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title: Usage

import Tabs from ‘@theme/Tabs’; import TabItem from ‘@theme/TabItem’;

Denon is designed to work as a drop-in replacement for the deno cli. It also supports configuration files if you want to create shorcuts for your most used commands or you want to fine tune the file watcher.

Working with the CLI

Every command that you usually run with the deno cli works with denon out of the box:

denon run app.ts
denon run --allow-net app.ts
denon run --allow-net app.ts --port=3000

Working with configuration files

Denon also supports scripts inside configurations in your local directory, allowing you to declare script once and then run them just by calling their name.

You can create a configuration as a JSON, YAML, or Typescript file:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "deno run app.ts",
    "test": "deno test --allow-read"
  start: "deno run app.ts"
  test: "deno test --allow-read"
import { DenonConfig } from "";

const config: DenonConfig = {
  scripts: {
    start: "deno run app.ts",
    test: "deno test --allow-read",

export default config;

In the same directory as the configuration you can then run your application by simply typing:

denon start
denon test

Denon configuration is very powerful, you can learn how to tweak script options and file watcher parameters in the Advanced configuration