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import { RawCreateGuildRolePayload } from '../raw/RawCreateGuildRolePayload.ts';import { integer, Permission, parsePermissionInteger, unparsePermissionInteger } from '../internals/type-aliases.ts';
export interface CreateGuildRolePayload { /** name of the role DEFAULT: "new role" */ name?: string; /** bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions DEFAULT: @everyone permissions in guild */ permissions?: Permission[]; /** RGB color value DEFAULT: 0 */ color?: integer; /** whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar DEFAULT: false */ hoist?: boolean; /** whether the role should be mentionable DEFAULT: false */ mentionable?: boolean;}

export function wrapCreateGuildRolePayload(x: RawCreateGuildRolePayload): CreateGuildRolePayload { return { ...x, permissions: x.permissions && parsePermissionInteger(x.permissions), };}
export function unwrapCreateGuildRolePayload(x: CreateGuildRolePayload): RawCreateGuildRolePayload { return { ...x, permissions: x.permissions && unparsePermissionInteger(x.permissions), };}
export const wrapCreateGuildRolePayloadPartial = wrapCreateGuildRolePayload as (x: Partial<RawCreateGuildRolePayload>) => Partial<CreateGuildRolePayload>;
export const unwrapCreateGuildRolePayloadPartial = unwrapCreateGuildRolePayload as (x: Partial<CreateGuildRolePayload>) => Partial<RawCreateGuildRolePayload>;