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Sqlite ORM for deno. Tables with relations are not supported.


Create an instance of the ORM:

import { SqliteOrm, SqlTable } from '';
const orm = new SqliteOrm({
    dbPath: 'path/to/database.db'

You can access the database instance directly by orm.db. If you are using an existing database and it contains JSON objects, enable jsonCompatMode in options or objects similar to following will not be parsed.

    "foo": "baz",
    "bar": 0

Create a model:
Use the @orm.model() decorator for creating a new model. After all models are loaded, call orm.modelsLoaded()

class Foo extends SqlTable {


Incase Foo exists in the database but has a different name, use @orm.model('bar'). All Tables have id as a primary key. It can be removed by overriding it and using @orm.ignoreColumn(). Tables are created if they don’t exist. If new columns are added, the table is altered. If a column is removed from the model, it still stays in the database. If you want to rename the property, or the column exists with a different name use @orm.mappedTo('oldName')

Defining columns:
All properties of the table are considered as columns. Column types are automatically inferred from the default value
of the property.

class Foo extends SqlTable {
class Foo extends SqlTable {
  // type is automatically inferred as "string"
  public foo = 'bar'

  // column type is required when property doesn't have a default value
  public bar!: string

  // set a column as a primary key
  public fooId = 0

  // ignore property
  @orm.autoIncrement() // mark it as autoincrement
  public ignored = 0
  // remove id from primary key
  public id = -1

  // automatically marked as nullable
  @orm.nullable() // or manually mark it
  public baz: string | null = null

  // incase the column exists with a different name
  public baa = ''

  // if you don't want to stack multiple decorators, you can do:
  @orm.column({ type: 'string', nullable: true })
  public faz!: string | null

Querying data:

// find a single a row, throws an error (`DBNotFound`) when not found
orm.findOne(Foo, 1) // finds a row in Foo where id = 1
// equivalent to above
orm.findOne(Foo, {
  where: {
    clause: 'id = ?',
    values: [1] // optional when not using placeholders

// same usage as above, but returns a new instance of `Foo` when not found
// you can check if its new from `Foo._new`
orm.findOneOptional(Foo, 1)

// same as `findOne` but returns multiple instances of or rows of Foo
orm.findMany(Foo, {
  where: {
    clause: 'id > 5'
  limit: 10, // optional
  offset: 3 // optional

// save an instance of Foo
const baz = new Foo()

// delete rows from Foo where id = 1
orm.delete(Foo, {
  where: {
    clause: 'id = 1'

// count rows of Foo where id < 5
orm.countWhere(Foo, {
  where: {
    clause: 'id < 5'

// or you can do a more advanced count
orm.aggregateSelect<[foo: string, count: number]>(Foo, {
  select: {
    clause: 'foo, COUNT(baz)'
  group: {
    cols: ['foo']

Saving objects:
Objects are converted to JSON before saving, and parsed when read. If its a class instance then the class should be registered by @registerJsonSerializable()

import { registerJsonSerializable } from '';

// the property "ignored" will be ignored and not saved
class Bar {
  public foo = 'bar'
  public ignored = ''

class Foo extends SqlTable {
  // type is automatically inferred as json
  bar: Record<string, any> = {}
  baz: Bar = new Bar()
import { SqliteOrm, SqlTable } from '';
const orm = new SqliteOrm({
    dbPath: 'path/to/database.db',

// register the class as a table
class Foo extends SqlTable {
  // type is automatically inferred
  public foo = 'baz'

  // type is required when not set
  public bar!: string

  // type is inferred as json
  public baz: Record<string, any> = {
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'baz'
  // ignore this property
  public ignored = ''

const obj = new Foo()

// save the obj

// fetch the saved obj
console.log(db.findOne(Foo, 1))

// count number of rows of `Foo` where id > 1
console.log(db.countWhere(Foo, {
  where: {
    clause: 'id > ?',
    values: [1]