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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use deno_core::serde::Serialize;use deno_core::serde_json;use deno_core::serde_json::Map;use deno_core::serde_json::Value;use deno_core::url::Url;use indexmap::IndexMap;use log::debug;use log::info;use std::cmp::Ordering;use std::collections::HashSet;use std::error::Error;use std::fmt;
#[derive(Debug)]pub struct ImportMapError(String);
impl fmt::Display for ImportMapError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.pad(&self.0) }}
impl Error for ImportMapError {}
// SPECIAL_PROTOCOLS: &[&str] = &["ftp", "file", "http", "https", "ws", "wss"];fn is_special(url: &Url) -> bool { SPECIAL_PROTOCOLS.contains(&url.scheme())}
type SpecifierMap = IndexMap<String, Option<Url>>;type ScopesMap = IndexMap<String, SpecifierMap>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]pub struct ImportMap { #[serde(skip)] base_url: String,
imports: SpecifierMap, scopes: ScopesMap,}
impl ImportMap { pub fn from_json( base_url: &str, json_string: &str, ) -> Result<Self, ImportMapError> { let v: Value = match serde_json::from_str(json_string) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => { return Err(ImportMapError( "Unable to parse import map JSON".to_string(), )); } };
match v { Value::Object(_) => {} _ => { return Err(ImportMapError( "Import map JSON must be an object".to_string(), )); } }
let mut diagnostics = vec![]; let normalized_imports = match &v.get("imports") { Some(imports_map) => { if !imports_map.is_object() { return Err(ImportMapError( "Import map's 'imports' must be an object".to_string(), )); }
let imports_map = imports_map.as_object().unwrap(); ImportMap::parse_specifier_map(imports_map, base_url, &mut diagnostics) } None => IndexMap::new(), };
let normalized_scopes = match &v.get("scopes") { Some(scope_map) => { if !scope_map.is_object() { return Err(ImportMapError( "Import map's 'scopes' must be an object".to_string(), )); }
let scope_map = scope_map.as_object().unwrap(); ImportMap::parse_scope_map(scope_map, base_url, &mut diagnostics)? } None => IndexMap::new(), };
let mut keys: HashSet<String> = v .as_object() .unwrap() .keys() .map(|k| k.to_string()) .collect(); keys.remove("imports"); keys.remove("scopes"); for key in keys { diagnostics.push(format!("Invalid top-level key \"{}\". Only \"imports\" and \"scopes\" can be present.", key)); }
let import_map = ImportMap { base_url: base_url.to_string(), imports: normalized_imports, scopes: normalized_scopes, };
if !diagnostics.is_empty() { info!("Import map diagnostics:"); for diagnotic in diagnostics { info!(" - {}", diagnotic); } }
Ok(import_map) }
fn try_url_like_specifier(specifier: &str, base: &str) -> Option<Url> { if specifier.starts_with('/') || specifier.starts_with("./") || specifier.starts_with("../") { if let Ok(base_url) = Url::parse(base) { if let Ok(url) = base_url.join(specifier) { return Some(url); } } }
if let Ok(url) = Url::parse(specifier) { return Some(url); }
None }
/// Parse provided key as import map specifier. /// /// Specifiers must be valid URLs (eg. "") /// or "bare" specifiers (eg. "moment"). fn normalize_specifier_key( specifier_key: &str, base_url: &str, diagnostics: &mut Vec<String>, ) -> Option<String> { // ignore empty keys if specifier_key.is_empty() { diagnostics.push("Invalid empty string specifier.".to_string()); return None; }
if let Some(url) = ImportMap::try_url_like_specifier(specifier_key, base_url) { return Some(url.to_string()); }
// "bare" specifier Some(specifier_key.to_string()) }
/// Convert provided JSON map to valid SpecifierMap. /// /// From specification: /// - order of iteration must be retained /// - SpecifierMap's keys are sorted in longest and alphabetic order fn parse_specifier_map( json_map: &Map<String, Value>, base_url: &str, diagnostics: &mut Vec<String>, ) -> SpecifierMap { let mut normalized_map: SpecifierMap = SpecifierMap::new();
// Order is preserved because of "preserve_order" feature of "serde_json". for (specifier_key, value) in json_map.iter() { let normalized_specifier_key = match ImportMap::normalize_specifier_key( specifier_key, base_url, diagnostics, ) { Some(s) => s, None => continue, };
let potential_address = match value { Value::String(address) => address.to_string(), _ => { diagnostics.push(format!("Invalid address {:#?} for the specifier key \"{}\". Addresses must be strings.", value, specifier_key)); normalized_map.insert(normalized_specifier_key, None); continue; } };
let address_url = match ImportMap::try_url_like_specifier(&potential_address, base_url) { Some(url) => url, None => { diagnostics.push(format!( "Invalid address \"{}\" for the specifier key \"{}\".", potential_address, specifier_key )); normalized_map.insert(normalized_specifier_key, None); continue; } };
let address_url_string = address_url.to_string(); if specifier_key.ends_with('/') && !address_url_string.ends_with('/') { diagnostics.push(format!( "Invalid target address {:?} for package specifier {:?}. \ Package address targets must end with \"/\".", address_url_string, specifier_key )); normalized_map.insert(normalized_specifier_key, None); continue; }
normalized_map.insert(normalized_specifier_key, Some(address_url)); }
// Sort in longest and alphabetical order. normalized_map.sort_by(|k1, _v1, k2, _v2| match k1.cmp(&k2) { Ordering::Greater => Ordering::Less, Ordering::Less => Ordering::Greater, // JSON guarantees that there can't be duplicate keys Ordering::Equal => unreachable!(), });
normalized_map }
/// Convert provided JSON map to valid ScopeMap. /// /// From specification: /// - order of iteration must be retained /// - ScopeMap's keys are sorted in longest and alphabetic order fn parse_scope_map( scope_map: &Map<String, Value>, base_url: &str, diagnostics: &mut Vec<String>, ) -> Result<ScopesMap, ImportMapError> { let mut normalized_map: ScopesMap = ScopesMap::new();
// Order is preserved because of "preserve_order" feature of "serde_json". for (scope_prefix, potential_specifier_map) in scope_map.iter() { if !potential_specifier_map.is_object() { return Err(ImportMapError(format!( "The value for the {:?} scope prefix must be an object", scope_prefix ))); }
let potential_specifier_map = potential_specifier_map.as_object().unwrap();
let scope_prefix_url = match Url::parse(base_url).unwrap().join(scope_prefix) { Ok(url) => url.to_string(), _ => { diagnostics.push(format!( "Invalid scope \"{}\" (parsed against base URL \"{}\").", scope_prefix, base_url )); continue; } };
let norm_map = ImportMap::parse_specifier_map( potential_specifier_map, base_url, diagnostics, );
normalized_map.insert(scope_prefix_url, norm_map); }
// Sort in longest and alphabetical order. normalized_map.sort_by(|k1, _v1, k2, _v2| match k1.cmp(&k2) { Ordering::Greater => Ordering::Less, Ordering::Less => Ordering::Greater, // JSON guarantees that there can't be duplicate keys Ordering::Equal => unreachable!(), });
Ok(normalized_map) }
fn resolve_scopes_match( scopes: &ScopesMap, normalized_specifier: &str, as_url: Option<&Url>, referrer: &str, ) -> Result<Option<Url>, ImportMapError> { // exact-match if let Some(scope_imports) = scopes.get(referrer) { let scope_match = ImportMap::resolve_imports_match( scope_imports, normalized_specifier, as_url, )?; // Return only if there was actual match (not None). if scope_match.is_some() { return Ok(scope_match); } }
for (normalized_scope_key, scope_imports) in scopes.iter() { if normalized_scope_key.ends_with('/') && referrer.starts_with(normalized_scope_key) { let scope_match = ImportMap::resolve_imports_match( scope_imports, normalized_specifier, as_url, )?; // Return only if there was actual match (not None). if scope_match.is_some() { return Ok(scope_match); } } }
Ok(None) }
fn resolve_imports_match( specifier_map: &SpecifierMap, normalized_specifier: &str, as_url: Option<&Url>, ) -> Result<Option<Url>, ImportMapError> { // exact-match if let Some(maybe_address) = specifier_map.get(normalized_specifier) { if let Some(address) = maybe_address { return Ok(Some(address.clone())); } else { return Err(ImportMapError(format!( "Blocked by null entry for \"{:?}\"", normalized_specifier ))); } }
// Package-prefix match // "most-specific wins", i.e. when there are multiple matching keys, // choose the longest. for (specifier_key, maybe_address) in specifier_map.iter() { if !specifier_key.ends_with('/') { continue; }
if !normalized_specifier.starts_with(specifier_key) { continue; }
if let Some(url) = as_url { if !is_special(url) { continue; } }
if maybe_address.is_none() { return Err(ImportMapError(format!( "Blocked by null entry for \"{:?}\"", specifier_key ))); }
let resolution_result = maybe_address.clone().unwrap();
// Enforced by parsing. assert!(resolution_result.to_string().ends_with('/'));
let after_prefix = &normalized_specifier[specifier_key.len()..];
let url = match resolution_result.join(after_prefix) { Ok(url) => url, Err(_) => { return Err(ImportMapError(format!( "Failed to resolve the specifier \"{:?}\" as its after-prefix portion \"{:?}\" could not be URL-parsed relative to the URL prefix \"{:?}\" mapped to by the prefix \"{:?}\"", normalized_specifier, after_prefix, resolution_result, specifier_key ))); } };
if !url.as_str().starts_with(resolution_result.as_str()) { return Err(ImportMapError(format!( "The specifier \"{:?}\" backtracks above its prefix \"{:?}\"", normalized_specifier, specifier_key ))); }
return Ok(Some(url)); }
debug!( "Specifier {:?} was not mapped in import map.", normalized_specifier );
Ok(None) }
pub fn resolve( &self, specifier: &str, referrer: &str, ) -> Result<Option<Url>, ImportMapError> { let as_url: Option<Url> = ImportMap::try_url_like_specifier(specifier, referrer); let normalized_specifier = if let Some(url) = as_url.as_ref() { url.to_string() } else { specifier.to_string() };
let scopes_match = ImportMap::resolve_scopes_match( &self.scopes, &normalized_specifier, as_url.as_ref(), &referrer.to_string(), )?;
// match found in scopes map if scopes_match.is_some() { return Ok(scopes_match); }
let imports_match = ImportMap::resolve_imports_match( &self.imports, &normalized_specifier, as_url.as_ref(), )?;
// match found in import map if imports_match.is_some() { return Ok(imports_match); }
// The specifier was able to be turned into a URL, but wasn't remapped into anything. if as_url.is_some() { return Ok(as_url); }
Err(ImportMapError(format!( "Unmapped bare specifier {:?}", specifier ))) }}
#[cfg(test)]mod tests {
use super::*; use deno_core::resolve_import; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use walkdir::WalkDir;
#[derive(Debug)] enum TestKind { Resolution { given_specifier: String, expected_specifier: Option<String>, base_url: String, }, Parse { expected_import_map: Value, }, }
#[derive(Debug)] struct ImportMapTestCase { name: String, import_map: String, import_map_base_url: String, kind: TestKind, }
fn load_import_map_wpt_tests() -> Vec<String> { let mut found_test_files = vec![]; let repo_root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).parent().unwrap(); let import_map_wpt_path = repo_root.join("test_util/wpt/import-maps/data-driven/resources"); eprintln!("import map wpt path {:#?}", import_map_wpt_path); for entry in WalkDir::new(import_map_wpt_path) .contents_first(true) .into_iter() .filter_entry(|e| { eprintln!("entry {:#?}", e); if let Some(ext) = e.path().extension() { return ext.to_string_lossy() == "json"; } false }) .filter_map(|e| match e { Ok(e) => Some(e), _ => None, }) .map(|e| PathBuf::from(e.path())) { found_test_files.push(entry); }
let mut file_contents = vec![];
for file in found_test_files { let content = std::fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap(); file_contents.push(content); }
file_contents }
fn parse_import_map_tests(test_str: &str) -> Vec<ImportMapTestCase> { let json_file: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(test_str).unwrap(); let maybe_name = json_file .get("name") .map(|s| s.as_str().unwrap().to_string()); return parse_test_object(&json_file, maybe_name, None, None, None, None);
fn parse_test_object( test_obj: &Value, maybe_name_prefix: Option<String>, maybe_import_map: Option<String>, maybe_base_url: Option<String>, maybe_import_map_base_url: Option<String>, maybe_expected_import_map: Option<Value>, ) -> Vec<ImportMapTestCase> { let maybe_import_map_base_url = if let Some(base_url) = test_obj.get("importMapBaseURL") { Some(base_url.as_str().unwrap().to_string()) } else { maybe_import_map_base_url };
let maybe_base_url = if let Some(base_url) = test_obj.get("baseURL") { Some(base_url.as_str().unwrap().to_string()) } else { maybe_base_url };
let maybe_expected_import_map = if let Some(im) = test_obj.get("expectedParsedImportMap") { Some(im.to_owned()) } else { maybe_expected_import_map };
let maybe_import_map = if let Some(import_map) = test_obj.get("importMap") { Some(if import_map.is_string() { import_map.as_str().unwrap().to_string() } else { serde_json::to_string(import_map).unwrap() }) } else { maybe_import_map };
if let Some(nested_tests) = test_obj.get("tests") { let nested_tests_obj = nested_tests.as_object().unwrap(); let mut collected = vec![]; for (name, test_obj) in nested_tests_obj { let nested_name = if let Some(ref name_prefix) = maybe_name_prefix { format!("{}: {}", name_prefix, name) } else { name.to_string() }; let parsed_nested_tests = parse_test_object( test_obj, Some(nested_name), maybe_import_map.clone(), maybe_base_url.clone(), maybe_import_map_base_url.clone(), maybe_expected_import_map.clone(), ); collected.extend(parsed_nested_tests) } return collected; }
let mut collected_cases = vec![]; if let Some(results) = test_obj.get("expectedResults") { let expected_results = results.as_object().unwrap(); for (given, expected) in expected_results { let name = if let Some(ref name_prefix) = maybe_name_prefix { format!("{}: {}", name_prefix, given) } else { given.to_string() }; let given_specifier = given.to_string(); let expected_specifier = expected.as_str().map(|str| str.to_string());
let test_case = ImportMapTestCase { name, import_map_base_url: maybe_import_map_base_url.clone().unwrap(), import_map: maybe_import_map.clone().unwrap(), kind: TestKind::Resolution { given_specifier, expected_specifier, base_url: maybe_base_url.clone().unwrap(), }, };
collected_cases.push(test_case); } } else if let Some(expected_import_map) = maybe_expected_import_map { let test_case = ImportMapTestCase { name: maybe_name_prefix.unwrap(), import_map_base_url: maybe_import_map_base_url.unwrap(), import_map: maybe_import_map.unwrap(), kind: TestKind::Parse { expected_import_map, }, };
collected_cases.push(test_case); } else { eprintln!("unreachable {:#?}", test_obj); unreachable!(); }
collected_cases } }
fn run_import_map_test_cases(tests: Vec<ImportMapTestCase>) { for test in tests { match &test.kind { TestKind::Resolution { given_specifier, expected_specifier, base_url, } => { let import_map = ImportMap::from_json(&test.import_map_base_url, &test.import_map) .unwrap(); let maybe_resolved = import_map .resolve(&given_specifier, &base_url) .ok() .map(|maybe_resolved| { if let Some(specifier) = maybe_resolved { specifier.to_string() } else { resolve_import(&given_specifier, &base_url) .unwrap() .to_string() } }); assert_eq!(expected_specifier, &maybe_resolved, "{}",; } TestKind::Parse { expected_import_map, } => { if matches!(expected_import_map, Value::Null) { assert!(ImportMap::from_json( &test.import_map_base_url, &test.import_map ) .is_err()); } else { let import_map = ImportMap::from_json(&test.import_map_base_url, &test.import_map) .unwrap(); let import_map_value = serde_json::to_value(import_map).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_import_map, &import_map_value, "{}",; } } } } }
#[test] fn wpt() { let test_file_contents = load_import_map_wpt_tests(); eprintln!("Found test files {}", test_file_contents.len());
for test_file in test_file_contents { let tests = parse_import_map_tests(&test_file); run_import_map_test_cases(tests); } }
#[test] fn from_json_1() { let base_url = "";
// empty JSON assert!(ImportMap::from_json(base_url, "{}").is_ok());
let non_object_strings = vec!["null", "true", "1", "\"foo\"", "[]"];
// invalid JSON for non_object in non_object_strings.to_vec() { assert!(ImportMap::from_json(base_url, non_object).is_err()); }
// invalid schema: 'imports' is non-object for non_object in non_object_strings.to_vec() { assert!(ImportMap::from_json( base_url, &format!("{{\"imports\": {}}}", non_object), ) .is_err()); }
// invalid schema: 'scopes' is non-object for non_object in non_object_strings.to_vec() { assert!(ImportMap::from_json( base_url, &format!("{{\"scopes\": {}}}", non_object), ) .is_err()); } }
#[test] fn from_json_2() { let json_map = r#"{ "imports": { "foo": "", "bar": [""], "fizz": null } }"#; let result = ImportMap::from_json("", json_map); assert!(result.is_ok()); }}