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πŸ‘€ Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
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// Copyright 2020-present the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { existsSync, extname, JSON_SCHEMA, parseYaml, readJson, resolve, globToRegExp,} from "../deps.ts";
import { WatcherConfig } from "./watcher.ts";import { RunnerConfig } from "./runner.ts";import log, { LogConfig } from "./log.ts";
import { merge } from "./merge.ts";import { Args } from "./args.ts";import { Template } from "./templates.ts";
const TS_CONFIG = "denon.config.ts";
const logger = log.prefix("conf");
/** Possible default configuration files. */export const configs = [ "denon", "denon.yaml", "denon.yml", "denon.json",
".denon", ".denon.yaml", ".denon.yml", ".denon.json",
".denonrc", ".denonrc.yaml", ".denonrc.yml", ".denonrc.json",
export const reConfig = new RegExp( configs .map((_) => `**/${_}`) .map((_) => globToRegExp(_).source) .join("|"), // i know, right);
/** The denon configuration format */// export interface DenonConfig extends RunnerConfig {// [key: string]: any;// watcher?: WatcherConfig;// logger?: LogConfig;// args?: Args;// }
export type DenonConfig = RunnerConfig & Partial<CompleteDenonConfig>;
/** Parameters are not optional */export interface CompleteDenonConfig extends RunnerConfig { [key: string]: unknown; watcher: WatcherConfig; logger: LogConfig; args?: Args; configPath: string;}
/** The default denon configuration */export const DEFAULT_DENON_CONFIG: CompleteDenonConfig = { scripts: {}, watcher: { interval: 350, paths: [], exts: ["ts", "tsx", "js", "jsx", "json"], match: ["*.*"], skip: ["**/.git/**"], }, watch: true, logger: {}, configPath: "",};
/** Read YAML config, throws if YAML format is not valid */async function readYaml(file: string): Promise<unknown> { const source = await Deno.readTextFile(file); return parseYaml(source, { schema: JSON_SCHEMA, json: true, });}
/** Safe import a TypeScript file */async function importConfig( file: string,): Promise<Partial<DenonConfig> | undefined> { try { const configRaw = await import(`file://${resolve(file)}`); return configRaw.default as Partial<DenonConfig>; } catch (error) { logger.error(error.message ?? "Error opening ts config config"); return; }}
/** Clean config from malformed strings */function cleanConfig( config: Partial<DenonConfig>, file?: string,): Partial<DenonConfig> { if (config.watcher && config.watcher.exts) { config.watcher.exts = => _.startsWith(".") ? _.substr(0) : _ ); } if (file) { config.configPath = resolve(file); } return config;}
/** Returns, if exists, the config filename */export function getConfigFilename(): string | undefined { return configs.find((filename) => { return existsSync(filename) && Deno.statSync(filename).isFile; });}
/** Reads the denon config from a file */export async function readConfig( file: string | undefined = getConfigFilename(),): Promise<CompleteDenonConfig> { let config: CompleteDenonConfig = DEFAULT_DENON_CONFIG; if (!config.watcher.paths) config.watcher.paths = []; config.watcher.paths.push(Deno.cwd());
if (file) { if (file === TS_CONFIG) { const parsed = await importConfig(TS_CONFIG); if (parsed) { config = merge( config, cleanConfig(parsed as Partial<DenonConfig>, file), ); } } else { try { const extension = extname(file); if (/^\.ya?ml$/.test(extension)) { const parsed = await readYaml(file); config = merge( config, cleanConfig(parsed as Partial<DenonConfig>, file), ); } else if (/^\.json$/.test(extension)) { const parsed = await readJson(file); config = merge( config, cleanConfig(parsed as Partial<DenonConfig>, file), ); } else { try { const parsed = await readJson(file); config = merge( config, cleanConfig(parsed as Partial<DenonConfig>, file), ); } catch { const parsed = await readYaml(file); config = merge( config, cleanConfig(parsed as Partial<DenonConfig>, file), ); } } } catch { logger.warning(`unsupported configuration \`${file}\``); } } } return config;}
/** Reads the denon config from a file */export async function writeConfigTemplate(template: Template): Promise<void> { try {`writing template to \`${template.filename}\``); await Deno.writeTextFile( resolve(Deno.cwd(), template.filename), template.source, ); `\`${template.filename}\` created in current working directory`, ); } catch (e) { logger.error( `\`${template.filename}\` cannot be saved in current working directory`, ); }}