter = self .maybe_file_watcher_reporter .as_ref() .map(|r| r.as_reporter());
let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(options.graph_kind); self .build_graph_with_npm_resolution( &mut graph, options.roots, options.loader, deno_graph::BuildOptions { is_dynamic: false, imports: maybe_imports, resolver: Some(graph_resolver), file_system: Some(&DenoGraphFsAdapter(self.fs.as_ref())), npm_resolver: Some(graph_npm_resolver), module_analyzer: Some(options.analyzer), reporter: maybe_file_watcher_reporter, workspace_members, }, ) .await?;
if let Some(npm_resolver) = self.npm_resolver.as_managed() { if graph.has_node_specifier && self.options.type_check_mode().is_true() { npm_resolver.inject_synthetic_types_node_package().await?; } }
Ok(graph) }
pub async fn create_graph_and_maybe_check( &self, roots: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, ) -> Result<Arc<deno_graph::ModuleGraph>, AnyError> { let mut cache = self.create_graph_loader(); let maybe_imports = self.options.to_maybe_imports()?; let maybe_workspace_config = self.options.maybe_workspace_config(); let workspace_members = if let Some(wc) = maybe_workspace_config { workspace_config_to_workspace_members(wc)? } else { vec![] }; let cli_resolver = self.resolver.clone(); let graph_resolver = cli_resolver.as_graph_resolver(); let graph_npm_resolver = cli_resolver.as_graph_npm_resolver(); let store = self.parsed_source_cache.as_store(); let analyzer = self.module_info_cache.as_module_analyzer(None, &*store); let graph_kind = self.options.type_check_mode().as_graph_kind(); let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(graph_kind); let maybe_file_watcher_reporter = self .maybe_file_watcher_reporter .as_ref() .map(|r| r.as_reporter());
self .build_graph_with_npm_resolution( &mut graph, roots, &mut cache, deno_graph::BuildOptions { is_dynamic: false, imports: maybe_imports, file_system: Some(&DenoGraphFsAdapter(self.fs.as_ref())), resolver: Some(graph_resolver), npm_resolver: Some(graph_npm_resolver), module_analyzer: Some(&analyzer), reporter: maybe_file_watcher_reporter, workspace_members, }, ) .await?;
let graph = Arc::new(graph); graph_valid_with_cli_options( &graph, self.fs.as_ref(), &graph.roots, &self.options, )?; if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { graph_lock_or_exit(&graph, &mut lockfile.lock()); }
if self.options.type_check_mode().is_true() { self .type_checker .check( graph.clone(), check::CheckOptions { lib: self.options.ts_type_lib_window(), log_ignored_options: true, reload: self.options.reload_flag(), }, ) .await?; }
Ok(graph) }
pub async fn build_graph_with_npm_resolution<'a>( &self, graph: &mut ModuleGraph, roots: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, loader: &mut dyn deno_graph::source::Loader, options: deno_graph::BuildOptions<'a>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // ensure an "npm install" is done if the user has explicitly // opted into using a node_modules directory if self.options.node_modules_dir_enablement() == Some(true) { if let Some(npm_resolver) = self.npm_resolver.as_managed() { npm_resolver.ensure_top_level_package_json_install().await?; } }
// add the lockfile redirects to the graph if it's the first time executing if graph.redirects.is_empty() { if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let lockfile = lockfile.lock(); for (from, to) in &lockfile.content.redirects { if let Ok(from) = ModuleSpecifier::parse(from) { if let Ok(to) = ModuleSpecifier::parse(to) { if !matches!(from.scheme(), "file" | "npm" | "jsr") { graph.redirects.insert(from, to); } } } } } }
// add the jsr specifiers to the graph if it's the first time executing if graph.packages.is_empty() { if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let lockfile = lockfile.lock(); for (key, value) in &lockfile.content.packages.specifiers { if let Some(key) = key .strip_prefix("jsr:") .and_then(|key| PackageReq::from_str(key).ok()) { if let Some(value) = value .strip_prefix("jsr:") .and_then(|value| PackageNv::from_str(value).ok()) { graph.packages.add(key, value); } } } } }, loader, options).await;
// add the redirects in the graph to the lockfile if !graph.redirects.is_empty() { if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let graph_redirects = graph.redirects.iter().filter(|(from, _)| { !matches!(from.scheme(), "npm" | "file" | "deno") }); let mut lockfile = lockfile.lock(); for (from, to) in graph_redirects { lockfile.insert_redirect(from.to_string(), to.to_string()); } } }
// add the jsr specifiers in the graph to the lockfile if !graph.packages.is_empty() { if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let mappings = graph.packages.mappings(); let mut lockfile = lockfile.lock(); for (from, to) in mappings { lockfile.insert_package_specifier( format!("jsr:{}", from), format!("jsr:{}", to), ); } } }
if let Some(npm_resolver) = self.npm_resolver.as_managed() { // ensure that the top level package.json is installed if a // specifier was matched in the package.json if self.resolver.found_package_json_dep() { npm_resolver.ensure_top_level_package_json_install().await?; }
// resolve the dependencies of any pending dependencies // that were inserted by building the graph npm_resolver.resolve_pending().await?; }
Ok(()) }
/// Creates the default loader used for creating a graph. pub fn create_graph_loader(&self) -> cache::FetchCacher { self.create_fetch_cacher(PermissionsContainer::allow_all()) }
pub fn create_fetch_cacher( &self, permissions: PermissionsContainer, ) -> cache::FetchCacher { cache::FetchCacher::new( self.emit_cache.clone(), self.file_fetcher.clone(), self.options.resolve_file_header_overrides(), self.global_http_cache.clone(), self.npm_resolver.clone(), self.module_info_cache.clone(), permissions, ) }}
pub fn error_for_any_npm_specifier( graph: &ModuleGraph,) -> Result<(), AnyError> { for module in graph.modules() { match module { Module::Npm(module) => { bail!("npm specifiers have not yet been implemented for this subcommand ( Found: {}", module.specifier) } Module::Node(module) => { bail!("Node specifiers have not yet been implemented for this subcommand ( Found: node:{}", module.module_name) } Module::Esm(_) | Module::Json(_) | Module::External(_) => {} } } Ok(())}
/// Adds more explanatory information to a resolution fn enhanced_resolution_error_message(error: &ResolutionError) -> String { let mut message = format!("{error}");
if let Some(specifier) = get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(error) { message.push_str(&format!( "\nIf you want to use a built-in Node module, add a \"node:\" prefix (ex. \"node:{specifier}\")." )); }
pub fn enhanced_module_error_message( fs: &dyn FileSystem, error: &ModuleError,) -> String { let additional_message = match error { ModuleError::Missing(specifier, _) => { SloppyImportsResolver::resolve_with_fs(fs, specifier) .as_suggestion_message() } _ => None, }; if let Some(message) = additional_message { format!( "{} {} or run with --unstable-sloppy-imports", error, message ) } else { format!("{}", error) }}
pub fn get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier( error: &ResolutionError,) -> Option<&str> { get_resolution_error_bare_specifier(error) .filter(|specifier| deno_node::is_builtin_node_module(specifier))}
fn get_resolution_error_bare_specifier( error: &ResolutionError,) -> Option<&str> { if let ResolutionError::InvalidSpecifier { error: SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing(specifier, _), .. } = error { Some(specifier.as_str()) } else if let ResolutionError::ResolverError { error, .. } = error { if let ResolveError::Other(error) = (*error).as_ref() { if let Some(ImportMapError::UnmappedBareSpecifier(specifier, _)) = error.downcast_ref::<ImportMapError>() { Some(specifier.as_str()) } else { None } } else { None } } else { None }}
#[derive(Debug)]struct GraphData { graph: Arc<ModuleGraph>, checked_libs: HashMap<TsTypeLib, HashSet<ModuleSpecifier>>,}
/// Holds the `ModuleGraph` and what parts of it are type struct ModuleGraphContainer { // Allow only one request to update the graph data at a time, // but allow other requests to read from it at any time even // while another request is updating the data. update_queue: Arc<TaskQueue>, graph_data: Arc<RwLock<GraphData>>,}
impl ModuleGraphContainer { pub fn new(graph_kind: GraphKind) -> Self { Self { update_queue: Default::default(), graph_data: Arc::new(RwLock::new(GraphData { graph: Arc::new(ModuleGraph::new(graph_kind)), checked_libs: Default::default(), })), } }
/// Acquires a permit to modify the module graph without other code /// having the chance to modify it. In the meantime, other code may /// still read from the existing module graph. pub async fn acquire_update_permit(&self) -> ModuleGraphUpdatePermit { let permit = self.update_queue.acquire().await; ModuleGraphUpdatePermit { permit, graph_data: self.graph_data.clone(), graph: (*, } }
pub fn graph(&self) -> Arc<ModuleGraph> { }
/// Mark `roots` and all of their dependencies as type checked under `lib`. /// Assumes that all of those modules are known. pub fn set_type_checked(&self, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], lib: TsTypeLib) { // It's ok to analyze and update this while the module graph itself is // being updated in a permit because the module graph update is always // additive and this will be a subset of the original graph let graph = self.graph(); let entries = graph.walk( roots, deno_graph::WalkOptions { check_js: true, follow_dynamic: true, follow_type_only: true, }, );
// now update let mut data = self.graph_data.write(); let checked_lib_set = data.checked_libs.entry(lib).or_default(); for (specifier, _) in entries { checked_lib_set.insert(specifier.clone()); } }
/// Check if `roots` are all marked as type checked under `lib`. pub fn is_type_checked( &self, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], lib: TsTypeLib, ) -> bool { let data =; match data.checked_libs.get(&lib) { Some(checked_lib_set) => roots.iter().all(|r| { let found = data.graph.resolve(r); checked_lib_set.contains(&found) }), None => false, } }}
/// Gets if any of the specified root's "file:" dependents are in the/// provided changed fn has_graph_root_local_dependent_changed( graph: &ModuleGraph, root: &ModuleSpecifier, changed_specifiers: &HashSet<ModuleSpecifier>,) -> bool { let roots = vec![root.clone()]; let mut dependent_specifiers = graph.walk( &roots, deno_graph::WalkOptions { follow_dynamic: true, follow_type_only: true, check_js: true, }, ); while let Some((s, _)) = { if s.scheme() != "file" { // skip walking this remote module's dependencies dependent_specifiers.skip_previous_dependencies(); } else if changed_specifiers.contains(s) { return true; } } false}
/// A permit for updating the module graph. When complete and/// everything looks fine, calling `.commit()` will store the/// new graph in the struct ModuleGraphUpdatePermit<'a> { permit: TaskQueuePermit<'a>, graph_data: Arc<RwLock<GraphData>>, graph: ModuleGraph,}
impl<'a> ModuleGraphUpdatePermit<'a> { /// Gets the module graph for mutation. pub fn graph_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ModuleGraph { &mut self.graph }
/// Saves the mutated module graph in the container /// and returns an Arc to the new module graph. pub fn commit(self) -> Arc<ModuleGraph> { let graph = Arc::new(self.graph); self.graph_data.write().graph = graph.clone(); drop(self.permit); // explicit drop for clarity graph }}
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]pub struct FileWatcherReporter { watcher_communicator: Arc<WatcherCommunicator>, file_paths: Arc<Mutex<Vec<PathBuf>>>,}
impl FileWatcherReporter { pub fn new(watcher_communicator: Arc<WatcherCommunicator>) -> Self { Self { watcher_communicator, file_paths: Default::default(), } }
pub fn as_reporter(&self) -> &dyn deno_graph::source::Reporter { self }}
impl deno_graph::source::Reporter for FileWatcherReporter { fn on_load( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, modules_done: usize, modules_total: usize, ) { let mut file_paths = self.file_paths.lock(); if specifier.scheme() == "file" { file_paths.push(specifier.to_file_path().unwrap()); }
if modules_done == modules_total { self .watcher_communicator .watch_paths(file_paths.drain(..).collect()) .unwrap(); } }}
pub fn workspace_config_to_workspace_members( workspace_config: &deno_config::WorkspaceConfig,) -> Result<Vec<deno_graph::WorkspaceMember>, AnyError> { workspace_config .members .iter() .map(|member| { workspace_member_config_try_into_workspace_member(member).with_context( || { format!( "Failed to resolve configuration for '{}' workspace member at '{}'", member.member_name, member.config_file.specifier.as_str() ) }, ) }) .collect()}
fn workspace_member_config_try_into_workspace_member( config: &deno_config::WorkspaceMemberConfig,) -> Result<deno_graph::WorkspaceMember, AnyError> { let nv = deno_semver::package::PackageNv { name: config.package_name.clone(), version: deno_semver::Version::parse_standard(&config.package_version)?, }; Ok(deno_graph::WorkspaceMember { base: ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(&config.path).unwrap(), nv, exports: config .config_file .to_exports_config()? .into_map() // todo(dsherret): deno_graph should use an IndexMap .into_iter() .collect(), })}
pub struct DenoGraphFsAdapter<'a>( pub &'a dyn deno_runtime::deno_fs::FileSystem,);
impl<'a> deno_graph::source::FileSystem for DenoGraphFsAdapter<'a> { fn read_dir( &self, dir_url: &deno_graph::ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Vec<deno_graph::source::DirEntry> { use deno_core::anyhow; use deno_graph::source::DirEntry; use deno_graph::source::DirEntryKind;
let dir_path = match dir_url.to_file_path() { Ok(path) => path, // ignore, treat as non-analyzable Err(()) => return vec![], }; let entries = match self.0.read_dir_sync(&dir_path) { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(err) if matches!( err.kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied | std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound ) => { return vec![]; } Err(err) => { return vec![DirEntry { kind: DirEntryKind::Error( anyhow::Error::from(err) .context("Failed to read directory.".to_string()), ), url: dir_url.clone(), }]; } }; let mut dir_entries = Vec::with_capacity(entries.len()); for entry in entries { let entry_path = dir_path.join(&; dir_entries.push(if entry.is_directory { DirEntry { kind: DirEntryKind::Dir, url: ModuleSpecifier::from_directory_path(&entry_path).unwrap(), } } else if entry.is_file { DirEntry { kind: DirEntryKind::File, url: ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&entry_path).unwrap(), } } else if entry.is_symlink { DirEntry { kind: DirEntryKind::Symlink, url: ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&entry_path).unwrap(), } } else { continue; }); }
dir_entries }}
pub fn format_range_with_colors(range: &deno_graph::Range) -> String { format!( "{}:{}:{}", colors::cyan(range.specifier.as_str()), colors::yellow(&(range.start.line + 1).to_string()), colors::yellow(&(range.start.character + 1).to_string()) )}
#[cfg(test)]mod test { use std::sync::Arc;
use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_graph::source::ResolveError; use deno_graph::Position; use deno_graph::Range; use deno_graph::ResolutionError; use deno_graph::SpecifierError;
use super::*;
#[test] fn import_map_node_resolution_error() { let cases = vec![("fs", Some("fs")), ("other", None)]; for (input, output) in cases { let import_map = import_map::ImportMap::new( ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///deno.json").unwrap(), ); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///file.ts").unwrap(); let err = import_map.resolve(input, &specifier).err().unwrap(); let err = ResolutionError::ResolverError { error: Arc::new(ResolveError::Other(err.into())), specifier: input.to_string(), range: Range { specifier, start: Position::zeroed(), end: Position::zeroed(), }, }; assert_eq!(get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(&err), output); } }
#[test] fn bare_specifier_node_resolution_error() { let cases = vec![("process", Some("process")), ("other", None)]; for (input, output) in cases { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///file.ts").unwrap(); let err = ResolutionError::InvalidSpecifier { range: Range { specifier, start: Position::zeroed(), end: Position::zeroed(), }, error: SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing(input.to_string(), None), }; assert_eq!(get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(&err), output,); } }}