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import { cheerio } from '../deps.ts'import temmeParser, { ExpandedTemmeSelector, NormalSelector, ParentRefSelector, SnippetDefine, TemmeSelector,} from '../parser/mod.ts'import invariant from './invariant.ts'
import { defaultFilterDict, FilterFn } from './filters.ts'import { defaultProcedureDict, ProcedureFn } from './procedures.ts'import { defaultModifierDict, ModifierFn } from './modifiers.ts'import { msg } from './check.ts'import { CaptureResult } from './CaptureResult.ts'import { isAttributeQualifier, isCapture, isCheerioStatic, last, makeNormalCssSelector,} from './utils.ts'
export interface TemmeParser { parse(temmeSelectorString: string): TemmeSelector[]}
export function temme( html: string | cheerio.CheerioAPI | cheerio.Element, selector: string | TemmeSelector[], extraFilters: Record<string, FilterFn> = {}, extraModifiers: Record<string, ModifierFn> = {}, extraProcedures: Record<string, ProcedureFn> = {},) { let $: cheerio.CheerioAPI if (typeof html === 'string') { $ = cheerio.load(html, { decodeEntities: false }) } else if (isCheerioStatic(html)) { $ = html } else { $ = cheerio.load(html) }
let rootSelectorArray: TemmeSelector[] if (typeof selector === 'string') { rootSelectorArray = temmeParser.parse(selector) } else { rootSelectorArray = selector } if (rootSelectorArray.length === 0) { return null }
const filterDict: Record<string, FilterFn> = Object.assign( {}, defaultFilterDict, extraFilters, ) const modifierDict: Record<string, ModifierFn> = Object.assign( {}, defaultModifierDict, extraModifiers, ) const procedureDict: Record<string, ProcedureFn> = Object.assign( {}, defaultProcedureDict, extraProcedures, ) const snippetsMap = new Map<string, SnippetDefine>()
function helper( cntCheerio: cheerio.Cheerio<any>, selectorArray: TemmeSelector[], ): CaptureResult { const result = new CaptureResult(filterDict, modifierDict)
// First pass: process SnippetDefine / FilterDefine / ModifierDefine / ProcedureDefine for (const selector of selectorArray) { if (selector.type === 'snippet-define') { invariant( !snippetsMap.has(, msg.snippetAlreadyDefined(, ) snippetsMap.set(, selector) } else if (selector.type === 'filter-define') { const { name, argsPart, code } = selector invariant(!(name in filterDict), msg.filterAlreadyDefined(name)) const funcString = `(function (${argsPart}) { ${code} })` filterDict[name] = eval(funcString) } else if (selector.type === 'modifier-define') { const { name, argsPart, code } = selector invariant(!(name in modifierDict), msg.modifierAlreadyDefined(name)) const funcString = `(function (${argsPart}) { ${code} })` modifierDict[name] = eval(funcString) } else if (selector.type === 'procedure-define') { const { name, argsPart, code } = selector invariant(!(name in procedureDict), msg.procedureAlreadyDefined(name)) const funcString = `(function (${argsPart}) { ${code} })` procedureDict[name] = eval(funcString) } }
// Second pass: process match and capture for (const selector of expandSnippets(selectorArray)) { if (selector.type === 'normal-selector') { const cssSelector = makeNormalCssSelector(selector.sections) const subCheerio = cntCheerio.find(cssSelector) if (subCheerio.length > 0) { // Only the first element will be captured. capture(result, subCheerio.first(), selector) } if (selector.arrayCapture) { result.add( selector.arrayCapture, subCheerio .toArray() .map(sub => helper($(sub), selector.children).getResult()), ) } } else if (selector.type === 'parent-ref-selector') { const cssSelector = makeNormalCssSelector([selector.section]) if ( { capture(result, cntCheerio, selector) } } else if (selector.type === 'assignment') { result.forceAdd(selector.capture, selector.value) } // else selector.type is 'xxx-define'. Do nothing. } return result }
/** Expand snippets recursively. * The returned selector array will not contain any `SnippetExpand`. * `expanded` is used to detect circular expansion. */ function expandSnippets( selectorArray: TemmeSelector[], expanded: string[] = [], ): ExpandedTemmeSelector[] { const result: ExpandedTemmeSelector[] = [] for (const selector of selectorArray) { if (selector.type === 'snippet-expand') { invariant( snippetsMap.has(, msg.snippetNotDefined(, ) const snippet = snippetsMap.get(! const nextExpanded = expanded.concat( invariant( !expanded.includes(, msg.circularSnippetExpansion(nextExpanded), ) const slice = expandSnippets(snippet.selectors, nextExpanded) result.push(...slice) } else { result.push(selector) } } return result }
/** Capture the node according to the selector. */ function capture( result: CaptureResult, node: cheerio.Cheerio<any>, selector: NormalSelector | ParentRefSelector, ) { const section = selector.type === 'normal-selector' ? last(selector.sections) : selector.section
for (const qualifier of section.qualifiers.filter(isAttributeQualifier)) { if (isCapture(qualifier.value)) { const { attribute, value: capture } = qualifier const attributeValue = node.attr(attribute) if (attributeValue !== undefined) { // capture only when attribute exists result.add(capture, attributeValue) } } }
if (selector.procedure != null) { const { name, args } = selector.procedure const fn = procedureDict[name] invariant(typeof fn === 'function', msg.invalidProcedure(name)) fn(result, node, ...args) } }
return helper($.root(), rootSelectorArray).getResult()}