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import { CTOR_KEY } from "../constructor-lock.ts";import { fragmentNodesFromString } from "../deserialize.ts";import { Node, nodesAndTextNodes, NodeType } from "./node.ts";import { NodeList, nodeListMutatorSym } from "./node-list.ts";import { HTMLCollection } from "./html-collection.ts";import { getDatasetHtmlAttrName, getDatasetJavascriptName, getElementsByClassName, getOuterOrInnerHtml, insertBeforeAfter, lowerCaseCharRe, upperCaseCharRe,} from "./utils.ts";import UtilTypes from "./utils-types.ts";
export interface DOMTokenList { [index: number]: string;}
export class DOMTokenList { #_value = ""; get #value() { return this.#_value; } set #value( value: string, ) { this.#_value = value; this.#onChange(value); } #set = new Set<string>(); #onChange: (className: string) => void;
constructor( onChange: (className: string) => void, key: typeof CTOR_KEY, ) { if (key !== CTOR_KEY) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); } this.#onChange = onChange; }
static #invalidToken( token: string, ) { return token === "" || /[\t\n\f\r ]/.test(token); }
#setIndices() { const classes = Array.from(this.#set); for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { this[i] = classes[i]; } }
set value( input: string, ) { this.#value = input; this.#set = new Set( input .trim() .split(/[\t\n\f\r\s]+/g) .filter(Boolean), ); this.#setIndices(); }
get value(): string { return this.#_value; }
get length(): number { return this.#set.size; }
*entries(): IterableIterator<[number, string]> { const array = Array.from(this.#set); for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { yield [i, array[i]]; } }
*values(): IterableIterator<string> { yield* this.#set.values(); }
*keys(): IterableIterator<number> { for (let i = 0; i < this.#set.size; i++) { yield i; } }
*[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<string> { yield* this.#set.values(); }
item( index: number, ): string { index = Number(index); if (Number.isNaN(index) || index === Infinity) index = 0; return this[Math.trunc(index) % 2 ** 32] ?? null; }
contains( element: string, ): boolean { return this.#set.has(element); }
add( ...elements: Array<string> ) { for (const element of elements) { if (DOMTokenList.#invalidToken(element)) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty.", ); } const { size } = this.#set; this.#set.add(element); if (size < this.#set.size) { this[size] = element; } } this.#updateClassString(); }
remove( ...elements: Array<string> ) { const { size } = this.#set; for (const element of elements) { if (DOMTokenList.#invalidToken(element)) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'remove' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty.", ); } this.#set.delete(element); } if (size !== this.#set.size) { for (let i = this.#set.size; i < size; i++) { delete this[i]; } this.#setIndices(); } this.#updateClassString(); }
replace( oldToken: string, newToken: string, ): boolean { if ([oldToken, newToken].some((v) => DOMTokenList.#invalidToken(v))) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'replace' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty.", ); } if (!this.#set.has(oldToken)) { return false; }
if (this.#set.has(newToken)) { this.remove(oldToken); } else { this.#set.delete(oldToken); this.#set.add(newToken); this.#setIndices(); this.#updateClassString(); } return true; }
supports(): never { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
toggle( element: string, force?: boolean, ): boolean { if (force !== undefined) { const operation = force ? "add" : "remove"; this[operation](element); return false; } else { const contains = this.contains(element); const operation = contains ? "remove" : "add"; this[operation](element); return !contains; } }
forEach( callback: (value: string, index: number, list: DOMTokenList) => void, ) { for (const [i, value] of this.entries()) { callback(value, i, this); } }
#updateClassString() { this.#value = Array.from(this.#set).join(" "); }}
const setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym = Symbol("setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym");const setAttrValueSym = Symbol("setAttrValueSym");export class Attr extends Node { #namedNodeMap: NamedNodeMap | null = null; #name = ""; #value = ""; #ownerElement: Element | null = null;
constructor( map: NamedNodeMap | null, name: string, value: string, key: typeof CTOR_KEY, ) { if (key !== CTOR_KEY) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); } super(name, NodeType.ATTRIBUTE_NODE, null, CTOR_KEY);
this.#name = name; this.#value = value; this.#namedNodeMap = map; }
[setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym](ownerElement: Element | null) { this.#ownerElement = ownerElement; this.#namedNodeMap = ownerElement?.attributes ?? null;
if (ownerElement) { this._setOwnerDocument(ownerElement.ownerDocument); } }
[setAttrValueSym](value: string) { this.#value = value; }
override _shallowClone(): Attr { const newAttr = new Attr(null, this.#name, this.#value, CTOR_KEY); newAttr._setOwnerDocument(this.ownerDocument); return newAttr; }
override cloneNode(): Attr { return super.cloneNode() as Attr; }
override appendChild(): Node { throw new DOMException("Cannot add children to an Attribute"); }
override replaceChild(): Node { throw new DOMException("Cannot add children to an Attribute"); }
override insertBefore(): Node { throw new DOMException("Cannot add children to an Attribute"); }
override removeChild(): Node { throw new DOMException( "The node to be removed is not a child of this node", ); }
get name(): string { return this.#name; }
get localName(): string { // TODO: When we make namespaces a thing this needs // to be updated return this.#name; }
get value(): string { return this.#value; }
set value(value: any) { this.#value = String(value);
if (this.#namedNodeMap) { this.#namedNodeMap[setNamedNodeMapValueSym]( this.#name, this.#value, true, ); } }
get ownerElement(): Element | null { return this.#ownerElement ?? null; }
get specified(): boolean { return true; }
// TODO get prefix(): string | null { return null; }}
export interface NamedNodeMap { [index: number]: Attr;}
const setNamedNodeMapValueSym = Symbol("setNamedNodeMapValueSym");const getNamedNodeMapValueSym = Symbol("getNamedNodeMapValueSym");const getNamedNodeMapAttrNamesSym = Symbol("getNamedNodeMapAttrNamesSym");const getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym = Symbol("getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym");const removeNamedNodeMapAttrSym = Symbol("removeNamedNodeMapAttrSym");export class NamedNodeMap { static #indexedAttrAccess = function ( this: NamedNodeMap, map: Record<string, string | undefined>, index: number, ): Attr | undefined { if (index + 1 > this.length) { return undefined; }
const attribute = Object .keys(map) .filter((attribute) => map[attribute] !== undefined)[index] ?.slice(1); // Remove "a" for safeAttrName return this[getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym](attribute); }; #onAttrNodeChange: (attr: string, value: string | null) => void;
constructor( ownerElement: Element, onAttrNodeChange: (attr: string, value: string | null) => void, key: typeof CTOR_KEY, ) { if (key !== CTOR_KEY) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } this.#ownerElement = ownerElement; this.#onAttrNodeChange = onAttrNodeChange; }
#attrNodeCache: Record<string, Attr | undefined> = {}; #map: Record<string, string | undefined> = {}; #length = 0; #capacity = 0; #ownerElement: Element | null = null;
[getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym](attribute: string): Attr { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; let attrNode = this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName]; if (!attrNode) { attrNode = this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName] = new Attr( this, attribute, this.#map[safeAttrName] as string, CTOR_KEY, ); attrNode[setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym](this.#ownerElement); }
return attrNode; }
[getNamedNodeMapAttrNamesSym](): string[] { const names: string[] = [];
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(this.#map)) { if (value !== undefined) { names.push(name.slice(1)); // Remove "a" for safeAttrName } }
return names; }
[getNamedNodeMapValueSym](attribute: string): string | undefined { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; return this.#map[safeAttrName]; }
[setNamedNodeMapValueSym](attribute: string, value: string, bubble = false) { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; if (this.#map[safeAttrName] === undefined) { this.#length++;
if (this.#length > this.#capacity) { this.#capacity = this.#length; const index = this.#capacity - 1; Object.defineProperty(this, String(this.#capacity - 1), { get: NamedNodeMap.#indexedAttrAccess.bind(this, this.#map, index), }); } } else if (this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName]) { this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName]![setAttrValueSym](value); }
this.#map[safeAttrName] = value;
if (bubble) { this.#onAttrNodeChange(attribute, value); } }
/** * Called when an attribute is removed from * an element */ [removeNamedNodeMapAttrSym](attribute: string) { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; if (this.#map[safeAttrName] !== undefined) { this.#length--; this.#map[safeAttrName] = undefined; this.#onAttrNodeChange(attribute, null);
const attrNode = this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName]; if (attrNode) { attrNode[setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym](null); this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName] = undefined; } } }
*[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<Attr> { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { yield this[i]; } }
get length(): number { return this.#length; }
// FIXME: This method should accept anything and basically // coerce any non numbers (and Infinity/-Infinity) into 0 item(index: number): Attr | null { if (index >= this.#length) { return null; }
return this[index]; }
getNamedItem(attribute: string): Attr | null { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; if (this.#map[safeAttrName] !== undefined) { return this[getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym](attribute); }
return null; }
setNamedItem(attrNode: Attr) { if (attrNode.ownerElement) { throw new DOMException("Attribute already in use"); }
const safeAttrName = "a" +; const previousAttr = this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName]; if (previousAttr) { previousAttr[setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym](null); this.#map[safeAttrName] = undefined; }
attrNode[setNamedNodeMapOwnerElementSym](this.#ownerElement); this.#attrNodeCache[safeAttrName] = attrNode; this[setNamedNodeMapValueSym](, attrNode.value, true); }
removeNamedItem(attribute: string): Attr { const safeAttrName = "a" + attribute; if (this.#map[safeAttrName] !== undefined) { const attrNode = this[getNamedNodeMapAttrNodeSym](attribute); this[removeNamedNodeMapAttrSym](attribute); return attrNode; }
throw new DOMException("Node was not found"); }}
const XML_NAMESTART_CHAR_RE_SRC = ":A-Za-z_" + String.raw`\u{C0}-\u{D6}\u{D8}-\u{F6}\u{F8}-\u{2FF}\u{370}-\u{37D}` + String .raw`\u{37F}-\u{1FFF}\u{200C}-\u{200D}\u{2070}-\u{218F}\u{2C00}-\u{2FEF}` + String .raw`\u{3001}-\u{D7FF}\u{F900}-\u{FDCF}\u{FDF0}-\u{FFFD}\u{10000}-\u{EFFFF}`;const XML_NAME_CHAR_RE_SRC = XML_NAMESTART_CHAR_RE_SRC + String.raw`\u{B7}\u{0300}-\u{036F}\u{203F}-\u{2040}0-9.-`;const xmlNamestartCharRe = new RegExp(`[${XML_NAMESTART_CHAR_RE_SRC}]`, "u");const xmlNameCharRe = new RegExp(`[${XML_NAME_CHAR_RE_SRC}]`, "u");
export class Element extends Node { localName: string; attributes: NamedNodeMap = new NamedNodeMap(this, (attribute, value) => { if (value === null) { value = ""; }
switch (attribute) { case "class": this.#classList.value = value; break; case "id": this.#currentId = value; break; } }, CTOR_KEY);
#datasetProxy: Record<string, string | undefined> | null = null; #currentId = ""; #classList = new DOMTokenList( (className) => { if (this.hasAttribute("class") || className !== "") { this.attributes[setNamedNodeMapValueSym]("class", className); } }, CTOR_KEY, );
constructor( public tagName: string, parentNode: Node | null, attributes: [string, string][], key: typeof CTOR_KEY, ) { super( tagName, NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE, parentNode, key, );
for (const attr of attributes) { this.setAttribute(attr[0], attr[1]);
switch (attr[0]) { case "class": this.#classList.value = attr[1]; break; case "id": this.#currentId = attr[1]; break; } }
this.tagName = this.nodeName = tagName.toUpperCase(); this.localName = tagName.toLowerCase(); }
_shallowClone(): Node { // FIXME: This attribute copying needs to also be fixed in other // elements that override _shallowClone like <template> const attributes: [string, string][] = []; for (const attribute of this.getAttributeNames()) { attributes.push([attribute, this.getAttribute(attribute)!]); } return new Element(this.nodeName, null, attributes, CTOR_KEY); }
get childElementCount(): number { return this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView().length; }
get className(): string { return this.getAttribute("class") ?? ""; }
set className(className: string) { this.setAttribute("class", className); this.#classList.value = className; }
get classList(): DOMTokenList { return this.#classList; }
get outerHTML(): string { return getOuterOrInnerHtml(this, true); }
set outerHTML(html: string) { if (this.parentNode) { const { parentElement, parentNode } = this; let contextLocalName = parentElement?.localName;
switch (parentNode.nodeType) { case NodeType.DOCUMENT_NODE: { throw new DOMException( "Modifications are not allowed for this document", ); }
// setting outerHTML, step 4. Document Fragment // ref: case NodeType.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { contextLocalName = "body"; // fall-through }
default: { const { childNodes: newChildNodes } = fragmentNodesFromString(html, contextLocalName!).childNodes[0]; const mutator = parentNode._getChildNodesMutator(); const insertionIndex = mutator.indexOf(this);
for (let i = newChildNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = newChildNodes[i]; mutator.splice(insertionIndex, 0, child); child._setParent(parentNode); child._setOwnerDocument(parentNode.ownerDocument); }
this.remove(); } } } }
get innerHTML(): string { return getOuterOrInnerHtml(this, false); }
set innerHTML(html: string) { // Remove all children for (const child of this.childNodes) { child._setParent(null); }
const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, this.childNodes.length);
// Parse HTML into new children if (html.length) { const parsed = fragmentNodesFromString(html, this.localName); for (const child of parsed.childNodes[0].childNodes) { mutator.push(child); }
for (const child of this.childNodes) { child._setParent(this); child._setOwnerDocument(this.ownerDocument); } } }
get innerText(): string { return this.textContent; }
set innerText(text: string) { this.textContent = text; }
get children(): HTMLCollection { return this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); }
get id(): string { return this.#currentId || ""; }
set id(id: string) { this.setAttribute("id", this.#currentId = id); }
get dataset(): Record<string, string | undefined> { if (this.#datasetProxy) { return this.#datasetProxy; }
this.#datasetProxy = new Proxy<Record<string, string | undefined>>({}, { get: (_target, property, _receiver) => { if (typeof property === "string") { const attributeName = getDatasetHtmlAttrName(property); return this.getAttribute(attributeName) ?? undefined; }
return undefined; },
set: (_target, property, value, _receiver) => { if (typeof property === "string") { let attributeName = "data-";
let prevChar = ""; for (const char of property) { // Step 1. if (prevChar === "-" && lowerCaseCharRe.test(char)) { throw new DOMException( "An invalid or illegal string was specified", ); }
// Step 4. if (!xmlNameCharRe.test(char)) { throw new DOMException("String contains an invalid character"); }
// Step 2. if (upperCaseCharRe.test(char)) { attributeName += "-"; }
attributeName += char.toLowerCase(); prevChar = char; }
this.setAttribute(attributeName, String(value)); }
return true; },
deleteProperty: (_target, property) => { if (typeof property === "string") { const attributeName = getDatasetHtmlAttrName(property); this.removeAttribute(attributeName); }
return true; },
ownKeys: (_target) => { return this .getAttributeNames() .flatMap((attributeName) => { if (attributeName.startsWith?.("data-")) { return [getDatasetJavascriptName(attributeName)]; } else { return []; } }); },
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (_target, property) => { if (typeof property === "string") { const attributeName = getDatasetHtmlAttrName(property); if (this.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { return { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }; } }
return undefined; },
has: (_target, property) => { if (typeof property === "string") { const attributeName = getDatasetHtmlAttrName(property); return this.hasAttribute(attributeName); }
return false; }, });
return this.#datasetProxy; }
getAttributeNames(): string[] { return this.attributes[getNamedNodeMapAttrNamesSym](); }
getAttribute(name: string): string | null { return this.attributes[getNamedNodeMapValueSym](name.toLowerCase()) ?? null; }
setAttribute(rawName: string, value: any) { const name = String(rawName?.toLowerCase()); const strValue = String(value); this.attributes[setNamedNodeMapValueSym](name, strValue);
if (name === "id") { this.#currentId = strValue; } else if (name === "class") { this.#classList.value = strValue; } }
removeAttribute(rawName: string) { const name = String(rawName?.toLowerCase()); this.attributes[removeNamedNodeMapAttrSym](name);
if (name === "class") { this.#classList.value = ""; } }
toggleAttribute(rawName: string, force?: boolean): boolean { const name = String(rawName?.toLowerCase()); if (this.hasAttribute(name)) { if ((force === undefined) || (force === false)) { this.removeAttribute(name); return false; } return true; } if ((force === undefined) || (force === true)) { this.setAttribute(name, ""); return true; } return false; }
hasAttribute(name: string): boolean { return this.attributes[getNamedNodeMapValueSym]( String(name?.toLowerCase()), ) !== undefined; }
hasAttributeNS(_namespace: string, name: string): boolean { // TODO: Use namespace return this.attributes[getNamedNodeMapValueSym]( String(name?.toLowerCase()), ) !== undefined; }
replaceWith(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { this._replaceWith(...nodes); }
remove() { this._remove(); }
append(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.push(...nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, this)); }
prepend(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, 0, ...nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, this)); }
before(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { if (this.parentNode) { insertBeforeAfter(this, nodes, true); } }
after(...nodes: (Node | string)[]) { if (this.parentNode) { insertBeforeAfter(this, nodes, false); } }
get firstElementChild(): Element | null { const elements = this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); return elements[0] ?? null; }
get lastElementChild(): Element | null { const elements = this._getChildNodesMutator().elementsView(); return elements[elements.length - 1] ?? null; }
get nextElementSibling(): Element | null { const parent = this.parentNode;
if (!parent) { return null; }
const mutator = parent._getChildNodesMutator(); const index = mutator.indexOfElementsView(this); const elements = mutator.elementsView(); return elements[index + 1] ?? null; }
get previousElementSibling(): Element | null { const parent = this.parentNode;
if (!parent) { return null; }
const mutator = parent._getChildNodesMutator(); const index = mutator.indexOfElementsView(this); const elements = mutator.elementsView(); return elements[index - 1] ?? null; }
querySelector<T = Element>(selectors: string): T | null { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("Element must have an owner document"); }
return this.ownerDocument!._nwapi.first(selectors, this) as T; }
querySelectorAll<T = Element>(selectors: string): NodeList<T> { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("Element must have an owner document"); }
const nodeList = new NodeList(); const mutator = nodeList[nodeListMutatorSym]();
for (const match of this.ownerDocument!, this)) { mutator.push(match); }
return nodeList; }
matches(selectorString: string): boolean { return this.ownerDocument!._nwapi.match(selectorString, this); }
closest(selectorString: string): Element | null { const { match } = this.ownerDocument!._nwapi; // See note below // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias let el: Element | null = this; do { // Note: Not using `el.matches(selectorString)` because on a browser if you override // `matches`, you *don't* see it being used by `closest`. if (match(selectorString, el)) { return el; } el = el.parentElement; } while (el !== null); return null; }
// TODO: DRY!!! getElementById(id: string): Element | null { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).id === id) { return <Element> child; }
const search = (<Element> child).getElementById(id); if (search) { return search; } } }
return null; }
getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): Element[] { const fixCaseTagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
if (fixCaseTagName === "*") { return <Element[]> this._getElementsByTagNameWildcard([]); } else { return <Element[]> this._getElementsByTagName(tagName.toUpperCase(), []); } }
_getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { search.push(child); (<Element> child)._getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search); } }
return search; }
_getElementsByTagName(tagName: string, search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).tagName === tagName) { search.push(child); }
(<Element> child)._getElementsByTagName(tagName, search); } }
return search; }
getElementsByClassName(className: string): Element[] { return <Element[]> getElementsByClassName(this, className, []); }
getElementsByTagNameNS(_namespace: string, localName: string): Element[] { // TODO: Use namespace return this.getElementsByTagName(localName); }}
UtilTypes.Element = Element;