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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { CTOR_KEY } from "../constructor-lock.ts";import { Comment, Node, NodeType, Text } from "./node.ts";import { NodeList, nodeListMutatorSym } from "./node-list.ts";import { Element } from "./element.ts";import { DocumentFragment } from "./document-fragment.ts";import { HTMLTemplateElement } from "./elements/html-template-element.ts";import { getSelectorEngine, SelectorApi } from "./selectors/selectors.ts";import { getElementsByClassName } from "./utils.ts";import UtilTypes from "./utils-types.ts";
export class DOMImplementation { constructor(key: typeof CTOR_KEY) { if (key !== CTOR_KEY) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } }
createDocument() { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); // TODO }
createHTMLDocument(titleStr?: string): HTMLDocument { titleStr += "";
const doc = new HTMLDocument(CTOR_KEY);
const docType = new DocumentType("html", "", "", CTOR_KEY); doc.appendChild(docType);
const html = new Element("html", doc, [], CTOR_KEY); html._setOwnerDocument(doc);
const head = new Element("head", html, [], CTOR_KEY); const body = new Element("body", html, [], CTOR_KEY);
const title = new Element("title", head, [], CTOR_KEY); const titleText = new Text(titleStr); title.appendChild(titleText);
doc.head = head; doc.body = body;
return doc; }
createDocumentType( qualifiedName: string, publicId: string, systemId: string, ): DocumentType { const doctype = new DocumentType( qualifiedName, publicId, systemId, CTOR_KEY, );
return doctype; }}
export class DocumentType extends Node { #qualifiedName = ""; #publicId = ""; #systemId = "";
constructor( name: string, publicId: string, systemId: string, key: typeof CTOR_KEY, ) { super( "html", NodeType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, null, key, );
this.#qualifiedName = name; this.#publicId = publicId; this.#systemId = systemId; }
get name() { return this.#qualifiedName; }
get publicId() { return this.#publicId; }
get systemId() { return this.#systemId; }
_shallowClone(): Node { return new DocumentType( this.#qualifiedName, this.#publicId, this.#systemId, CTOR_KEY, ); }}
export interface ElementCreationOptions { is: string;}
export type VisibilityState = "visible" | "hidden" | "prerender";export type NamespaceURI = | "" | "" | "";
export class Document extends Node { public head: Element = <Element> <unknown> null; public body: Element = <Element> <unknown> null; public implementation: DOMImplementation;
#lockState = false; #documentURI = "about:blank"; // TODO #title = ""; #nwapi: SelectorApi | null = null;
constructor() { super( "#document", NodeType.DOCUMENT_NODE, null, CTOR_KEY, );
this.implementation = new DOMImplementation(CTOR_KEY); }
_shallowClone(): Node { return new Document(); }
// Expose the document's NWAPI for Element's access to // querySelector/querySelectorAll get _nwapi() { return this.#nwapi || (this.#nwapi = getSelectorEngine()(this)); }
get documentURI() { return this.#documentURI; }
get title() { return this.querySelector("title")?.textContent || ""; }
get cookie() { return ""; // TODO }
set cookie(newCookie: string) { // TODO }
get visibilityState(): VisibilityState { return "visible"; }
get hidden() { return false; }
get compatMode(): string { return "CSS1Compat"; }
get documentElement(): Element | null { for (const node of this.childNodes) { if (node.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { return <Element> node; } }
return null; }
get doctype(): DocumentType | null { for (const node of this.childNodes) { if (node.nodeType === NodeType.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { return <DocumentType> node; } }
return null; }
get childElementCount(): number { let count = 0; for (const { nodeType } of this.childNodes) { if (nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { count++; } } return count; }
appendChild(child: Node): Node { super.appendChild(child); child._setOwnerDocument(this); return child; }
createElement(tagName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions): Element { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
switch (tagName) { case "TEMPLATE": { const frag = new DocumentFragment(); const elm = new HTMLTemplateElement( null, [], CTOR_KEY, frag, ); elm._setOwnerDocument(this); return elm; }
default: { const elm = new Element(tagName, null, [], CTOR_KEY); elm._setOwnerDocument(this); return elm; } } }
createElementNS( namespace: NamespaceURI, qualifiedName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions, ): Element { if (namespace === "") { return this.createElement(qualifiedName, options); } else { throw new Error( `createElementNS: "${namespace}" namespace unimplemented`, ); // TODO } }
createTextNode(data?: string): Text { return new Text(data); }
createComment(data?: string): Comment { return new Comment(data); }
createDocumentFragment(): DocumentFragment { const fragment = new DocumentFragment(); fragment._setOwnerDocument(this); return fragment; }
importNode(node: Node, deep: boolean = false) { const copy = node.cloneNode(deep);
return copy; }
adoptNode(node: Node) { if (node instanceof Document) { throw new DOMException( "Adopting a Document node is not supported.", "NotSupportedError", ); } node._setParent(null); node._setOwnerDocument(this);
return node; }
querySelector(selectors: string): Element | null { return this._nwapi.first(selectors, this); }
querySelectorAll(selectors: string): NodeList { const nodeList = new NodeList(); const mutator = nodeList[nodeListMutatorSym](); mutator.push(, this));
return nodeList; }
// TODO: DRY!!! getElementById(id: string): Element | null { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).id === id) { return <Element> child; }
const search = (<Element> child).getElementById(id); if (search) { return search; } } }
return null; }
getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): Element[] { if (tagName === "*") { return this.documentElement ? <Element[]> this._getElementsByTagNameWildcard( this.documentElement, [], ) : []; } else { return <Element[]> this._getElementsByTagName(tagName.toUpperCase(), []); } }
private _getElementsByTagNameWildcard(node: Node, search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { search.push(child); (<any> child)._getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search); } }
return search; }
private _getElementsByTagName(tagName: string, search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).tagName === tagName) { search.push(child); }
(<any> child)._getElementsByTagName(tagName, search); } }
return search; }
getElementsByTagNameNS(_namespace: string, localName: string): Element[] { return this.getElementsByTagName(localName); }
getElementsByClassName(className: string): Element[] { return <Element[]> getElementsByClassName(this, className, []); }
hasFocus(): boolean { return true; }}
export class HTMLDocument extends Document { constructor(key: typeof CTOR_KEY) { if (key !== CTOR_KEY) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } super(); }
_shallowClone(): Node { return new HTMLDocument(CTOR_KEY); }}
UtilTypes.Document = Document;