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import type { Denops } from "";import { load } from "";import { once } from "";import { assertNumber, assertArray, isNumber } from "";
const memo = <A extends unknown[], R extends Promise<unknown>>( f: (denops: Denops, ...args: A) => R,) => { let v: R | undefined; return (denops: Denops, ...args: A): R => { return (denops.meta.mode !== "test" && v) || (v = f(denops, ...args)); };};
const noop = () => { return Promise.resolve();};
const init = memo(async (denops: Denops) => { const path = new URL(".", import.meta.url); path.pathname = path.pathname + "popup.vim"; await load(denops, path);});
/** * popup window style definition. */export type PopupWindowStyle = { row: number; col: number; width: number; height: number; border?: boolean; topline?: number; origin?: | "topleft" | "topright" | "topcenter" | "bottomleft" | "bottomright" | "bottomcenter" | "centercenter";};
/** * popup window information. */export type PopupWindowInfo = { row: number; col: number; width: number; height: number; topline: number;};
/** * Open popup window. */export async function open( denops: Denops, bufnr: number, style: PopupWindowStyle, event?: { onClose: () => unknown; },): Promise<number> { await init(denops); const [onClose] = once(denops, event?.onClose ?? noop); const winid = await"Denops_popup_window_open", bufnr, style, { onClose: [, onClose], }); assertNumber(winid); return winid;}
/** * Move popup window. */export async function move( denops: Denops, winid: number, style: PopupWindowStyle,): Promise<void> { await init(denops); await assert(denops, winid); await"Denops_popup_window_move", winid, style);}
/** * Close popup window. */export async function close(denops: Denops, winid: number): Promise<void> { await init(denops); await assert(denops, winid); await"Denops_popup_window_close", winid);}
/** * Return PopupWindowInfo for the specified winid. */export async function info( denops: Denops, winid: number,): Promise<PopupWindowInfo> { await init(denops); await assert(denops, winid); return await "Denops_popup_window_info", winid, ) as PopupWindowInfo;}
/** * Return the specified winid is visible or not. * * NOTE: If specified winid is not a popup window, this API always return false. */export async function isVisible( denops: Denops, winid: number,): Promise<boolean> { await init(denops); const is = await"Denops_popup_window_is_visible", winid); assertNumber(is); return (is === 1) && isPopupWindow(denops, winid);}
/** * Return the specified winid is popup or not. * * NOTE: If specified winid is not a valid window, this API always return false.*/export async function isPopupWindow( denops: Denops, winid: number,): Promise<boolean> { await init(denops); const is = await"Denops_popup_window_is_popup_window", winid); assertNumber(is); return is === 1;}
const assert = async (denops: Denops, winid: number): Promise<void> => { if (!(await isPopupWindow(denops, winid))) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid winid: ${winid} is not a popup window.`); }};
/** * Return a list of winid of all popup windows. */export async function list( denops: Denops,): Promise<number[]> { await init(denops); const list = await"Denops_popup_window_list"); assertArray(list, isNumber); return list;}