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ffmpeg wrapper for
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/*** Written & Maintained by only Christiaan 'MierenMans' van Boheemen* Property of Christiaan van Boheemen*/import { EventEmitter } from "";import { readLines } from "";
type Events = { progress: [Progress]; end: [Status]; error: [string]; data:[string]; warn: [string]; test: [string];};
interface Filters { filterName: string; options: Record<string, number>}interface Spawn { ffmpegDir?: string; niceness?: number; fatalError?: boolean; source?: string;}interface Status { success: boolean; code: number;}interface Progress { ETA: Date; percentage: number }
export class FfmpegClass extends EventEmitter<Events> { #input = ""; #ffmpegDir = ""; #outputFile = ""; #niceness = ""; #vbitrate: Array<string> = []; #abitrate: Array<string> = []; #filters: Array<string> = []; #vidCodec: Array<string> = []; #audCodec: Array<string> = []; #stderr: Array<string> = []; #aBR = 0; #vBR = 0; #noAudio = false; #noVideo = false; #outputPipe = false; #inputIsURL = false; #fatalError = true; #Process!: Deno.Process; public constructor(options?:Spawn) { super(); if (options) { Object.entries(options).forEach((j: Array<string>) => { switch (j[0].toLowerCase()) { case "fatalerror": this.#fatalError = Boolean(j[1]); break; case "ffmpegdir": this.#ffmpegDir = j[1]; break; case "niceness": if ( !== "windows") this.#niceness = j[1]; break; case "source": if (j[1].includes('http')) this.#inputIsURL = true; this.#input = j[1]; break; default: throw 'Option "' + j[0] + '" not found! Please remove'; } }) } return this; } public setFfmpegPath(ffmpegDir: string): this { if (ffmpegDir) this.#ffmpegDir = ffmpegDir; return this; } public inputFile(input: string): this { if (input) this.#input = input; return this; } public noAudio(): this { this.#noAudio = true; return this; } public noVideo(): this { this.#noVideo = true; return this; } public audioCodec(codec: string, options: Record<string, string>): this { this.#audCodec = ["-c:a", codec]; if (codec == "" || codec == "null" || codec == "undefined") this.#audCodec = ["-c:a", "undefined"]; if (options) Object.entries(options).forEach(x => this.#audCodec.push("-" + x[0], x[1])); return this; } public videoCodec(codec: string, options: Record<string, string>): this { this.#vidCodec = ["-c:v", codec]; if (codec == "" || codec == "null" || codec == "undefined") this.#vidCodec = ["-c:v", "undefined"]; if (options) Object.entries(options).forEach(x => this.#vidCodec.push("-" + x[0], x[1])); return this; } public audioBitrate(bitrate: number): this { this.#aBR = bitrate; this.#abitrate = ["-b:a", String(bitrate)]; return this; } public videoBitrate(bitrate: number|string, cbr = true): this { const brString = String(bitrate); this.#vBR = parseInt(brString); let bitR: number; switch (brString.charAt(brString.length-1).toLowerCase()) { case "m": bitR = parseInt(brString) * 1000000; break; case "k": default: bitR = parseInt(brString) * 1000; break; } this.#vbitrate = ['-maxrate', String(bitR), '-minrate', String(bitR), "-b:v", String(bitR), '-bufsize', '3M']; if (cbr == false) this.#vbitrate = ['-maxrate', String(bitR * 2), '-minrate', String(bitR / 4), "-b:v", String(bitR), '-bufsize', String(bitR * 5)]; return this; } public videoFilters(...Filters:Array<Filters>): this { Filters.forEach(x => { let temp: string = x.filterName + '="'; Object.entries(x.options).forEach((j, i) => { if (i > 0) {temp += `: ${j[0]}='${j[1]}'`} else {temp += `${j[0]}='${j[1]}'`} }); this.#filters.push(temp); }); return this; } public pipe(): void { this.#outputPipe = true; this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_run(); return; } public save(output: string): void { this.#outputFile = output; this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_run(); return; } private async PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_getPipingData(): Promise<void> { for await (const line of readLines(this.#Process.stdout!)) { if (line) super.emit('data', line); } } private async PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_getProgress(): Promise<void> { let i = 1; let temp: Array<string> = []; let stderrStart = true; let timeS = NaN; let bitrate = NaN; let totalFrames = NaN; let encFound = 0; for await (const line of readLines(this.#Process.stderr!)) { if (line) { if (line.includes('encoder')) encFound++; if (stderrStart === true) { this.#stderr.push(line); if ((i == 8 && !this.#inputIsURL) || (i == 7 && this.#inputIsURL)) { const dur: string = line.trim().replaceAll("Duration: ", ""); const timeArr: Array<string> = dur.substr(0, dur.indexOf(",")).split(":"); timeS = ((Number.parseFloat(timeArr[0]) * 60 + parseFloat(timeArr[1])) * 60 + parseFloat(timeArr[2])); } if ((i == 9 && !this.#inputIsURL) || (i == 8 && this.#inputIsURL)) { const string: string = line.trim(); bitrate = Number.parseFloat(string.substr(string.indexOf('], '), string.indexOf('kb/s,') - string.indexOf('], ')).replaceAll("], ", "").trim()); totalFrames = timeS * Number.parseFloat(string.substr(string.indexOf('kb/s,'), string.indexOf('fps') - string.indexOf('kb/s,')).replaceAll("kb/s,", "").trim()); } if (line.includes("encoder") && (encFound > 3 || i >= 49)) {i = 0;stderrStart = false;} } else { if (i < 13) temp.push(line); if (i == 12) { if (temp[0] == "progress=end") return; let frame: number = Number.parseInt(temp[0].replaceAll("frame=", "").trim()); let fps: number = Number.parseFloat(temp[1].replaceAll("fps=", "").trim()) + 0.01; if (temp[0].includes("frame= ")) { frame = Number.parseInt(temp[1].replaceAll("frame=", "").trim()); fps = Number.parseFloat(temp[2].replaceAll("fps=", "").trim()) + 0.01; } const progressOBJ: Progress = { ETA: new Date( + (totalFrames - frame) / fps * 1000), percentage: Number.parseFloat((frame / totalFrames * 100).toFixed(2)) }; if (!Number.isNaN(fps) && !Number.isNaN(frame)) super.emit('progress', progressOBJ); i = 0; temp = []; } } i++ } } } private PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_clear(input: string): void { switch (input.toLowerCase()) { case "audio": this.#audCodec = []; this.#aBR = 0; this.#abitrate = []; break; case "video": this.#vidCodec = []; this.#vBR = 0; this.#vbitrate = []; this.#filters = []; break; default: if (this.#fatalError) throw new Error("tried to clear input. But no input was specified!\r\nIf you see this. Something is probably fucked"); console.error("tried to clear input. But no input was specified!\r\nIf you see this. Something is probably fucked"); } return; } private PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_formatting(): Array<string> { const temp = [this.#ffmpegDir]; if (this.#niceness !== "") temp.push("-n", this.#niceness);
temp.push("-hide_banner", "-nostats","-y", "-i", this.#input); if (this.#noAudio) { temp.push("-an"); this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_clear("audio"); } if (this.#noVideo) { temp.push("-vn"); this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_clear("video"); } if (this.#audCodec.length > 0) this.#audCodec.forEach(x => temp.push(x)); if (this.#vidCodec.length > 0) this.#vidCodec.forEach(x => temp.push(x)); if (this.#filters.length > 0) temp.push("-vf", this.#filters.join(",")); if (this.#abitrate.length > 0) this.#abitrate.forEach(x => temp.push(x)); if (this.#vbitrate.length > 0) this.#vbitrate.forEach(x => temp.push(x)); temp.push("-progress", "pipe:2"); if (this.#outputPipe) { temp.push("-f", "h264", "pipe:1"); } else { temp.push(this.#outputFile); } return temp; } private PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_errorCheck(): void { const errors: Array<string> = []; if (this.#audCodec.length > 0 && (this.#audCodec.join("").includes("undefined") || this.#audCodec.includes("null"))) {errors.push("one or more audio codec options are undefined")} if (this.#vidCodec.length > 0 && (this.#vidCodec.join("").includes("undefined") || this.#vidCodec.includes("null"))) {errors.push("one or more video codec options are undefined")} if (this.#vbitrate.length > 0 && (this.#vBR == 0 || Number.isNaN(this.#vBR) == true)) {errors.push("video Bitrate is NaN")} if (this.#abitrate.length > 0 && (this.#aBR == 0 || Number.isNaN(this.#aBR) == true)) {errors.push("audio Bitrate is NaN")} if (!this.#input) {errors.push("No input specified!")} if ((!this.#outputFile || this.#outputFile == "") && !this.#outputPipe) {errors.push("No output specified!")} if (!this.#ffmpegDir || this.#ffmpegDir == "") {errors.push("No ffmpeg directory specified!")} if (this.#filters.length > 0 && this.#filters.join("").includes("undefined")) {errors.push("Filters were selected, but the field is incorrect or empty")} if (errors.length > 0) { const errorList: string = errors.join("\r\n"); super.emit('error', errorList); if (this.#fatalError) throw new Error(errorList); } return; } private async PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_run(): Promise<void> { await this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_errorCheck(); this.#Process ={ cmd: await this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_formatting(), stderr: "piped", stdout: "piped" }); if (this.#outputPipe) this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_getPipingData(); this.PRIVATE_METHOD_DONT_FUCKING_USE_getProgress(); const status = await this.#Process.status(); await this.#Process.close(); if (status.success == false) { super.emit('error', this.#stderr.join('\r\n')); } super.emit('end', status); return; }}
export default function ffmpeg(options?: Spawn): FfmpegClass { return new FfmpegClass(options);}