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A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD;use base64::Engine;use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier;use log::debug;use log::error;use std::borrow::Cow;use std::fmt;use std::net::IpAddr;use std::net::Ipv4Addr;use std::net::Ipv6Addr;use std::net::SocketAddr;use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]pub enum AuthTokenData { Bearer(String), Basic { username: String, password: String },}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]pub struct AuthToken { host: AuthDomain, token: AuthTokenData,}
impl fmt::Display for AuthToken { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match &self.token { AuthTokenData::Bearer(token) => write!(f, "Bearer {token}"), AuthTokenData::Basic { username, password } => { let credentials = format!("{username}:{password}"); write!(f, "Basic {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(credentials)) } } }}
/// A structure which contains bearer tokens that can be used when sending/// requests to websites, intended to authorize access to private resources/// such as remote modules.#[derive(Debug, Clone)]pub struct AuthTokens(Vec<AuthToken>);
/// An authorization domain, either an exact or suffix match.#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]pub enum AuthDomain { Ip(IpAddr), IpPort(SocketAddr), /// Suffix match, no dot. May include a port. Suffix(Cow<'static, str>),}
impl<T: ToString> From<T> for AuthDomain { fn from(value: T) -> Self { let s = value.to_string().to_lowercase(); if let Ok(ip) = SocketAddr::from_str(&s) { return AuthDomain::IpPort(ip); }; if s.starts_with('[') && s.ends_with(']') { if let Ok(ip) = Ipv6Addr::from_str(&s[1..s.len() - 1]) { return AuthDomain::Ip(ip.into()); } } else if let Ok(ip) = Ipv4Addr::from_str(&s) { return AuthDomain::Ip(ip.into()); } if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix('.') { AuthDomain::Suffix(Cow::Owned(s.to_owned())) } else { AuthDomain::Suffix(Cow::Owned(s)) } }}
impl AuthDomain { pub fn matches(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> bool { let Some(host) = specifier.host_str() else { return false; }; match *self { Self::Ip(ip) => { let AuthDomain::Ip(parsed) = AuthDomain::from(host) else { return false; }; ip == parsed && specifier.port().is_none() } Self::IpPort(ip) => { let AuthDomain::Ip(parsed) = AuthDomain::from(host) else { return false; }; ip.ip() == parsed && specifier.port() == Some(ip.port()) } Self::Suffix(ref suffix) => { let hostname = if let Some(port) = specifier.port() { Cow::Owned(format!("{}:{}", host, port)) } else { Cow::Borrowed(host) };
if suffix.len() == hostname.len() { return suffix == &hostname; }
// If it's a suffix match, ensure a dot if hostname.ends_with(suffix.as_ref()) && hostname.ends_with(&format!(".{suffix}")) { return true; }
false } } }}
impl AuthTokens { /// Create a new set of tokens based on the provided string. It is intended /// that the string be the value of an environment variable and the string is /// parsed for token values. The string is expected to be a semi-colon /// separated string, where each value is `{token}@{hostname}`. pub fn new(maybe_tokens_str: Option<String>) -> Self { let mut tokens = Vec::new(); if let Some(tokens_str) = maybe_tokens_str { for token_str in tokens_str.split(';') { if token_str.contains('@') { let pair: Vec<&str> = token_str.rsplitn(2, '@').collect(); let token = pair[1]; let host = AuthDomain::from(pair[0]); if token.contains(':') { let pair: Vec<&str> = token.rsplitn(2, ':').collect(); let username = pair[1].to_string(); let password = pair[0].to_string(); tokens.push(AuthToken { host, token: AuthTokenData::Basic { username, password }, }) } else { tokens.push(AuthToken { host, token: AuthTokenData::Bearer(token.to_string()), }); } } else { error!("Badly formed auth token discarded."); } } debug!("Parsed {} auth token(s).", tokens.len()); }
Self(tokens) }
/// Attempt to match the provided specifier to the tokens in the set. The /// matching occurs from the right of the hostname plus port, irrespective of /// scheme. For example `` would match a token /// with a host value of `` but not match ``. The /// matching is case insensitive. pub fn get(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option<AuthToken> { self.0.iter().find_map(|t| { if { Some(t.clone()) } else { None } }) }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use super::*; use deno_core::resolve_url;
#[test] fn test_auth_token() { let auth_tokens = AuthTokens::new(Some("".to_string())); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer abc123" ); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer abc123".to_string() ); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); }
#[test] fn test_auth_tokens_multiple() { let auth_tokens = AuthTokens::new(Some(";".to_string())); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer abc123".to_string() ); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer def456".to_string() ); }
#[test] fn test_auth_tokens_port() { let auth_tokens = AuthTokens::new(Some("".to_string())); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer abc123".to_string() ); }
#[test] fn test_auth_tokens_contain_at() { let auth_tokens = AuthTokens::new(Some("".to_string())); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Bearer abc@123".to_string() ); }
#[test] fn test_auth_token_basic() { let auth_tokens = AuthTokens::new(Some("".to_string())); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==" ); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!( auth_tokens.get(&fixture).unwrap().to_string(), "Basic YWJjOjEyMw==".to_string() ); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); let fixture = resolve_url("").unwrap(); assert_eq!(auth_tokens.get(&fixture), None); }
#[test] fn test_parse_ip() { let ip = AuthDomain::from("[2001:db8:a::123]"); assert_eq!("Ip(2001:db8:a::123)", format!("{ip:?}")); let ip = AuthDomain::from("[2001:db8:a::123]:8080"); assert_eq!("IpPort([2001:db8:a::123]:8080)", format!("{ip:?}")); let ip = AuthDomain::from(""); assert_eq!("Ip(", format!("{ip:?}")); }
#[test] fn test_case_insensitive() { let domain = AuthDomain::from(""); assert!( domain.matches(&ModuleSpecifier::parse("").unwrap()) ); assert!( domain.matches(&ModuleSpecifier::parse("http://example.COM").unwrap()) ); }
#[test] fn test_matches() { let candidates = [ "", "", "", "[2001:db8:a::123]", // These will never match "", "", "", "", ]; let domains = [ ("", vec!["", ""]), ("", vec!["", ""]), ("", vec![""]), ("", vec![""]), ("[2001:db8:a::123]", vec!["[2001:db8:a::123]"]), ]; let url = |c: &str| ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!("http://{c}")).unwrap(); let url_port = |c: &str| ModuleSpecifier::parse(&format!("http://{c}:8080")).unwrap();
// Generate each candidate with and without a port let candidates = candidates .into_iter() .flat_map(|c| [url(c), url_port(c)]) .collect::<Vec<_>>();
for (domain, expected_domain) in domains { // Test without a port -- all candidates return without a port let auth_domain = AuthDomain::from(domain); let actual = candidates .iter() .filter(|c| auth_domain.matches(c)) .cloned() .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let expected = expected_domain.iter().map(|u| url(u)).collect::<Vec<_>>(); assert_eq!(actual, expected);
// Test with a port, all candidates return with a port let auth_domain = AuthDomain::from(&format!("{domain}:8080")); let actual = candidates .iter() .filter(|c| auth_domain.matches(c)) .cloned() .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let expected = expected_domain .iter() .map(|u| url_port(u)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } }}