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🤖 Generate, build, handle and deploy your own bot with your favorite language, for Discord, or Telegram, or Slack.
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import { parse } from "";import { readJson } from "./json.ts";
let botwayConfigPath: any = Deno.env.get("HOME") + "/.botway" + "/botway.json";
if ( == "windows") { botwayConfigPath = Deno.env.get("USERPROFILE") + "\\.botway" + "\\botway.json";}
const botwayConfig: any = await readJson(botwayConfigPath);const botConfig: any = parse(await Deno.readTextFile("./.botway.yaml"));
const getBotInfo = (value: string) => { return botConfig["bot"][value];};
export const getToken = () => { if (getBotInfo("lang") != "deno") { console.log("ERROR: Botway is not running in Deno"); } else { try { return botwayConfig["botway"]["bots"][getBotInfo("name")]["bot_token"]; } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.stack || String(err)); } }};
export const getAppId = () => { if (getBotInfo("lang") != "deno") { console.log("ERROR: Botway is not running in Deno"); } else { try { if (getBotInfo("type") == "slack") { return botwayConfig["botway"]["bots"][getBotInfo("name")][ "bot_app_token" ]; } else { return botwayConfig["botway"]["bots"][getBotInfo("name")]["bot_app_id"]; } } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.stack || String(err)); } }};
export const getGuildId = (serverName: string) => { if (getBotInfo("lang") != "deno") { console.log("ERROR: Botway is not running in Deno"); } else if (getBotInfo("type") != "discord") { console.log( "ERROR: This function/feature is only working with discord bots" ); } else { try { return botwayConfig["botway"]["bots"][getBotInfo("name")]["guilds"][ serverName ]["server_id"]; } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.stack || String(err)); } }};
export const getSigningSecret = () => { if (getBotInfo("lang") != "deno") { console.log("ERROR: Botway is not running in Deno"); } else if (getBotInfo("type") != "slack") { console.log("ERROR: This function/feature is only working with slack bots"); } else { try { return botwayConfig["botway"]["bots"][getBotInfo("name")][ "signing_secret" ]; } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.stack || String(err)); } }};