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import { RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent } from '../raw/RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent.ts';import { toApiCasing, fromApiCasing } from '../internals/casing.ts';import { GuildId } from '../internals/type-aliases.ts';
export interface VoiceServerUpdateEvent { /** voice connection token */ token: string; /** the guild this voice server update is for */ guildId: GuildId; /** the voice server host */ endpoint: string;}

export const wrapVoiceServerUpdateEvent = fromApiCasing as (x: RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent) => VoiceServerUpdateEvent;
export const unwrapVoiceServerUpdateEvent = toApiCasing as (x: VoiceServerUpdateEvent) => RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent;
export const wrapVoiceServerUpdateEventPartial = wrapVoiceServerUpdateEvent as (x: Partial<RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent>) => Partial<VoiceServerUpdateEvent>;
export const unwrapVoiceServerUpdateEventPartial = unwrapVoiceServerUpdateEvent as (x: Partial<VoiceServerUpdateEvent>) => Partial<RawVoiceServerUpdateEvent>;