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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
Extremely Popular
type TestSetupEvent = { data: { backend: "wasm" | "native"; html: string; scripts: string[]; };};
addEventListener("message", async (event) => { const { data: { backend, html, scripts } } = event as any as TestSetupEvent; const denoDom = await import("../deno-dom-" + backend + ".ts"); const { DOMParser, Comment } = denoDom;
(self as any).window = self; (self as any).parent = self; Object.defineProperty(self, "location", { value: { href: import.meta.url, pathname: import.meta.url, protocol: "file:", host: "testmachine", hostname: "testmachine", port: "", search: "", hash: "", origin: "", }, }); const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html")!; (self as any).window.document = doc;
for (const item of Object.keys(denoDom)) { (self as any)[item] = denoDom[item]; }
// Assign anything with an ID to `window` for (const element of doc.querySelectorAll("[id]")) { const id = element.getAttribute("id");
if (!(id in self)) { (self as any)[id] = element; } }
// Run scripts new Function(scripts.join("\n\n"))();
// Add fake XML document implementation to skip XML doc tests doc.implementation.createDocument = function ( ns: any, qualifiedName: any, documentType: any, ) { const newDoc = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
// Return comments instead of PI's newDoc.createProcessingInstruction = function (...args: any[]) { return new Comment(args[0]); }; };
postMessage({ success: true, });});