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MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
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import { SQLiteClient } from "../../deps.ts";import type { Connector, ConnectorOptions } from "./connector.ts";import type { QueryDescription } from "../query-builder.ts";import type { FieldValue } from "../data-types.ts";import { SQLTranslator } from "../translators/sql-translator.ts";import type { SupportedSQLDatabaseDialect } from "../translators/sql-translator.ts";
export interface SQLite3Options extends ConnectorOptions { filepath: string;}
export class SQLite3Connector implements Connector { _dialect: SupportedSQLDatabaseDialect = "sqlite3";
_client: SQLiteClient; _options: SQLite3Options; _translator: SQLTranslator; _connected = false;
/** Create a SQLite connection. */ constructor(options: SQLite3Options) { this._options = options; this._client = new SQLiteClient(this._options.filepath); this._translator = new SQLTranslator(this._dialect); }
_makeConnection() { if (this._connected) { return; }
this._connected = true; }
ping() { this._makeConnection();
try { let connected = false;
for (const [result] of this._client.query("SELECT 1 + 1")) { connected = result === 2; }
return Promise.resolve(connected); } catch { return Promise.resolve(false); } }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any query(queryDescription: QueryDescription): Promise<any | any[]> { this._makeConnection();
const query = this._translator.translateToQuery(queryDescription); const subqueries = query.split(/;(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)/);
const results =, index) => { const preparedQuery = this._client.prepareQuery(subquery + ";"); const response = preparedQuery.allEntries(); preparedQuery.finalize();
if (index < subqueries.length - 1) { return []; }
if (response.length === 0) { if (queryDescription.type === "insert" && queryDescription.values) { return { affectedRows: this._client.changes, lastInsertId: this._client.lastInsertRowId, }; }
if (queryDescription.type === "select") { return []; }
return { affectedRows: this._client.changes }; }
return => { const result: Record<string, FieldValue> = {}; for (const [columnName, value] of Object.entries(row)) { if (columnName === "count(*)") { result.count = value as FieldValue; } else if (columnName.startsWith("max(")) { result.max = value as FieldValue; } else if (columnName.startsWith("min(")) { result.min = value as FieldValue; } else if (columnName.startsWith("sum(")) { result.sum = value as FieldValue; } else if (columnName.startsWith("avg(")) { result.avg = value as FieldValue; } else { result[columnName] = value as FieldValue; } } return result; }); });
return Promise.resolve(results[results.length - 1]); }
async transaction(queries: () => Promise<void>) { this._client.query("begin");
try { await queries(); this._client.query("commit"); } catch (error) { this._client.query("rollback"); throw error; } }
close() { if (!this._connected) { return Promise.resolve(); }
this._client.close(); this._connected = false; return Promise.resolve(); }}