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🗣 Discord API module
import { RawUser } from '../raw/RawUser.ts';import { toApiCasing, fromApiCasing } from '../internals/casing.ts';import { userMethods } from '../extensions/userMethods.ts';import { UserId, ImageData, UserFlag, parseUserFlagInteger, unparseUserFlagInteger,} from '../internals/type-aliases.ts';import { PremiumType } from '../enum/PremiumType.ts';
export interface User extends ReturnType<typeof userMethods> { /** the user's id identify */ id: UserId; /** the user's username, not unique across the platform identify */ username: string; /** the user's 4-digit discord-tag identify */ discriminator: string; /** the user's avatar hash identify */ avatar: ImageData; /** whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application identify */ bot?: boolean; /** whether the user is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system) identify */ system?: boolean; /** whether the user has two factor enabled on their account identify */ mfaEnabled?: boolean; /** the user's chosen language option identify */ locale?: string; /** whether the email on this account has been verified email */ verified?: boolean; /** the user's email email */ email?: string; /** the flags on a user's account identify */ flags?: UserFlag[]; /** the type of Nitro subscription on a user's account identify */ premiumType?: PremiumType; /** the public flags on a user's account identify */ publicFlags?: UserFlag[]; // METHODS: ../extensions/userMethods.ts}

export function wrapUser(x: RawUser): User { return { ...fromApiCasing(x), flags: x.flags && parseUserFlagInteger(x.flags), publicFlags: x.public_flags && parseUserFlagInteger(x.public_flags), ...userMethods(x), };}
export function unwrapUser(x: User): RawUser { return { ...toApiCasing(x), flags: x.flags && unparseUserFlagInteger(x.flags), public_flags: x.publicFlags && unparseUserFlagInteger(x.publicFlags), };}
export const wrapUserPartial = wrapUser as (x: Partial<RawUser>) => Partial<User>;
export const unwrapUserPartial = unwrapUser as (x: Partial<User>) => Partial<RawUser>;