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Helper library for running a Run on Slack Deno function
import { DispatchPayload } from "./dispatch-payload.ts";import { InvocationPayload } from "./types.ts";import { parse, Protocol } from "./deps.ts";
/** * This module should only be used by Run On Slack Infrastructure * The Slack backend this module's code runs on has explicit expectations on how information sent to stdout and stderr are handled by Slack. */export const run = async function (functionDir: string, input: string) { // Directory containing functions must be provided when invoking this script. if (!functionDir) { throw new Error("Missing function-directory argument!"); } functionDir = `file://${await Deno.realPath(functionDir)}`;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const payload: InvocationPayload<any> = JSON.parse(input);
// Dummy protocol interface object that just directs relevant log/warn/error logging // to their usual locations; not relevant for ROSI apps, thus we provide this simple wrapper const hookCLI: Protocol = { name: "ROSIProtocol", log: console.log, warn: console.warn, error: console.error, respond: () => {}, }; // For the hosted runtime, we only support js files named w/ the callback_id // They should already be bundled into single files as part of the package uploaded // See the deno-slack-hooks repo for how the bundling and package is done const resp = await DispatchPayload( payload, hookCLI, (functionCallbackId) => { return `${functionDir}/${functionCallbackId}.js`; }, );
return resp || {};};
// Start a http server that listens on the provided port// This server exposes two routes// GET `/health` Returns a 200 OK// POST `/functions` Accepts event payload and invokes `run`const startServer = async function (port: number) { let server; try { server = Deno.listen({ port }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unable to listen on ${port}, got ${e}`); } for await (const conn of server) { // In order to not be blocking, we need to handle each connection individually // without awaiting the function serveHttp(conn); }
async function serveHttp(conn: Deno.Conn) { // This "upgrades" a network connection into an HTTP connection. const httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn); // Each request sent over the HTTP connection will be yielded as an async // iterator from the HTTP connection. for await (const requestEvent of httpConn) { // The native HTTP server uses the web standard `Request` and `Response` // objects.
const url = new URL(requestEvent.request.url); // A health check route if (requestEvent.request.method == "GET" && url.pathname == "/health") { await requestEvent.respondWith( new Response("OK", { status: 200, }), ).catch((e) => console.log(`Uncaught exception during health check: ${e}`) ); } else if ( requestEvent.request.method == "POST" && url.pathname == "/functions" ) { // TODO: does the following need to be wrapped in a try/catch too? // I think the await text() processes the read stream of the request // Could probably blow up if the connection is interrupted // TODO: I think we want to be intentional about how we use try/catch here. // The in-line promise catch() would only catch issues responding to the // request. The wrapping try{} would catch either userland function exceptions // or JSON stringification of userland response. const body = await requestEvent.request.text(); try { // run the user code const response = await run("functions", body); await requestEvent.respondWith( new Response(JSON.stringify(response), { status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }), ).catch((e) => // TODO: where would this log show up? Since this runs on Slack hosting in a lambda context console.log( `Error responding HTTP 200 to webapp request after running user code: ${e}`, ) ); } catch (e) { const loggable = e.stack ? e.stack : e; console.error( `Caught error from user supplied module: ${loggable}`, ); await requestEvent.respondWith( new Response(`error ${e}`, { status: 500, }), ).catch((e) => console.log(`Error responding HTTP 500 to webapp request: ${e}`) ); } } else { // catch all for any unexpected route await requestEvent.respondWith( new Response( `error unknown route ${requestEvent.request.method} ${url.pathname}`, { status: 404 }, ), ).catch((e) => console.log( `Error responding HTTP 404 to webapp request calling unexpected route: ${e}`, ) ); } } }};
if (import.meta.main) { const args = parse(Deno.args); let port = 8080; // default port if (args.p !== undefined) { port = Number(args["p"]); } // catch non numbers for port if (!Number.isFinite(port)) { throw Error("port must be number"); }
await startServer(port);}