import * as denoKoa from "";
Create a new Accepts object for the given headers. | |
BufReader implements buffering for a Reader object. | |
BufWriter implements buffering for an deno.Writer object. If an error occurs writing to a Writer, no more data will be accepted and all subsequent writes, and flush(), will return the error. After all data has been written, the client should call the flush() method to guarantee all data has been forwarded to the underlying deno.Writer. | |
Reader utility for strings | |
Writer utility for buffering string chunks |
Make an assertion, error will be thrown if | |
Make an assertion that | |
Make an assertion that | |
Executes a function, expecting it to throw. If it does not, then it throws. An error class and a string that should be included in the error message can also be asserted. | |
Executes a function which returns a promise, expecting it to throw or reject. If it does not, then it throws. An error class and a string that should be included in the error message can also be asserted. | |
Create a HTTP server | |
Create an HTTPS server with given options | |
Takes a a url string, |
Interface of HTTP server response. If body is a Reader, response would be chunked. If body is a string, it would be UTF-8 encoded by default. |
Type Aliases
Options for creating an HTTP server. | |
Options for creating an HTTPS server. |