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A simple validation library for Deno


import { * as denoValidate } from "";

const { isEmail } = denoValidate;

isEmail(""); // true


Function Description
isEmail(str) Checks if the string is an email. str the string to check.
isEmpty(str) Checks if the string is empty. str the string to check.
isLength(str [,options]) Checks if the string’s length falls in a range. str string to check. options defaults to {min: 0, max:undefined}
equals(str, comparison) Checks if str is equal to its comparision.
contains(str, seed [,options]) Checks if str contains the seed. options defaults to {ignoreCase:false,minOccurrences:1}
matches(str, pattern) Checks if str matches the pattern.
isBase32(str) Checks if str is base32 encoded.
isBase58(str) Checks if str is base58 encoded.
isBase64(str) Checks if str is base64 encoded.
isAlpha(str [,locale] [,options]) Checks if str contains only letters (a-zA-Z). locale defaults to en-US. options which can be either strings or Regex will be ignored.