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🦕For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port.
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{ "builtins": { "events": "", "fs": "", "os": "", //Partial "path": "", "process": "", //Partial "querystring": "", "timers": "", "util": "", //Partial "global": "", "buffer": "", //Partial "url": "", "assert": "", "crypto": "", //Very partial "stream": "", "child_process": "", "console": "", "cluster": "", "dgram": "", "dns": "", "http": "", "http2": "", "https": "", "inspector": "", "module": "", "net": "", "perf_hooks": "", "readline": "", "repl": "", "string_decoder": "", "sys": "", "tls": "", "tty": "", "v8": "", "vm": "", "wasi": "", "worker_threads": "", "zlib": "" /* Important: built in missing: http, https... Follow evolution of support here: __filename and __dirname supported. */ }, "third_party": { "js-yaml": "", "ts-md5": "garronej/ts-md5", //It is a denoified module, we just need to point to the repo. /* Unfortunately, you still have to use //@ts-ignore when using Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target, key); or other reflect-metadata feature. There is currently no way of loading the types definitions in Deno. See: */ "reflect-metadata": "", "fp-ts": "garronej/fp-ts" /* NOTE: react, react-dom, rxjs and other modules are supported via custom import replacer. Checkout the complete list here: More module coming soon. */ }}