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A simple file server for Deno Deploy that supports single-page applications. Its only dependencies are on the Deno standard library.

deploy_spa_serve avoids filesystem checks on every request (expensive), and instead walks through your project directory on startup and keeps a cache of filepaths (thank you sirv for this idea).


You’ll need to have the Deno Deploy CLI installed on your system or CI.

Then from the root of your static site folder, run the command:

deployctl deploy --project="$PROJECT_NAME"

Environment Variables

From[YOUR_PROJECT_NAME]/settings, you can set the following environment variables.


Optional. You must set this to enable single-page application support, otherwise, the server will treat every route as a file. Using / or /index.html will set the fallback to the root index.html file in your project.


Optional comma-delimited value for when you’d like to route filetype-like paths to your single-page application instead of the filesystem. By default, routes such as /tricky/route/foo.hi will assume it’s a file and route to the filesystem, which may not be what you want. In this case, you can set SPA_GLOBS="**/tricky/route/*.hi" to forward these routes to the single-page application.


Optional comma-delimited value of globs to mark files you’d like to ignore for upload. Currently, the following are already ignored for you:
