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The bundling and minification toolset, made for Deno
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Bundling and minification toolset for Deno


🦕📦 denopack is a CLI tool and a collection of plugins that for bundling Typescript code to be used with Deno or in the browser. This library uses the browser versions of Rollup (bundling) and Terser (compression/minification).

This library is made for Deno and is thus fully usable in Deno as a package or as a CLI app with deno install. No node_modules, npm/yarn scripts, etc are needed.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with deno bundle, but in its current state it is missing several features that are present in the NodeJS ecosystem. The goal is to provide an alternative bundling method that can - together with a plugin system, extending functionality - provide several key wishlist features without turning to Node:

  • Tree shaking comes built-in with Rollup
  • Minification by the usage of the Terser plugin
  • Source Maps (should also come built-in with Rollup, coming soon)
  • File watching (pretty sure this can be implemented, coming soon)
  • Lock file support, specifically in the shape of a plugin, similar to the cacheResolver plugin

More to come, also see the deno bundle roadmap/wishlist over at denoland/deno/issues/4549



deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net -n denopack
eggs install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net -n denopack

NOTE: denopack uses unstable Deno APIs. These APIs are not final and may break, but this does mean --unstable is mandatory!


  $ denopack -i mod.ts

  -v, --version                Display version number
  -i, --input <pathToFile>     The input file (most likely mod.ts)
  -o, --output [pathToFile]    The output file name
  -d, --dir [pathToDir]        The output directory
  -c, --config [pathToConfig]  The config file. Use --defaultConfig for default values
  -p, --print                  Prints the generated bundle to stdout
  --defaultConfig              Prints the default config to stdout
  -h, --help                   Display this message

denopack -i mod.ts
denopack -i mod.ts -o bundle.js
denopack -i mod.ts --dir dist
denopack -c denopack.config.ts
denopack -i mod.ts -o out.js --dir dist -c denopack.config.ts

Usage with script runners

In case you don’t want to globally install denopack, but want to use it locally with script runners: this is absolutely, totally possible since denopack uses 0 NodeJS specific code!

Script runners that should work out-of-the-box:

# example

  start: deno run --unstable --allow-read --allow-write
vr run start -i mod.ts -o bundle.js

      allow-read: true
      allow-write: true
      unstable: true
denox run start -i mod.ts -o bundle.js
  "config": {
    "start": "--unstable --allow-read --allow-write -i mod.ts -o bundle.js"
Commands start


NOTE: both denopack and its plugins use unstable Deno APIs. These APIs are not final and may break, but this does mean --unstable is mandatory!

The CLI itself can run with a base permission of --allow-read, printing to stdout with the -p flag. Writing to file naturally requires --allow-write.

Additionally, the various built-in plugins can require extra permissions like --allow-net and --allow-env. More info can be found here.

Config file

Importing a Rollup config file is supported using the -c <path/to/config> flag and follow the same conventions as Rollup:

  • use default export for your config
  • ideally call it rollup.config.ts or denopack.config.ts


Since the bundling logic - aside file system/network access - is handled by Rollup, the remaining core functionality of denopack is based around plugins that use Deno APIs for key features.

A list of included plugins and a collection of strategies are included in the plugin directory. Documentation from Rollup regarding plugins is available on their docs site.


If you only need plugins or hooks - for example to create a config file - you can import straight from the mod.ts in the plugin directory.

import /* whatever plugins/hooks are needed */ "";

export default {
  file: "mod.ts",
  plugins: [
    /* whatever plugins or hooks were imported */

Usage without CLI

If you want to handle the building/bundling yourself, the toplevel mod.ts also includes rollup that exposes the Rollup Javascript API and several typings.

import {
  rollup /* whatever plugins/hooks are needed */,
} from "";
import type { RollupOptions } from "";

Just like the CLI, you can use it out-of-the-box with deno run or script runners like the ones mentioned up above.

Contributing denopack plugins

Contributing a plugin to the denopack repo is not only extremely welcomed, it’s even encouraged. That does mean a few conventions are in order, extending from the existing Rollup conventions these are:

  • Plugins should have a clear name with a denopack-plugin- prefix
  • Plugins and their documentation should be stored in a separate folder inside the plugin directory
  • Optionally also indicating what the most impactful action is (resolve, load, transform, …). The typescriptCompile plugin is an obvious exception, but do take a look at the naming of the other plugins
  • Use async Deno APIs (readFile not readFileSync, etc.)
  • Document your plugin in English and detail what flags are required! Here’s an example

Contributing denopack hooks

Contributing a hook follows the following conventions:

  • Hooks are stored inside of hooks.ts
  • Hooks are always functions and always return an array of plugins
  • Hooks that use plugins that accept configuration options should a


  • Reddit user u/HarmonicAscendant - unrelated to this library - who coined the name name Denopack
  • The sauropod and package emoji’s courtesy of Twemoji