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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { getLock } from "../constructor-lock.ts";import { fragmentNodesFromString } from "../deserialize.ts";import { Node, NodeType, Text } from "./node.ts";import { NodeList, nodeListMutatorSym } from "./node-list.ts";
export class DOMTokenList extends Set<string> { #onChange: (className: string) => void;
constructor(onChange: (className: string) => void) { super(); this.#onChange = onChange; }
add(token: string): this { if (token === "" || /[\t\n\f\r ]/.test(token)) { throw new Error(`DOMTokenList.add: Invalid class token "${token}"`); } super.add(token); this.#onChange([...this].join(" ")); return this; }
clear() { super.clear(); this.#onChange(""); }
delete(token: string): boolean { const deleted = super.delete(token); if (deleted) { this.#onChange([...this].join(" ")); } return deleted; }
contains(token: string): boolean { return this.has(token); }
_update(value: string | null) { // Using super.clear() and super.add() rather than the overriden methods so // onChange doesn't fire while updating. super.clear(); if (value !== null) { for (const token of value.split(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g)) { // The only empty strings resulting from splitting should correspond to // whitespace at either end of `value`. if (token === "") continue; super.add(token); } } }}
let attrLock = true;export class Attr { #namedNodeMap: NamedNodeMap | null = null; #name: string = "";
constructor(map: NamedNodeMap, name: string) { if (attrLock) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); }
this.#name = name; this.#namedNodeMap = map; }
get name() { return this.#name; }
get value() { return (<{[attribute: string]: string}> <unknown> this.#namedNodeMap)[this.#name]; }}
export class NamedNodeMap { #attrObjCache: { [attribute: string]: Attr; } = {};
private newAttr(attribute: string): Attr { attrLock = false; const attr = new Attr(this, attribute); attrLock = true; return attr; }
getNamedItem(attribute: string) { return this.#attrObjCache[attribute] ?? (this.#attrObjCache[attribute] = this.newAttr(attribute)); }
setNamedItem(...args: any) { // TODO }}
export class Element extends Node { #classList = new DOMTokenList((className) => { if (this.hasAttribute("class") || className !== "") { this.attributes["class"] = className; } }); public attributes: NamedNodeMap & {[attribute: string]: string} = <any> new NamedNodeMap();
#currentId = "";
constructor( public tagName: string, parentNode: Node | null, attributes: [string, string][], ) { super( tagName, NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE, parentNode, ); if (getLock()) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); }
for (const attr of attributes) { this.attributes[attr[0]] = attr[1];
switch (attr[0]) { case "class": this.#classList._update(attr[1]); break; case "id": this.#currentId = attr[1]; break; } }
this.tagName = this.nodeName = tagName.toUpperCase(); }
get className(): string { return this.getAttribute("class") ?? ""; }
get classList(): DOMTokenList { return this.#classList; }
set className(className: string) { this.setAttribute("class", className); this.#classList._update(className); }
get outerHTML(): string { const tagName = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); const attributes = this.attributes; let out = "<" + tagName;
for (const attribute of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes)) { out += ` ${ attribute.toLowerCase() }`;
// escaping: if (attributes[attribute] != null) { out += `="${ attributes[attribute] .replace(/&/g, "&amp;") .replace(/\xA0/g, "&nbsp;") .replace(/"/g, "&quot;") }"`; } }
// Special handling for void elements switch (tagName) { case "area": case "base": case "br": case "col": case "embed": case "hr": case "img": case "input": case "link": case "meta": case "param": case "source": case "track": case "wbr": out += ">"; break;
default: out += ">" + this.innerHTML + `</${ tagName }>`; break; }
return out; }
set outerHTML(html: string) { // TODO: Someday... }
get innerHTML(): string { let out = "";
for (const child of this.childNodes) { switch (child.nodeType) { case NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE: out += (<Element> child).outerHTML; break; case NodeType.TEXT_NODE:
// Special handling for rawtext-like elements. switch (this.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case "style": case "script": case "xmp": case "iframe": case "noembed": case "noframes": case "plaintext": out += (<Text> child).data; break;
default: // escaping: out += (<Text> child).data .replace(/&/g, "&amp;") .replace(/\xA0/g, "&nbsp;") .replace(/</g, "&lt;") .replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); break; }
break; } }
return out; }
set innerHTML(html: string) { // Remove all children for (const child of this.childNodes) { child.parentNode = child.parentElement = null; }
const mutator = this._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, this.childNodes.length);
if (html.length) { const parsed = fragmentNodesFromString(html); mutator.push(...parsed.childNodes[0].childNodes);
for (const child of this.childNodes) { child._setParent(null); child._setOwnerDocument(this.ownerDocument); } } }
get id(): string { return this.#currentId || ""; }
set id(id: string) { this.setAttribute(id, this.#currentId = id); }
getAttribute(name: string): string | null { return this.attributes[name] ?? null; }
setAttribute(name: string, value: any) { const strValue = "" + value; this.attributes[name] = strValue;
if (name === "id") { this.#currentId = strValue; } else if (name === "class") { this.#classList._update(strValue); } }
removeAttribute(name: string) { this.attributes[name] = null as any as string; if (name === "class") { this.#classList._update(null); } }
hasAttribute(name: string): boolean { return this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name); }
hasAttributeNS(_namespace: string, name: string): boolean { // TODO: Use namespace return this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name); }
get nextElementSibling(): Element | null { const parent = this.parentNode;
if (!parent) { return null; }
const index = parent._getChildNodesMutator().indexOf(this); const childNodes = parent.childNodes; let next: Element | null = null;
for (let i = index + 1; i < childNodes.length; i++) { const sibling = childNodes[i];
if (sibling.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { next = <Element> sibling; break; } }
return next; }
get previousElementSibling(): Element | null { const parent = this.parentNode;
if (!parent) { return null; }
const index = parent._getChildNodesMutator().indexOf(this); const childNodes = parent.childNodes; let prev: Element | null = null;
for (let i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const sibling = childNodes[i];
if (sibling.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { prev = <Element> sibling; break; } }
return prev; }
querySelector(selectors: string): Element | null { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("Element must have an owner document"); }
return this.ownerDocument!._nwapi.first(selectors, this); }
querySelectorAll(selectors: string): NodeList { if (!this.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("Element must have an owner document"); }
const nodeList = new NodeList(); const mutator = nodeList[nodeListMutatorSym](); mutator.push(...this.ownerDocument!, this))
return nodeList; }
// TODO: DRY!!! getElementById(id: string): Element | null { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).id === id) { return <Element> child; }
const search = (<Element> child).getElementById(id); if (search) { return search; } } }
return null; }
getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): Element[] { return <Element[]> this._getElementsByTagName(tagName.toUpperCase(), []); }
private _getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { search.push(child); (<Element> child)._getElementsByTagNameWildcard(search); } }
return search; }
private _getElementsByTagName(tagName: string, search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).tagName === tagName) { search.push(child); }
(<Element> child)._getElementsByTagName(tagName, search); } }
return search; }
getElementsByClassName(className: string): Element[] { return <Element[]> this._getElementsByClassName(className, []); }
getElementsByTagNameNS(_namespace: string, localName: string): Element[] { // TODO: Use namespace return this.getElementsByTagName(localName); }
private _getElementsByClassName(className: string, search: Node[]): Node[] { for (const child of this.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ((<Element> child).classList.contains(className)) { search.push(child); }
(<Element> child)._getElementsByClassName(className, search); } }
return search; }}