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🌿 Test helper module for denops.vim
function test
import { test } from "";

Registers a test for Denops to be run when deno test is used.

To use this function, the environment variable DENOPS_TEST_DENOPS_PATH must be set to the local path to the denops.vim repository.

The DENOPS_TEST_VIM_EXECUTABLE and DENOPS_TEST_NVIM_EXECUTABLE environment variables allow you to change the Vim/Neovim execution command (default is vim and nvim respectively).

Note that this is a time-consuming process, especially on Windows, since this function internally spawns Vim/Neovim sub-process, which performs the tests.

This function internally uses Deno.test and withDenops to run tests by passing a denops instance to the registered test function.

import { assert, assertFalse } from "";
import { test } from "";

test("vim", "Test with Vim", async (denops) => {
  assertFalse(await"has", "nvim"));


mode: TestDefinition["mode"]
name: string
fn: TestDefinition["fn"]

Registers a test for Denops to be run when deno test is used.

To use this function, the environment variable DENOPS_TEST_DENOPS_PATH must be set to the local path to the denops.vim repository.

The DENOPS_TEST_VIM_EXECUTABLE and DENOPS_TEST_NVIM_EXECUTABLE environment variables allow you to change the Vim/Neovim execution command (default is vim and nvim respectively).

Note that this is a time-consuming process, especially on Windows, since this function internally spawns Vim/Neovim sub-process, which performs the tests.

This function internally uses Deno.test and withDenops to run tests by passing a denops instance to the registered test function.

import { assert, assertFalse } from "";
import { test } from "";

  mode: "nvim",
  name: "Test with Neovim",
  fn: async (denops) => {
    assert(await"has", "nvim"));