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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run -A
import Dfm from "";
import { Shell, Repository, Symlink } from "";
import { fromFileUrl } from "";
import { os } from "";

const dfm = new Dfm({
  dotfilesDir: "~/dotfiles",
  dfmFilePath: fromFileUrl(import.meta.url),

const links: [string, string][] = [
  ["zshrc", "~/.zshrc"],
  ["tmux.conf", "~/.tmux.conf"],
  ["vimrc", "~/.vimrc"],
  ["vim", "~/.vim"],
  ["config/alacritty", "~/.config/alacritty"],

const cmds: string[] = [

let path: string[] = [

if (os() == "darwin") {
  path = path.concat([

} else if (os() == "linux") {
  path = path.concat([])

  new Symlink(dfm, links),
  new Shell({
    env_path: "~/.cache/env",
    cmds: cmds,
    path: path
  new Repository(dfm),
// vim:filetype=typescript

WARNING DFM is a experimental implementation based on my idea

DFM is a dotfiles manager framework written in deno. This library is based on a new (?) design.

  • not a command just library
  • no DSL
  • declarative setting (?)
  • do not depends on your memory

I had the following complaints with my previous Dotfiles manager

  • I always forget command arguments.
  • It is difficult to learn complex DSLs.
  • The installation is complicated and requires many dependencies.

Deno’s dependency resolution system has solved these problems brilliantly.

A single file manages the configuration settings and the commands to execute. Deno automatically resolves dependencies. Since all configuration settings are written in Typescript, conditional branching by the OS can be easily described in a familiar way.

#!/usr/bin/env deno run -A
import Dfm from "";
import { fromFileUrl } from "";

const dfm = new Dfm({
  dotfilesDir: "~/dotfiles",
  dfmFilePath: fromFileUrl(import.meta.url),

  1. Import Dfm module from
  2. make instance of Dfm manager
  3. run command with Dfm.prototype.end()

Save the script as and run then you would get this help.

$ ./

dfm(3) v0.3
    A dotfiles manager written in deno (typescript)

    deno run -A [filename] [SUBCOMMANDS]

    stat	show status of settings
    list	show list of settings
    sync	apply settings
    help	show this help

As it is, it cannot be used as a Dotfiles manager. DFM provides the following functions as plugins.

  • symlink.ts
    • Paste the specified symbolic link starting from the path specified by the dotfilesDir option.
  • cmdcheck.ts
    • Checks if the specified command exists in $PATH.
  • repository.ts
    • It provides a subcommand that executes git commands starting from dotfilesDir, a dir command that outputs dotfilesDir, and an edit command that opens the configuration file itself in $EDITOR.

Please check the examples at the top of the page for specific usage.


Suppose the configuration file described above is placed as dfm in a directory with $PATH.

$ dfm
$ dfm help    # Display help. All subcommands are listed here

$ dfm stat    # The stat() function implemented in Plugin is executed. For example, the Symlink Plugin checks if the link is properly posted and then calls the
$ dfm list    # The list of all loaded Plugins and the list() function implemented in the Plugin are called.
$ dfm sync    # Synchronizes the settings described in the configuration file with the actual PC; the sync() function implemented in the plugin is called

If the configuration is correctly described, the $ dfm list command returns output similar to the above.

Utility functions

You can import these functions from

  • expandTilde()
    • expand “~/”
  • resolvePath(path: string, basedir?: string)
    • ~ $BASEDIR -> $HOME
    • ../ $BASEDIR -> $BASEDIR/../
    • ./ $BASEDIR -> $BASEDIR
    • a $BASEDIR -> $BASEDIR/a
    • ./hoge/hugo -> join($(pwd), “./hoge/hugo”)
    • /hoge/hugo -> “/hoge/hugo”
    • ~/hoge -> “$HOME/hugo”
  • isatty()
    • Same as isatty() in c language
  • os()
    • Determines for which OS Deno was built


Deno imports and executes URLs described in the source code as is. While this feature is convenient, it can easily lead to a supply chain attack if used incorrectly, so care must be taken. In the case of, since guarantees that the source code returned by the URL with a version number is immutable, you can ensure safety by specifying @ in the URL. In the above example, the version number is not attached to the URL for the sake of simplicity, but when actually using the URL, be sure to specify the version and import it.


kotakato (@kat0h)
