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Deno dependency management tool.
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Dep is a dependency management tool for Deno. It requires deno 1.0 or greater.

Dep uses import maps to manage your project dependencies, which might be the most concise way so far.

Use dep cli to quickly and easily add any module as a dependency from any arbitrary source you want like dep registry, deno standard library std, deno third party module x or github repository.


Dep provides a fast, global content delivery network (CDN) for every published package on the dep registry. All the modules are served as separate files over HTTP/2 with edge caching. So you can easily import any file directly using a URL like:<package>[@<version>]/<file>

* If you’re building a complex program with deno, you might want to use dep cli to manage project dependencies.



Using deno install:

deno install -A --unstable

* See deno install documentation if you’re new to deno script installer.

Basic Usage

Step 1: Add

Add dependencies by using dep add command.

For example, the following command adds http module from deno standard library.

dep add std:http

Step 2: Import

Import the module with a relative URL in your script.

The following code import server from http module.

import { serve } from 'http/mod.ts'

// your codes...

Step 3: Run

Run your deno program with --importmap flag. Or just use dep start instead.

deno run --importmap=deps.json --unstable <file>

# or
dep start <file>


Usage: dep [command] [flags]

  -v, --version      output the version number
  --verbose          output verbose messages on internal operations
  -h, --help         display help for command

  add                Add a dependency.
  remove             Remove a dependency.
  init               Interactively create a pkg.json file.
  info               Show information about a package.
  signup             Sign up for a dep registry account.
  login              Log in to dep registry.
  logout             Clear login credentials.
  publish            Publish a package to the dep registry.
  start              Start a deno program with automatically generated flags.
  help [command]     display help for command


Add a dependency.

dep add <package...>
# Add a module published on then dep registry.
dep add <module>[@<version>]

# Add a deno standard (std) module.
dep add std:<module>[@<version>]

# Add a deno third party (x) module.
dep add x:<module>[@<version>]

# Add a github repository as dependency. (You can also use the prefix alias gh:)
dep add github:<owner>/<repo>[@<tag>]


Remove a dependency.

dep remove <package...>


Interactively create a pkg.json file.

dep init


Show information about a package.

dep info <package>[@<version>]


Publish a package to the dep registry.

dep publish


Start a deno program with automatically generated flags.

dep start

For more references about dep cli, you can use the dep help command to read any of them once it’s installed.


If you find some issues about dep cli, or a module is not loading correctly, please report them:


Contributions are always welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:

  • Use TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
  • Use underscores in filenames.
  • Make pull requests as descriptive as possible.



Copyright (c) 2020, Acathur