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Extract context blocks from a configuration file
import { contextFinder, helpMessage } from "./context_finder.ts"import { fileExists } from "./helpers.ts";
async function runFromCommandLine () { //@ts-ignore if (import.meta.main !== true) { return false } // Check if --help argument is used const args = Deno.args if (args[0] === '--help') { Deno.exit(1) }
// Check command line arguments are set (minimum is 5: node index.js <file> <file> <context>) if (args.length < 3) { console.error('Invalid arguments. See --help') Deno.exit(1) }
// Initialise data to be passed into function call const fileToRead = args[0] const fileToWriteTo = args[1] const contexts = (args.slice(2)).filter(arg => arg.indexOf('--') == -1)
// Check fileToRead exists const fileToReadExists = await fileExists(fileToRead) if (!fileToReadExists) { console.error('File to read does not exist.') Deno.exit(1) }
// Call the function contextFinder(contexts, fileToRead, fileToWriteTo)}
/* If ran from the command line */await runFromCommandLine()
export { contextFinder }