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πŸ‘€ Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
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// Copyright 2020-2021 the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { log } from "../deps.ts";
import type { Denon, DenonEvent } from "../denon.ts";import type { CompleteDenonConfig } from "./config.ts";import type { ScriptOptions } from "./scripts.ts";
const logger = log.create("daem");
/** Daemon instance. * Returned by Denon instance when * `start(script)` is called. It can be used in a for * loop to listen to DenonEvents. */export class Daemon implements AsyncIterable<DenonEvent> { #denon: Denon; #script: string; #config: CompleteDenonConfig; #processes: { [pid: number]: Deno.Process } = {};
constructor(denon: Denon, script: string) { this.#denon = denon; this.#script = script; this.#config = denon.config; // just as a shortcut }
/** Restart current process. */ private async reload(): Promise<void> {"restarting due to changes...");
if (this.#config.logger.fullscreen) { console.clear(); }
await this.start(); }
private async start(): Promise<ScriptOptions> { const commands =;
// Sequential execution, one process after another is executed, // *sequentially*, the last process is named `main` and is the // one that will actually be demonized. for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { const plog = log.create(`#${i}`); const command = commands[i]; const options = command.options; const last = i === commands.length - 1;
if (last) { if ( && this.#config.watcher.match) { const match = this.#config.watcher.match.join(" ");`watching path(s): ${match}`); } if ( && this.#config.watcher.exts) { const exts = this.#config.watcher.exts.join(",");`watching extensions: ${exts}`); } plog.warning(`starting \`${command.cmd.join(" ")}\``); } else {`starting sequential \`${command.cmd.join(" ")}\``); }
const process = command.exe(); plog.debug(`starting process with pid ${}`);
if (last) { this.#processes[] = process; this.monitor(process, command.options); return command.options; } else { await process.status(); process.close(); } } return {}; }
private killAll(): void { logger.debug( `killing ${Object.keys(this.#processes).length} orphan process[es]`, ); // kill all processes spawned const pcopy = Object.assign({}, this.#processes); this.#processes = {}; for (const id in pcopy) { const p = pcopy[id]; if ( === "windows") { logger.debug(`closing (windows) process with pid ${}`); p.kill("SIGKILL"); p.close(); } else { logger.debug(`killing (unix) process with pid ${}`); p.kill("SIGKILL"); } } }
private async monitor( process: Deno.Process, options: ScriptOptions, ): Promise<void> { logger.debug(`monitoring status of process with pid ${}`); const pid =; let s: Deno.ProcessStatus | undefined; try { s = await process.status(); process.close(); logger.debug(`got status of process with pid ${}`); } catch { logger.debug(`error getting status of process with pid ${}`); } const p = this.#processes[pid]; if (p) { logger.debug(`process with pid ${} exited on its own`); // process exited on its own, so we should wait a reload // remove it from processes array as it is already dead delete this.#processes[pid];
if (s) { // logger status status if (s.success) { if ( {"clean exit - waiting for changes before restart"); } else {"clean exit - denon is exiting ..."); Deno.exit(0); } } else { if ( { logger.error( "app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting ...", ); } else { logger.error("app crashed - denon is exiting ..."); Deno.exit(1); } } } } else { logger.debug(`process with pid ${} was killed`); } }
private async onExit(): Promise<void> { if ( !== "windows") { const signs: Deno.Signal[] = [ "SIGHUP", "SIGINT", "SIGTERM", "SIGTSTP", ]; await Promise.all( => { (async () => { await Deno.signal(s); this.killAll(); Deno.exit(0); })(); })); } }
async *iterate(): AsyncIterator<DenonEvent> { this.onExit(); yield { type: "start", }; const options = await this.start(); if ( { for await (const watchE of this.#denon.watcher) { if (watchE.some((_) => _.type.includes("modify"))) { logger.debug( `reload event detected, starting the reload procedure...`, ); yield { type: "reload", change: watchE, }; await this.reload(); } } } yield { type: "exit", }; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<DenonEvent> { return this.iterate(); }}